...In the ‘Allegory Of The Cave’ Plato suggests a theory in regards to the idea of human perception. It is written as a dialogue between Plato's brother Glaucon and his mentor Socrates. Plato ultimately claims that knowledge gained through the senses is nothing more than a simple opinion. As a result, Plato also claims that in order to have real knowledge, one must gain knowledge through philosophical reasoning. Plato uses his work of the ‘Allegory Of The Cave’ to help distinguish between individuals who are mistaken by the sensory knowledge for truth and individuals who see real truth and gain real knowledge. Plato sets the setting of the story in a cave in which prisoners have resided since birth. The prisoners are chained and shackled, legs bound, and their head tied so they cannot see in any direction other than ahead of them, facing forward at a blank, stonewall. Behind the prisoners is a fire and a raised walkway where people along this walkway create shadows, which are projected onto the stonewall. Since the shadows are only what the prisoners are able to ever view, they are forced to believe that these shadows of a reality, are real. One of the prisoners is freed of his chains and escapes the cave. The sun initially blinds the prisoner until his eyes make natural adjustments. The prisoner then sets his eyes on life outside of the cave in which he is completely shocked at the world he discovers and does not believe it can be real. The prisoner comes to realization...
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...Aspects of Psychology American InterContinental University November 20, 2013 THE CONCEPT OF ADAPTATION 2 Process and Results of Each Experiment Experiment 1 with Sandpaper- After rubbing my index finger on the very coarse sandpaper a few times, I would rate the coarseness on a scale of 7 (very coarse). This experiment gave me a tingling feeling in my finger. After a minute or so from resting my index finger, I ran the same index finger on the sandpaper and found that it wasn’t as coarse as the first time. I would rate its coarseness at a 3 which led my finger to not react to the paper as much as the first time. So I feel that my senses adapted to the coarseness of the sandpaper. Experiment 2 with Sugar Water and Fresh Water- I took one cup and put two teaspoons of sugar in with fresh water and stirred it. In the second cup I only put fresh water in it. I then took the cup with sugar water in it and took a sip and swished it around in my mouth. I noticed that I could feel my taste buds were stimulating but after a few seconds they became less stimulated. When I had tasted the fresh water and swished it around, I noticed that I tasted a hint of salt. It surprised me because I wasn’t expecting to taste salt beings that I didn’t add any to the water. So I believe that the fresh water had more of an affect over the sugar water. Experiment 3 with Cold,...
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...Hearing in Infants Ages Birth to 12 Months: Child Growth and Development Tamesha Robinson Collin College Child Growth and Development TECA 1354 Professor Susy A Mathews Associate Faculty Office SCC B-103 or Child Development Lab School Spring Creek Campus Development of Hearing in the Womb Infants sense of hearing under goes most of its development in the womb (Baby center) states that a baby’s inner ear fully develops by the 20th week of pregnancy. The ability to hear is fully developed at birth. While in the womb, babies can hear your heart beat, your stomach grumbling and the blood moving through the umbilical cord. Babies are even startled by loud noises. The results suggest newborns will gravitate toward and pay more attention to what may be “their mothers melodic sounds than those of other women, and will pay more attention to other similar sounds like female voices in general, than they will to even less similar sounds, like male voices. The findings add to evidence suggesting that prenatal hearing can help infants perceive the sounds of speech. It was long know that newborns can discriminate or perceive most of the acoustic properties of speech. The theoretical view is that these capacities are mostly independent of previous auditory experience and that newborns have a bias or skill for perceiving speech. Scientist...
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... * Different in size and colors allow species to exist * Maybe color be reason species specieate – case color is what is used to separate mating Sensory Perception * Hearing+taste+Chems ~all same thing * Whatever chemicals in water they detect * Olfactory * Some fish have tube openings for nares + other holes * Water enter one opening go through u shaped canal and shoot out other * Inside poeclut is olfactory tissues * Fish hae amazing sense of smell in water * Fish have big olfactory porion of brain * Fish can smell or taste way to streams * Chemicals in water hit nares * Parts of mouth can sense sensitive to chemicals and some through skin * Barbels are covered with sensory cells * Tiny eyes mean nocturnal * Use barbels to detect food * Barbels also used to probe sand with barbels to detect food * Ridculous fleshy lips covered with sensory cells * Hammer head shark have sensory pits all over ( move head side to side * Sense is chemical + tactile (don’t have to touch) * Especially useful in murky water where not using sight * Hammers detect sound waves in air * Sound in water go faster and farther * Sound needs medium * Fish have no external area for hearing * Inner ear pars superior + pars inerior * Upper part not used for hearing * Pars inferior used for hearing (ear bone) * Otolith bony chip * Sound + water near field ~sound wave move and vibrate water...
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...Thematic Unit Plan Miryum Mochkin TEAM Curriculum Development and Planning TEM 730 Etti Siegel October 27, 2013 Thematic Unit Plan In honor of the Holiday of Chanukah, in my Pre-K classroom I plan to spend two weeks dedicated to teaching this topic. This will give you the full spectrum of what and how the pre-k will be learning about this special holiday. The topic will be incorporated so that the children’s learning experience with all five senses. An article in the San Francisco Examiner explained that by incorporating the five senses into the learning experience of a child, “One creates opportunities for each child to reach beyond their abilities. Then they will discover what a wonderful world they have to discover and enjoy” (Heyen 2012). The lesson goal is for the children and be prepared physically, mentally, and spiritually for the holiday. The children will learn the origin and understand all the symbolism surrounding this holiday. The point is to get the children to understand the value of their unique history as a part of the Jewish nation. As a result of this lesson each child will be gain a deeper rooted connection to his individual Jewish identity. There is a collective responsibility to preserve Judaism as a community. Literature will be the initial focus regarding the celebration of Chanukah. Through auditory and visual stimulation provided by the books the children...
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...First Impressions Axia College of University of Phoenix XCOM 200 Julie Harris November 3, 2013 First Impressions Summary My immediate responses to the slides were primarily positive, with the exception of slides six and eleven. Some of those immediate responses were because of familiarity with issues or occurrences, or similar experiences. For some my initial response was on target. The positive images were things that made me smile, I recognized, or the assumptions I made were accurate. The negative responses were to slides that made me uncomfortable or sad as soon as I saw them. For example, the black and white photo I immediately thought of Martin Luther King, especially because of all the clergy representation, and I instantly put it all together. I was happy to see I was correct. On the negative side, pictures that I first saw which made me smile, such as the children who looked to be celebrating and playing, felt like a big letdown, when I read the information and found they were in reality, demonstrating, and I was sad about that. My perception changed on a few when I read the information, some of...
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...Experiment 1: Rub your index fingers gently over a piece of very coarse sandpaper a few times and rate its coarseness on a scale from 1 (very soft) to 7 (very coarse). After a minute or two, rub the same finger over the paper and again rate its coarseness. Did your perception of the coarseness change? How? Record your reaction. Experiment 2: Prepare one cup with sugar water and one with fresh water. Take a sip of the sugar water and swish it around in your mouth for several seconds without swallowing it. Gradually, it should taste less sweet. (Dispose of the sugar water) Taste from the cup containing fresh water. Did the taste of the fresh water surprise you? How? Record your reaction. Experiment 3: Take about 15 index cards and a flashlight that is opaque on all sides (so that light shines only through the front) into a very dark room. Place all 15 cards over the beam of light. Slowly remove the cards one at a time until you can barely detect the light, and then count the number of cards that remain over the light. After a few minutes, the light should begin to look brighter. When this is the case, add cards and see if you can still see the light. Repeat this process of gradually adding cards over a 15-minute period. Were you able to detect an increasingly dim light the longer you spent in the dark? Record your reaction. How many cards did it take to not see the light after time? Experiment 4: Fill 3 medium-sized bowls as follows: Bowl 1 - with very...
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...Commwk5ASSGNROBERSONI How a person perceives themselves and others substantially influences the communication between an individual and other people in every aspect of communication. When we communicate with others we unintentionally start our own individual evaluations, the manner of how they are dressed, if they use eye contact, the tone of their voice, verbiage from whoever is involved to act differently with the other person. The age, sex and familiarity with other people also affect how we communicate, since we differ to others that we respect or speak with. In this essay I will analyze how perceptions are formed by different people but of the same person. It is believed that perceptions are developed at an early age, as different life events take place the influences of our likes and dislikes start to form. After reading a few chapters of Communication in a changing World by Bethami A. Dobkin and Roger C. Pace, I can understand how it is possible for everyone to have different perceptions. Clearly, exposure can influence attraction under a variety of conditions. It is possible; however, that exposure has another important effect on person perception as well. In particular, mere exposure may increase the perceived similarity of others to us. There are two ways in which mere exposure could alter our beliefs about the similarity of others. First, repeated exposure could have A direct effect on perceived similarity, no matter the corresponding changes in attraction...
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...information about what to do and how to run your life, are all involved in the content level. You listen to learn and to understand and to somehow retain information. An important dimension of content–type listening is an ability to detect which messages are accurate, useful, sound, truthful, reliable, and relevant. Type III, relational listening Listening is important not only in relation to getting the content of the message called “deliberative listening” but also in another dimension called “empathic listening.” This empathic dimension to listening includes active listening. Active listening reflects a whole orientation to life and to people–one which implies that to listen is to have the creative power to imagine how it would make sense to say what the other person is saying. It says that the other person (the speaker) is fundamentally important and worth listening to. How do you “do” active listening–by listening to a person without passing judgment on what is being said, and mirroring back what has been said to indicate that you understand the feelings the speaker was putting across. Effective communication is free to happen when threats have been removed. By the mirroring process, you help build...
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...1.How do you think a small margin for error affects communication on a project? In the project for Ball Corporation there is absolutely no room for errors and everyone involved in the project knows it. There is no room for errors everyone is really detailed when sharing information and in delegating assignments. The employees force themselves to pay close attention to every detail because every little detail counts. 2.In what ways do you act differently in a face-to-face meeting than you do during a telephone conference call? When you are in a telephone conference call you don’t have to dress professionally, make eye contact, or even behave appropriately. In a face-to-face meeting you have to dress appropriately, make eye contact, pay close attention, take notes, and act appropriately. 3.Why is written communication essential in some situations (such as conveying specifications), while oral communication is essential in others (such as technology interchange transfers)? Written communication is essential conveying specification because it makes it easier for the receiver to follow the specific steps if any because everything is written down, while oral communication is essential in others. When transferring technology you are also transferring knowledge and skills, which are better captured, by example or hands on training. 4.What listening hurdles do you find yourself facing as you listen to others? How do you handle it when you believe someone you’re speaking...
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...information all goes back to our senses and what we’ve experienced beforehand. But our senses are not always accurate. Throughout our life our senses have enriched our brain, and currently our senses link with our brain as we think. Powerful though they are, our senses do not always deliver accurate data to our brain (Kirby and Goodpaster, 2007). Although that’s said I do believe in the accuracy in senses, like touch. Our senses tells us when we have a bug crawling up our leg, when we are about to trip and fall or when you come in contact with something hot, your sense of feeling would send an instant message to your brain that what you are feeling is extremely hot and that you should pull away, the result would be of you removing your hand quickly based on the sensory message sent to your brain of danger and to move it so that you would not get burned. Another example would be our sense of smell which can give us a signal of many things good and bad. If you smell gas in your home, the first thing that comes to mind is a very dangerous situation. So with this you can definitely trust your sensory information. Sensory memory is an amazing ability. It is considered the shortest term element of our memory. Sensory memory enables us to retain memory of sensory information after the initial stimuli has ended. We have five senses which are: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch which stimulus is received through, very briefly. When you talk about your sense of sight you can feel secure...
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...From Sensation through Perception to Reflection: Twenty minutes passed six, Tuesday morning, December 04, 2012 – many un orchestrated noises coming to my ears - the sighs and low prayers of awakening aged fathers and mothers, the moving feet on slippers, the disturbing sounds of opening and closing windows and doors, ONs and OFFs of the light-switches, the sound of nagging deeply inspired by your style of writing, I badly desired to make this day ‘A Day to Remember’, giving you a bigger challenge of creating simplicity out of complexity. To be frank I did not hate your approach of telling us a number of coincidental stories and portraying perception with your personal experiences and encounters. So our today’s dialogue is to investigate if Sensation is truly the root for our conscious learning. And you should go-bring-bread for breakfast from the nearby shops, the usual drones of cars moving by the main street, the to do this, happily I will take the podium on the remotely ringing bells – which I wished stage and you take the audiences’ seat. they were not school bells, the clucking of hens, the bark of the distant dogs and Mr. W: A challenge! I am glad that you come up with this ‘challenge’, actually I prefer to call this all seemed to be an alarm to my ears. an opportunity, opportunity to better articulate My being deep asleep by that moment showed how much exhausted I was on municate and collaborate with the wider comthe previous day and my late sleep- munity of readers and...
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...facts, information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. It can be implicit (as with practical skill or expertise) or explicit (as with the theoretical understanding of a subject), and it can be more or less formal or systematic. The definitions of perception, interpretation, and knowledge are closely entwined when it comes to the accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information because people perceive all information differently. People have different interpretation of life and how they view certain topics. What may be true to you may not be true to me. Knowledge depends on the experience level of the person involved. Sensory data is your senses, which are seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, and feeling of motion,...
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...Can you really trust your senses and the interpretation of sensory data to give you an accurate view of the world? Describe and discuss the accuracy and the weaknesses of the human senses as they pertain to think in general and to your own thinking in particular. What perception means and how is relate to our senses? According to Joe Stratton (1999) on his book Critical Thinking for college students stated that “perception is the process of selection, organization, and interpretation of the sense-data into mental representation that can be use by the brain and the nerve system to provide content for thought” (p. 17). We can understand as Perception the process by which we receive and interpret information coming from the environment or ourselves. This information is received through the five senses: Sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. Sensory perception is not sufficient to identify the outside world, it is necessary also the intervention of other processes such as attention, memory, and imagination. In other words, perception is how we understand and interpret the world. We perceive the world in certain ways depending on our beliefs is like a filter between us and the reality, the memories and experiences that we have stored in our subconscious mind and our capacity of imagination is responsible for how we can perceive the reality. The perception varies from person to person; different people perceive different things in the same situation. “This sensing-thinking connection...
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...child open up to he wonders of the world by asking intriguing questions: Why is the sky blue? Find the answers together. 5. Plan special family projects. Shared creativity can awaken and develop new talents. 6. Don't pressure your child to learn. If children are sent to special lessons every day in the hope of developing their gifts, they may become too stressed or exhausted to shine. Encourage, but don't push. 7. Have high expectations. But make them realistic. 8. Share your work life. Expose your child to images of success by taking him to work. Let him see you engaged in meaningful activities and allow him to become involved. 9. Provide a sensory-rich environment. Have materials around the home that will stimulate the senses: finger paints, percussion instruments, and puppets. 10. Keep your own passion for learning alive. Your child will be influenced by your example. 11. Don't limit your child with labels. They may saddle her with a reputation that doesn't match her inner gifts. 12. Play games together as a family. 13. Have a regular family time for reading, listening to music, talking. 14. Have reference materials available to give your child access to the world. 15. Allow your child to participate in community activities that interest her. 16. Use humor, jokes, silly stories to encourage creativity. 17. Don't criticize or...
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