Free Essay

Econ 2011


Submitted By dotmax
Words 405
Pages 2
Political Order Checklist for NSAs/Anyone entering Political Orders * Make sure LUR rate card is attached to Fusion Proposal and verify rates/Rate Class match (applies to Local and CCRS orders) * Reject incorrect orders back to the Political Point with specific notation in the History and Notes section of what needs to be corrected * Check for appropriate revenue type that includes Political in its description. A political revenue type is required for both broadcast and streaming political order lines. * Confirm correct Product Code has been entered on the Billing tab. * Add appropriate comment in History and Notes Section * For Non-Preemptible Orders add, “This is a Non-Preemptible Order. All order lines must be changed to a 500 Priority Code.” * For ALL Political Orders enter the name of the Political Point * For ALL Political Orders, enter status of all required forms: “NAB/Inquire forms are attached, or ‘in-house,’ or ‘to come” * For Federal Candidate Orders only (Federal Candidates include those running for President/Vice President, the US Senate, or the US House of Representatives - all other candidates are considered ‘State and Local’ candidates) The Certificate of Candidacy MUST be in-house, attached to the proposal, or received before the first spot airs. In the Notes 1 field, enter the appropriate comment: * “Do NOT air without Certificate of Candidacy” if the certificate has not been received * “Certificate on File” if it is already in house * “Certificate is attached” if it is complete and attached to the proposal * During normal business hours, send political orders to the Business Manager * After hours, send orders to the Traffic Manager designated to handle political orders * For Federal Candidate orders only, if the Certificate of Candidacy is not in-house or attached, it cannot be forwarded to Traffic
DEADLINES FOR ALL ORDERS * The deadline for orders is 4PM for next day air * The production deadline is 5PM for next day air * Mark the spot LOCAL for production and send to the DUB CENTER (if there is not someone in market who handles production.) When sending to the DUB CENTER, add a blog that states, “This is political, please accept after deadline” and it will get done. * COMMUNICATION FOR SAME-DAY/NEXT NATIONAL POLITICAL ORDERS * National will send an email to the market as a notification that and order is coming (similar to other advance network emails) * All paperwork deadlines and order handling apply to National and Local Political orders alike