Free Essay

Economic Policy


Submitted By MSzSzifon
Words 688
Pages 3
Spring, 2012
Assessment schedule

Final mark: 100 % Coursework = term project
The term project is to describe and analyse a real world application of economic policy in a selected country. The main topic suggested is the policy actions implemented to mitigate the local consequences of the worldwide financial/liquidity crises but any other policy issue covered during the semester may provide material for this term project.
The project shall result in a short (2000 words) but formal academic paper. The paper shall meet all the formal requirements set for academic papers and taught here at IBS in different modules.
Students may work in small teams (of at most 2) on collecting relevant information and the description of the situation but shall produce the analyses part individually on complementary (not identical) aspects. The individual sections shall differ from each other in focus and content. Ownership of the individual sections must be indicated clearly. The length of group projects shall be 3000 words.
Deadline: (week 14) 24 May 2012, Thursday, 14:00
Room 221
The final paper must be word processed and submitted on paper and electronically as well! The submission is incomplete unless both copies are received.
Incomplete submissions will not be marked at all (shall receive a mark of 0).
Late submissions (max. 1 week) will be charged a -15% penalty.

The project can be completed by an in-class presentation. Volunteers shall sign up for the presentation at the module leader and discuss the content in advance. Inappropriate presentations will receive no marks.

Criteria of assessment

The paper shall refer to at least three articles from peer-reviewed journals (accessible via the library) or academic books, other than the compulsory readings for the module.
Referencing: the sources of all materials used must be adequately referenced in the text and at the end using the Harvard style of referencing as practised within the Study and Writing Skills module. According to IBS regulations, qualified cases of incomplete referencing are considered as plagiarism and will be reported to the Academic Conduct Officer who’ll conduct the necessary disciplinary procedure.

The HA is to show that You can find the relevant links between some real world sources of information and some of the topics of the semester. It should contain a meaningful analysis of the main issues. Supporting or criticising the main issues, opinions presented using economic arguments discussed throughout the semester should be part of an above average paper. Using diagrams or formulae for explaining some important arguments is welcome but not compulsory. Up- and downgrading shall be based on style, presentation, logic of arguments, the accommodation of formal, structural requirements set for an academic paper.
Markers will assess the following points: * Formal and structural requirements of an academic paper, polished English (spellcheck, etc.) * Recognition of the connections between real world phenomena and textbook material; meaningful application of relevant economic terminology, theories, concepts * Appropriate use of terminology, observation/application of ideas covered, logic of interpretation * Critical analyses of economic ideas and arguments discovered during the research; relating the discovered facts, ideas, arguments, statements to the theories, issues discussed in class * Logical design and explanation of economically well-founded arguments; convincing presentation of personal opinion;

Marking key < 39% content unrelated to the assigned topic; inadequate, confused application of terms, concepts introduced 40 – 49% (historical) description of some relevant events, mainly appropriate application of terms, concepts introduced without significant analyses 50 – 59% mainly appropriate application of terms, concepts introduced; a reasonable analysis of some events, opinions, arguments 60 – 69% appropriate application of terms, concepts introduced; meaningful analyses of some events, opinions, arguments with some flaws, inaccuracies 70+% appropriate application of terms, concepts introduced; accurate analyses of some events, opinions, arguments without major flaws
Up- and downgrading shall be based on style, presentation, logic of arguments, the accommodation of formal, structural requirements set for an academic paper.

[ 1 ]. For details of the Harvard style of referencing, see the right-hand bar of the opening Intranet page.
[ 2 ]. For details of the Harvard style of referencing, see the right-hand bar of the opening Intranet page.

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