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Education Of Cyrus Analysis

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Throughout the books on the Education of Cyrus, Cyrus acts as an inclusive leader and does not dictate over those he has acquired to his following. Rather than being the leader who forces his people to follow under strict rules and has control over all decision making, he makes it appear that the people have a voice in decisions, making him appear welcoming to everyone. This quality is very beneficial for him and makes him virtuous because it displays him as Today, this can be seen in United States voting. The people vote for the president in the popular vote, but the true deciding factor is the electoral college. The people are led to believe that their vote matters, and it does have a count in the popular vote, but it barely does in regards …show more content…
One example of where he utilizes mercy is when he decides to strategically release the Armenian and his family, mainly because it solely benefits him and gives him the power of Armenia, which makes him seem merciful and kind to the Armenians. He then invites them to dinner in an attempt to get them to all become his friend. He also, however, uses the fear the Armenians have in order to acquire more of what he wants. Cyrus wants to use the Armenians and their fear of the Chaldaeans in a way so Cyrus can get the two to become allies by merging them together over a common ground, but neither of them want the other to hold the heights that oversees both sides, so Cyrus decides he will guard it, which was exactly what he wanted. Cyrus says that “I shall surrender the heights to neither of you, but we shall guard them” (pg 98: 22). It appears to them that he is doing this to keep them from fighting over it, but he actually is doing it for himself so that he can oversee both of them. He takes the enemies of the Armenians and wages peace between the two so that he has friends within both of them who are willing to fight for him. This example can also show how he gives the two sides the option of one or the other being in charge, but when that is obviously denied, he proposes the idea he had in mind the whole time. By letting them have a voice in the matter, it displays his inclusiveness when it comes to decision making. He knew what he wanted to be chosen, but he proposed two ideas first that would make it so the others do not want to take part in such ideas. These examples embody how strategic he is as well. He knows how to play the right cards in order to gain what he

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