...Individual Analyzing Internet Sources Week 2 What did you learn? I learned more than I expected from the Pearson student lab activities. In the first activity I knew most of the information presented, but in the second activity I learned quite a bit about researching a topic. I did not know that the URL .org is no longer limited to a non-profit or research organization; which makes it harder to use that as a reliable resource but it can still be useful. I learned it is important to look for non-bias opinions, information with publish dates are resourceful, research based, and the best domains to find good information on are .org, .gov, .mil, and .edu. Although just because the site has one of these domains it does not mean the resource is accurate or correct necessarily. What did you not learn? Well as I said in the previous paragraph in the first activity most of the information that was present I acquired before. The comparison between the library and the internet are basic knowledge to most people. The Library is based for research purposes, with trained staff to help you, but closes at certain times. The internet has multiple reasons for use, with no trained assistance, but it never closes. They each have great traits that can be used for study. I also knew it is not safe to purchase items online you must be careful when doing this. You need to do research and make sure the site is reliable. Some people think because a paper has a title and author that it is true but...
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...EDU-213 L. Barnett EDU-213 Brain Function Table Component | Definition | Role in Learning and Development | Neurons | “A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in a number of ways, but there is one key difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body” (Cherry, 2014) | Neurons receive and process new information. “Using selective stimulation, the researchers were able to show that these neo-neurons increase the ability to learn and memorize difficult cognitive tasks” (Role of neo-neurons in learning, memory revealed | KurzweilAI, 2012). | Neurotransmitters | “A substance (as norepinephrine or acetylcholine) that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse” (Neurotransmitter, n.d.). | Neurotransmitters are critical in learning and memory. Neurotransmitters are important for “memory, learning, and behavior among other things” (Lahey & Rosen, n.d.). | Axon | “A usually long and single nerve-cell process that usually conducts impulses away from the cell body” (Axon, n.d.). | “Axons help neurons travel during development” (Sukel, 2015). Basically axons help neurons get to the place in the brain where development can take place. | Myelin sheath | 1. “A layer of myelin surrounding the axons of some neurons —called also medullary sheath” (Myelin sheath, n.d.). | The sheath helps with communication to the...
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...Hillari Cragun August 17, 2014 EDU 213- Educational Psychology Dr. Sharon Graham Brain Function Table Component | Definition | Role in Learning and Development | Neurons | “Cell in the brain or another part of the nervous system that transmits information to other cells.”(COE-GCU Framework 2010, pg. G-8) | The text book states that learning probably brings change to neurons and also could create new ones. | Neurotransmitters | “Chemical substance through which one neuron sends a message to another.”(COE-GCU Framework 2010, pg. G-8) | The neurons send their information to other cells though the neurotransmitters. | Axon | “A long, arm like structure that transmits information on to still other neuron.”(COE-GCU Framework 2010, pg. 23) | The more the axons are used the stronger they become and the faster they fire. | Myelin sheath | “Fatty coating on much of the axon.”(COE-GCU Framework 2010, pg. 23) | The information jumps from axon the axon quicker if it has myelin sheath on it. | Dendrites | Branchlike structures, on a neuron that receive messages from other neurons. (COE-GCU Framework 2010, pg. 22) | The texts states, “When a neuron’s dendrites are stimulated by other neurons (either those in the brain or those extending from other parts of the body), the dendrites become electrically charged. If the total charge reaches a certain level, the neuron fires, sending an electrical impulse along its axon to the terminal buttons.” (pg. 23) | Synapses...
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...Shirley Johnson Edu-213 7/27/14 Stages of Social Development This short essay will describe the various stages of development, and what role social development will play in how I teach in my future classes. There are three levels and six stages of moral reasoning. The first level is called preconventional morality, the second level is conventional morality, and the last level is postconventional morality. Preconventional morality consists of moral reasoning which can be found in most children, because at this level we have to make sure that our children knows how to distinguish right from wrong. At level two, which is the conventional morality stage we have to show our children that being obedient pays off by rewarding them from time to time. At the third postconventional morality stage this is when we determine if the child is bad and/or good at this point. Stage four consists of law and order, stage five consists of a social contract, and level six deals with the universe ethical principles (Daresh, J. C. (2004). There are also three stages of social development, and they are as follows. Stage one is the infant stage, stage two is the toddler stage, and stage three is the preschool stage. At the infant stage this is where our children need our help in everything that they do as far as eating, getting dressed and other mandatory things that are necessary in order for them to survive (King, M., & Blumer, I. (2000). The toddler stage is when our children...
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...<Katie Ramos> <EDU-213 > <11/16/2014> <Kimberly Capron> Stages of Social Development According to Erik Erikson there are eight stages of social development that each child should go through. First of which being learning basic trust versus mistrust, this starts at infancy and continues through two years of age. This occurs when the child is treated with love, care and nurture. When the child does not receive this the child adapts a sense of mistrust and insecurities. The second is learning self-secureness versus shame, a child around the age of two years to four years would show a sense of self they would start to pull out their own independence and self-worth. Children who do not have the care and nurture that they need start to seem to rebel a little, they will show more stubbornness, and throw more tantrums than that of the normal well parented child. The third is learning initiative versus guilt. In this stage it refers to children who are age’s four to seven or as it is often referred to as the “play age.” This is where a child’s imagination starts to heightens form active play. A child learns how to play and share with others. A child who exhibits the need and desire to stick close to an adult, hides away from groups and it will ultimately restrict their play and social habits. The fourth stage of social development is Industry versus Inferiority .In this the child learns to master the more formal skills of life: Being able to relate with...
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...Amber Castro EDU 213- Educational Psychology 8/18/13 Instructor Doyle Evaluation Assignment I have decided to create an informal assessment regarding fluency and comprehension for my eighth grade class. I chose a lesson found online through www.havefunteaching.com. This lesson consists of a reading passage consisting of 506 words. At the end of the passage there are five questions that have been created to assess the student’s comprehension of that passage. For this assessment I plan to individually pull aside each student and explain to them the purpose of this assessment. I will explain that this will be an ongoing assessment that I will use to measure and set goals to make them more effective readers. I will tell them that they should not focus on being timed because as they become more fluent, they will become metacognitive readers. I will use the following form that I have created to keep a record of their progress for future reference. Reading Comprehension Log Student Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Grade Level | Passage Level | Fluency | Comprehension | Notes | Goals for next time | | | | | | | Student Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Grade Level | Passage Level | Fluency | Comprehension | Notes | Goals for next time | | | | | | | Student Name:__________________________________ Date:_____________ Grade Level | Passage Level | Fluency | Comprehension...
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...Sasha Lewis EDU 213- Educational Psychology May 1, 2013 Susana Hallner Stages of social development There are 8 stages to social development based on Erick Erikson’s Theory (Ormrod, 2014, pg. 62). In my opinion, potter and clay, describes effective or ineffective social development. The social development of children has a direct influence on a classroom’s learning environment, as well as the teaching strategies of the classroom teacher. Many times caregivers fall short of helping children to build social skills that will assist them in having positive social relationships. Teachers have the responsibility to meet these needs by helping students to build prosocial skills that will help them to succeed in group settings. The various stages of social development Based on Erickson’s stages of development, the caregiver’s actions towards children will depict the degree of social development (Ormrod, 2014, pg. 62). Trust vs mistrust (infancy), Autonomy vs shame and doubt (toddler years), and initiative vs guilt (preschool years) crucially impact the future sociability of children. Can I trust the world around me? That is the question or concept that is answered in the infancy stage. In this crucial stage of development caregivers can either build trust or distrust as part of the child’s personality. Properly attending to a child’s needs or comforting them when they are scared are examples of ways to teach the child people are dependable and reliable; thus...
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...The Evolving Role of Government in Education Lisa M. Turner EDU 310 Leah Barley July 17, 2011 The Evolving Role of Government in Education State and federal governments were not always a part of the education system in the United States. The United States Constitution did not consider schooling and education. When a new nation was founded, the authority of school functions and operations were delegated to local school districts. Over the years many changes have been made in regards to the authority of schools. State and federal governments are more involved now than they were years ago. States began assuming more responsibility for schools and education after World War II (Guthrie, 2002). This essay will discuss and describe how the evolving role of state and federal government in U.S. education, different cases and laws that have evolved or had an impact on education, and an analysis of the church/state debate in public education. There were originally two models for local school districts: the New England model and the Southern model. The New England model enacted the Old Deluder Satan Act in 1647, which established township school districts. Schools were local or municipal, school boards consisted of laypersons, and the school boards were viewed as a “special” government and their authority was limited to education. The Southern model established parishes, and these states had a heavy reliance on county government. During the early 20th century...
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...THE ADVERSITY QUOTIENT AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS AT ST. JOSEPH’SCOLLEGE, QUEZON CITY An undergraduate thesis Presented to the Faculty of The Departments of Arts and Sciences St. Joseph’s College Quezon City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Psychology By: ZHOU HUIJUAN March, 2009 RECOMMENDATION This Thesis entitled The Adversity Quotient and Academic Performance among College Students at St. Joseph’s College, Quezon City. Submitted by Zhou, Huijuan has been examined and found satisfactory and is hereby recommended for ORAL DEFENSE. Ms. Mildred L. Lazo Thesis Adviser APPROVAL SHEET In Partial fulfillment of the requirements fro the degree of Bachelor of Science in Psychology, this thesis entitled “The Adversity Quotient and Academic Performance among College Students at St. Joseph’s College, Quezon City” was prepared and submitted to the College of Arts and Science by Zhou, Huijuan. Approved by the committee on Oral Defense on March 8, 2009 with a grade of passed. Mrs. Nelia G. Prieto Chair, Liberal Arts Ms. Mildred Lazo Panel Member Mr. Francisco Lambojon Panel Member Accepted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Sciences Major in Psychology. Sr. Josephini P. Ambatali, SFIC Dean Acknowledgement This work would not have been possible without the presence and contribution of many valued individuals. Through this limited paper, I wish to express my...
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...THE ADVERSITY QUOTIENT AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS AT ST. JOSEPH’SCOLLEGE, QUEZON CITY An undergraduate thesis Presented to the Faculty of The Departments of Arts and Sciences St. Joseph’s College Quezon City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Psychology By: ZHOU HUIJUAN March, 2009 RECOMMENDATION This Thesis entitled The Adversity Quotient and Academic Performance among College Students at St. Joseph’s College, Quezon City. Submitted by Zhou, Huijuan has been examined and found satisfactory and is hereby recommended for ORAL DEFENSE. Ms. Mildred L. Lazo Thesis Adviser APPROVAL SHEET In Partial fulfillment of the requirements fro the degree of Bachelor of Science in Psychology, this thesis entitled “The Adversity Quotient and Academic Performance among College Students at St. Joseph’s College, Quezon City” was prepared and submitted to the College of Arts and Science by Zhou, Huijuan. Approved by the committee on Oral Defense on March 8, 2009 with a grade of passed. Mrs. Nelia G. Prieto Chair, Liberal Arts Ms. Mildred Lazo Panel Member Mr. Francisco Lambojon Panel Member Accepted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Sciences Major in Psychology. Sr. Josephini P. Ambatali, SFIC Dean Acknowledgement This work would not have been possible without the presence and contribution of many valued individuals. Through this limited paper, I wish to express my endless, sincerest and eternal...
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...College Credit Through Advanced Standing Produced by the Office of Academic Services This manual is accurate as of the date of publication. As new information becomes available, it will be posted to the online version, available through the Academic Services web site, www.nvcc.edu/aboutnova/directories--offices/administrative-offices/academic/index.html. Revised June 2012 Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3 PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................3 TYPES OF ADVANCED STANDING ...................................................................................................3 GENERAL PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................................4 EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITIES .....................................................................................................5 SECTION 1—CREDITS FROM POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS ........................................ 7 GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................7 GENERAL EDUCATION TRANSFER CREDIT FOR STUDENTS WITH PREVIOUS DEGREES ..................................9 EVALUATION OF INTERNATIONAL TRANSCRIPTS .....................................................................
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...BELHAVEN UNIVERSITY Jackson, Mississippi A CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES FOUNDED IN 1883 CATALOGUE 2014-2015 EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 2014 Directory of Communication Mailing Address: Belhaven University 1500 Peachtree St. Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 535 Chestnut St. Suite 100 Chattanooga, TN 37402 Belhaven University 7111 South Crest Parkway Southaven, MS 38671 Belhaven University – LeFleur 4780 I-55 North Suite 125 Jackson, MS 39211 Belhaven University 15115 Park Row Suite 175 Houston, TX 77084 Belhaven University Online 1500 Peachtree St. Box 279 Jackson, MS 39202 Belhaven University 1790 Kirby Parkway Suite 100 Memphis, TN 38138 Belhaven University 4151 Ashford Dunwoody Rd. Suite 130 Atlanta, GA 30319 Belhaven University 5200 Vineland Rd. Suite 100 Orlando, FL 32811 Traditional Admission Adult and Graduate Studies Admission – Jackson Atlanta Chattanooga Desoto Houston Memphis Orlando Alumni Relations/Development Belhaven Fax Business Office Campus Operations Integrated Marketing Registrar Student Life Security Student Financial Planning Student Development Online Admission Online Student Services (601) 968-5940 or (800) 960-5940 (601) 968-5988 or Fax (601) 352-7640 (404) 425-5590 or Fax (404) 425-5869 (423) 265-7784 or Fax (423) 265-2703 (622) 469-5387 (281) 579-9977 or Fax (281) 579-0275 (901) 896-0184 or Fax (901) 888-0771 (407) 804-1424 or Fax (407) 367-3333 (601) 968-5980 (601) 968-9998 (601) 968-5901 (601) 968-5904 (601) 968-5930 (601) 968-5922...
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...How Much Public and Private Investment in Education Is There? Indicator B3 • On average in OECD countries, 83% of all funds for educational institutions come directly from public sources. • An average of 91% of primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education in OECD countries – and never less than 80%, except in Chile, Korea and the United Kingdom – is paid for publicly. • Compared to primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education, tertiary institutions and, to a lesser extent, pre-primary institutions, obtain the largest proportions of funds from private sources, at 31% and 19%, respectively; but these proportions vary widely between countries. • In all countries for which comparable data are available, public funding on educational institutions, all levels combined, increased between 2000 and 2008. Private spending increased at an even greater rate in more than three-quarters of countries and, on average among OECD countries, the share of private funding for educational institutions increased between 2000 and 2008. Chart B3.1. Share of private expenditure on educational institutions (2008) Primary, secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education Tertiary education 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Chile Korea Japan1 United Kingdom United States Australia Israel Canada1 Portugal Russian Federation OECD average Poland Mexico New Zealand Italy Netherlands Slovak Republic1 Estonia Spain Czech...
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...The Midwest Energy Research Center FINAL REPORT BUSINESS PLAN FOR SOAR ENERGY COOPERATIVE Prepared by Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC On behalf of The Midwest Energy Research Center Findlay, OH December 2001 Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC T ABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... vi Study Objectives ...................................................................................................................... vii 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1 Restructuring Legislation ....................................................................................................... 1 Renewable Generation in Ohio............................................................................................... 2 SOAR Energy Concept......................................................................................................... 3 Feasibility of SOAR Energy................................................................................................... 5 Market Assessment and Marketing Strategy....................................................................6 Market Size ..............................
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...PThe Midwest Energy Research Center FINAL REPORT BUSINESS PLAN FOR SOAR ENERGY COOPERATIVE Prepared by Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC On behalf of The Midwest Energy Research Center Findlay, OH December 2001 Management Consulting Services, Inc. Washington, DC T ABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... vi Study Objectives ...................................................................................................................... vii 1. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3. 3.1 3.4 3.2 3.3 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5. Introduction...........................................................................................................................1 Restructuring Legislation ....................................................................................................... 1 Renewable Generation in Ohio............................................................................................... 2 SOAR Energy Concept......................................................................................................... 3 Feasibility of SOAR Energy................................................................................................... 5 Market Assessment and Marketing Strategy....................................................................6 Market Size .............................
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