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Education Article Reflection


Submitted By jgrodriguez
Words 572
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Adaptive Testing Shaping Instruction What is Personalized Learning? This article discusses the experiences certain school districts have had. It discusses their success and how Personalized Learning worked for them. The key points covered in this article were adaptive testing; lessons learned and test taking accommodations. There are districts that are discovering that assessments have other types of value that extends well beyond just getting students test scores. Students at Waukesha Stem Academy Saratoga Campus find themselves taking adaptive test once a day or even once a month. How often they take a test depends on the subject and how fast they cover their curriculum. The charter school found these customized assessment so beneficial that they decided to use funds from full time educational programs to buy more of this personalized testing. Their reasoning is that students have performed very well on adaptive test since they began using adaptive test, less than 5 percent scored in the 24th percentile or lower on state tests compared to 20 percent five years prior. To the district this showed an inadvertent benefit, the adaptive testing showed the educator just how individualized their instructional approach could be. Because each student is different they were required to fill out learner profiles so that the teachers could use the best adaptive software. They used ALEKS (assessment and learning in knowledge spaces) for math concepts and Achieve 3000 for reading comprehension and writing proficiency. As time passes, computer adaptive testing has become more relevant and more sophisticated. There are about 22 states using adaptive testing. Administrators and teachers have been able to learn important lessons about what works and what doesn’t when using technology and what to tailor to it. Mrs. Lynn Young an executive director for Special Education, states that they can now zero in on why a student may not be getting concepts, usually it’s because early concepts were not learned. They in turn increase practice in those areas to give the student extra help. In some states they are allowed to give test taking accommodations. Some students are allowed to take additional time. They will take exam in two separate sessions. The logic behind this is that students feel less stressed. This will give students more confident when they have time to pace themselves. Teachers state that with adaptive assessments they are able to gain a deeper understanding of their student’s ability levels. I really enjoyed this article. It gave me a deeper knowledge of Adaptive testing. I agree with several points in this article about how as teachers it is of up most importance to know where your students stand. What are their weaknesses, where did they lose instruction so that it can be reinforced? I was pleased to see that they mention Achieve 3000 in this article. My school is implementing this program in our After School program. This is our first year using Achieve 3000 and I am really excited to see how it helps our below performing students. Today I was able to work with a trainer of the Achieve 3000 program and learning how to manipulate the program and pull reports was amazing. You can actually see where the students are in their reading level with a pre assessment that they must take. I can’t wait to see our students progress as they work with this program.

Flanigan, R. (2014, October 1). Adaptive Testing Shaping Instruction. Retrieved October 28, 2014.

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