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Submitted By maggiext
Words 2431
Pages 10
Chapter 2 Winning Customers and Competing Effectively

1. The five internal performance objectives analysed further by Neely (2008) are cost, quality, flexibility, dependability and speed.
2. Value added is an activity carried out by an organization that increases the worth of a product or service and for which a customer is willing to pay an additional price. An example would be the provision of 'Fairtrade' or organic foods where there is a perceived ethical and social benefit which customers are prepared to pay for.
3. The ability to change a product or service offering to suit customers' needs is called flexibility.
4. The ability of an organization to consistently meet its promises to the customer is called dependability.
5. Designing a set of sales and profit targets for a particular product is known as category management which is a strategic management approach through trade partnerships to satisfy consumer and shoppers' needs.
6. Consumer market segmentation can be divided into four categories, geographic, demographic, behavioural and psychographic.

Chapter 3 Operations Processes and Life Cycles

1. In the craft era the 3 types of operations process were job shop, batch process and simple project.
2. In the mass production era the 4 types of operations process were complex project, batch production, assembly line and continuous flow process.
3. In a materials processing operation, the process which is associated with the highest variety is the project process.
4. In a customer processing operation, the process type with the lowest volume is the professional service, such as a doctor or solicitor who will have their customer visits managed by an appointments diary.
5. In a customer processing operation the process which is characterized by predictable job content and lower skilled employees is the mass service such as a supermarket.
6. The

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