...how the Internet can be used for education. The Internet swiftly entered the life of the humankind in the 20th century. It took us less than ten years to face the fact of its spreading all over the world, including the developing countries. It has become not only the hugest information resource in the world, but – what is even more important – the most rapid means of communication. People from different countries have got an opportunity to communicate with each other in quite a short time. In comparison with a snail-mail or even airmail, e-mail gets over distance and time, frontiers of the states with a lightning speed. Thus, people get closer to each other. They have got a chance to know each other better, to become aware of what is common among nations and can unite them and what is different, what peculiarities of culture and religion should be taken into account to achieve mutual understanding. They gradually come to realize the fact that we all are inhabitants of one planet – the Earth – and have to live together depending on each other, helping each other. But, the Internet is only one of the means to understand this and does not guarantee the comprehension of the people only by the technological and information opportunities that it provides. Everything depends on the people themselves, their mentality, their will and intellect. On the other hand, people in different countries, not only in the cultural and scientific centres, are able to get education in famous universities...
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...行 业 研 究 证券研究报告 #industryId# 传媒与互联网 #title# # 变动 评级:增持 ( invest ) #investSuggestion# 行 业 深 度 研 究 报 告 Sugges tionCh ange# 重点公司 在线教育系列—— 课堂互联网生态渐成型,教学平台入口至上 #createTime1# 2015 年 4 月 10 日 投资要点 重点公司 2015E 2016E 评级 中南传媒 1.03 1.25 买入 立思辰 0.56 0.72 增持 拓维信息 0.40 0.59 增持 全通教育 0.60 0.67 增持 #summary# 中国 K12 教育信息化正挺入课堂教学环节,课堂互联网时代到来。1)中 国 K12 的教育信息化从基础设施的初级铺设、教务系统的基本完成建设, 目前进入课堂教学变革阶段。2)教育信息化是一个庞大的生态体系, “政 府主导,多方参与”的格局即将形成,共享 2015 年 2000 亿元市场蛋糕。 #relatedReport# 相关报告 现代课堂/未来教室解决传统课堂教学痛点,打破课内外割裂,得三尺讲 台者得天下。传统课堂教学痛点一:把最难的部分留给学生课外解决,成 就学霸君刚需;二:传统课堂上老师只照顾了三分之一的学生,并孕育了 庞大的课外辅导市场。现代课堂中,课堂互联网拥有最多、最有价值的教 学行为数据, 得三尺讲台者得天下。 硬件是基础,2014 年全国 PAD56 万台,渗透率不足 1%。我们预计国内 PAD #emailAuthor# 分析师: 和校园 WIFI 相关硬件铺设在未来 10 年会大发展;2)平台是一个连接教 丁婉贝 学管理、内容资源管理和大数据管理的 O2O 教育解决方案和生态体系,群 021-38560742 dingwanbei@xyzq.com.cn 雄逐鹿,参与者有想做集成解决方案的大平台公司,以及从作业、论坛或 S0190515020001 #assAuthor# 张衡 021-38565853 hengzhang@xyzq.com.cn S0190515020001 硬件-平台-内容构成的课堂互联网生态逐渐成型, 平台入口价值巨大。 1) 者社交等某个小的方面切入的中小公司;3)内容重要性后续凸显。更有 用的课本学本、测试题是课堂互联网能够发挥作用的有力保证。 投资建议:互联网+持续推进,我们强烈看好互联网对 K12 课堂的深度变 革将开启一个庞大的课堂互联网生态体系。我们认为,在硬件、平台和内 容三个维度上耕耘的公司都将受益于正在爆发的中国 K12 教育信息化和 贺华平 hehp@xyzq.com.hk 课堂互联网用户培养初期的市场红利。而长远地看,我们看好目前正切入 平台层面、打造整体教育信息化解决方案、积极培养用户习惯的公司。 重点标的: 目前课堂互联网生态在中国渐成型, 但整体产业处于发展初期, 鹿死谁手尚难有定论。因此,我们建议投资者积极把握在线教育的整体主 题性投资机会的同时,积极部署两类公司:1)具备产品创新等内生能力, 并在课堂互联网领域耕耘已久,具备一定先发优势的公司,首推网龙 ...
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...by increased use of the internet have several social and economic implications for different aspects of people’s life. An analysis of the impacts of the internet demands a close examination of its influence on education, culture and social life, entertainment and economy among others. The subject itself is highly debatable due to the conflicting perceptions that people have of the implications of the internet. For some, its use is associated with free access to information and enhanced economic growth while others consider that the technology leads to undesirable consequences such as cultural erosion and cyber crimes (Bughin et al., 2011). Therefore, any attempt to argue that the internet...
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...For the majority of people, it is difficult to imagine what life would be like without the internet. The world of education has also undergone tremendous change since the advent of the internet. It allows students to quickly obtain a vast amount of information on every subject. They also get the convenience of going to class and completing assignments, permitting them to schedule their time with great flexibility. The internet has become one of the easiest, fastest and most effective tools that can be used to explore and comprehend more about the world; however, it is not without problems. The uses of the internet by students changes their thinking patterns, distracts their attention and reduces their interpersonal skills. First of all, let us consider that the internet and search engines make students become lazy in their thinking. Carr (2010) writes that the internet can distract and interrupt people and make them become shallow and dispersive thinkers. Students have come to rely more and more on the internet because using search engines to get information is quicker and more direct than analyzing the information first. Due to distractions and interruptions, people lose the ability to think deeply and distinctively because their brains are not able to create powerful and extensive neural connections (Carr, 2010). In addition, the internet offers some new methods of plagiarism. Students can download free resources and turn in assignments without citations; they can even acquire...
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...Analyzing The Impact Of The Internet Capella University MBA-FP6004 Analyzing The Impact Of The Internet In today's world, employers are looking for a higher standard of education from job applicants. This is forcing high school seniors to pursue a college degree; an increase in demand causes an increase in tuition cost. This adds pressure in the economy, due to the growing amount of student loans and parent’s looking at creative options to cover the cost, such as refinancing their homes. But then, the advancement of technology could change this; however, there are complicated implication that will need to be addressed. Based on my research the major factor of the tuition increases is the reduction of state funding. The reduced state funding impacts universities; they provide 53 percent of the revenue. When the funding is cut, universities will have to cut educational or other services, and raise tuition to cover the gap. The average spend rate, per student is 23% or $2,026, which are less than the recession time. This inward turn is propelling the cost from the state to the student and influencing the universities to look at ways of covering the shortage. See Figure 1, every state except Alaska and North Dakota has cut per-spending funding. [pic] One approach is to increase the acceptance rate of out-of-state students. On average, the in-state tuition cost of a bachelor’s degree is $60,000, and the out-of-state is in the range of $100,000...
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...The impact of institutional mergers on information systems and blended learning provision in South African higher education Andrew Paterson Human Resources Development Research Programme, Human Sciences Research Council Private Bag X41 Pretoria 0001 South Africa Email: anmpaterson@hsrc.ac.za The period within which higher education mergers have taken place on a large scale internationally overlaps with a phase characterized by extremely rapid take-up of information technologies in higher education. This article analyses the implications of institutional mergers for information systems development in the South African higher education system. The analysis is undertaken with particular reference to the new institutional shape as envisaged in the higher education merger plan, and with reference to the characteristics of current higher education information systems. This article will draw attention to the key decisions that can influence the outcome of information systems integration in higher education mergers. Particular emphasis is given to the challenges of planning, and implementing online blended and collaborative curriculum modalities in the context of institutional mergers. Keywords: Information systems, distance learning, online learning, merger, higher education, knowledge management 1 INTRODUCTION Higher education mergers have been undertaken with the view to achieve a variety of goals in a wide range of national systems, including South Africa (Jansen et...
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...of Internet on Global Spread of Education A TERM PAPER IN INTERNATIONAL MARKETING By Ankush Bassi & Manoj Kr. Gupta Roll No.s: S-017 & S-048 2nd Year, 2nd Semester HYPOTHESIS The following hypothesis is to be tested in this term paper: 1. Internet is changing the way education is being delivered across the world 2. Higher education will vigorously adopt new teaching approaches 3. Change in general viewpoint on distance education. 4. Influence of university location will be affected – bricks to click. 5. Collaborative learning will be on increase. INTRODUCTION The dogmas of the quiet past, are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise — with the occasion. -Abraham Lincoln, December 1, 1862 As connection speeds increase and the ubiquity of the Internet pervades, digital content reigns. And in this era, free education has never been so accessible. The Web gives lifelong learners the tools to become autodidacts, eschewing exorbitant tuition and joining the ranks of other self-taught great thinkers in history such as Albert Einstein, Alexander Graham Bell, Paul Allen and Ernest Hemingway. “Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” -Albert Einstein 10 years ago in April 2001, Charles M. Vest, the MIT President at the time, announced that the university would make its materials for all its courses freely available on the Internet. This...
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...INVESTIGATING SPECIAL EDUCATION INTERNET RESOURCES Investigating Special Education Internet Resources Heather Cox Grand Canyon University: SPE-330 January 29, 2012 Investigating Special Education Internet Resources TABLE OF CONTENTS Special Education Associations Page • National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET) 4 • National Education Association (NEA) 4 • International Association for Special Education (IASE) 4 Professional Development • Council for Exceptional Children 5 Legal Rights and Resources for Parents • Ed.gov IDEA 5 • Wrights Law 5 • The ARC 6 • National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY) 6 • American Academy of Child & Adolescence Psychiatry 6 • Parent Pals.com 7 Educational Resources • ePals 7 • Glogster 7 Individual Disability Resources • Time 4 Learning-ADD/ADHD 8 • Ed.gov- Teaching Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders. 8 • Internet 4 Classrooms-Dyslexia 8 • Autism Speaks 9 • MitoAction 9 Special Education Associations National Association of Special Education Teachers (2007). Retrieved January 29, 2012, from http://www.naset.org/ The NASET is a national organization that was founded for future, current and former special education teachers when...
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...In today’s world, the internet has become a very important tool for many thing s in everyday life including education. The internet is a place of a vast wealth of knowledge and information, and is now an essential part of the research process in most students’ lives. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using the internet for educational purposes. Education these days has been the top priority for any family or individual person, and no doubt amongst the latest technologies to promote and maintain the education standards the internet comes first. Internet is not only an access to websites, these days there is knowledge and information on every aspect of the educational world over the internet. The resources provided on various web pages are indeed very informative and useful for professionals and students related to every field of work. The only pre-requisite is the research over the internet for a specific educational topic, and then this information just needs to be filtered to gain the basic knowledge of what you are looking for. Therefore, these are true internet resources which deal with every individual's educational needs. The main use of the internet in education is for research. Students of all ages use the internet to research topics for homework or assignments. It allows students to have easy access to information on a huge variety of topics whenever they need it. However, not all sources on the internet can be trusted. This may lead to students...
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...Prof. Lauren-Elise Kadel 11/16/13 Paper Three- Draft One Technological Education College is an educational institution or establishment. American college is a place that has changed vastly over time. Andrew Delbanco, the author of College What It Was, Is and Should Be, describes the modifications of technology that has changed throughout time. One of the most prominent reasons that college has changed so vastly is due to the advancement of technology. Most college students either have a smartphone or access to Internet. The Internet is an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world. The creation of the Internet has changed Delbanco’s viewpoint completely. Delbanco believes that there is no true discussion or argument a student can have with each other and also takes away the experience of interpersonal communication with one another. All college students, however, need to have an understanding of how the Internet works due to the advanced world in which we live in today. Technology has played such an important role in colleges and indeed changes the nature of college. It is evident that technology, specifically the Internet, is more beneficial to the idea of the proper purpose of college, which is ultimately to attain an earnest job. Kadel/Marfatia 2 In modern classrooms, students are not the only ones who use Internet; professors also rely on it too. For example, most professors post homework...
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...Running head: INTERNET AND EDUCATION IS THE INTERNET A GOOD EDUCATIONAL RESOURCE STEPHANIE HUNT JULY 14, 2013 ENGL 101-D01 Summary In today’s society, students are relying more on the internet for their educational resources. The internet can be a valuable resource in certain situations; however, students should not rely too much on the internet as a resource. Students should use the resources the library has to offer such as books, newspapers, magazines. These resources are more reliable than most internet resources. Resources such as books, newspapers, and magazines are a better choice because they are supported by facts and reliable sources that can be verified. In Judith Levine article “I Surf, Therefore I am” (Salon magazine, 1997) Levine, says, “most of the data my students Net is like trash fish.” I believe she made this statement because she feels most of the information students acquire from the internet is not useful and reliable. Students need to make sure they are getting information from reliable sources. I am guilty of using an internet as a resource to study for a quiz and I did not do well on the quiz because some of the information was not reliable. On another note, the internet has been a valuable educational resource for me and other online students. University’s like Liberty University that offers online education is a great resource for adult learners...
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...LEARNING 2 This article is on a research about the effect of internet-based application on student success in teaching of eighth grade triangles subject which is included in eighth grade units and algebra. A computer program called Vitamin program was used to carry out the study. The experiment group comprised of eighteen, eight grade students and the control group comprised of nineteen, eight grade students. Internet-based teaching materials were used on the experiment group and conventional teaching method materials on the control group. With internet/online education benefits like flexibility, oriented results and small classroom is noted, whilst with conventional education, benefits like classroom face to face with the teacher, source of information from teacher and structure is noted. The research was performed to determine whether the learning levels of eighth grade students using the Vitamin Program is as good as the conventional method. The audience target in this article are students, faculties and department of education. Both groups were looked at closely in terms of the approach, experience, effects and benefits of the teaching methods used. The Vitamin Program used to carry out the study on the experiment group, is a computer software program. This is an education support service used over the internet that was generated and developed by SEBIT. The Vitamin Program is a computer based education product, put into service of teachers and students. The Vitamin Program...
Words: 669 - Pages: 3
...THE BENEFITS AND PROBLEMS OF USING INTERNET IN THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF THE SECOND YEAR EDUCATION STUDENT OF USANT A TERM PAPERPresented to Ms. Catherine Nazarrea Professor in English 2, of the College of Teacher Education University of Saint Anthony San Miguel, Iriga City FRANCIA MAE N. NO BEED-2A OCTOBER 2014 APPROVAL SHEET In partial fulfillment of the requirements for English 2; this term paper entitled BENEFITS AND PROBLEMS OF USING INTERNET IN THE ACADEMIC PERFOMANCE OF THE SECOND YEAR EDUCATION STUDENT OF USANT) has been submitted and respectfully submitted. Submitted by: FRANCIA MAE N. NO BEED-2A Checked and accepted by or as a partial fulfillment with a grade of . Ms. Catherine Nazarrea (Instructor) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This research was made possible with the help of many people whose invaluable assistance in making this research possible. The researcher acknowledged with profound value and gratitude. To god, for guiding us in everyday and not leaving us through the hardship we encounter. To Miss. Catherine Nazarrea, Professor of College of Teacher Education for her support, advice and encouragement, which serve as inspirations in realizing this study. We sincerely thank our parents, family, and friends, who provide the advice and financial support. The product of this research paper would not be possible without all of them. Above all,...
Words: 2793 - Pages: 12
...A Digital Age of Education The classroom is the idyllic staple of what education has been for the past hundred years, yet a time is coming where modern technology finally has the potential to replace and supersede the old and ineffective practices of the past. In this day and age we have the all encompassing interlinked system of the internet We schedule our days, navigate through them, and put our trust in the future through the internet. Is it not only natural that we would find a way to use the internet as a tool in bettering ourselves and educating our students. The methodology used in this new digital frontier of education has surpassed the old stagnating lecture hall style of education with a more efficient and fiscally responsible programs and has brought about a new and important way of learning. While the lecture format of education has proven effective in educating the mass populace, it only could succeed in the format of the group and not the individual. When we think about the ideal form of education, it’s not very difficult to imagine Aristotle tutoring Alexander The Great in ancient Macedonia, the legendary teacher guiding his discussions perfectly to mold and shape Alexander into what he would someday become. This kind of one on one teaching can be considered to be the most perfect style of education, yet it fails for three specific reasons. Firstly, there aren’t enough humans in the world to individually tutor every child born. Secondly, It would be wildly...
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...Matthew Centrella Technology in Education In our lives today we expect technology to make a difference, and particularly in furthering our education. We see technologies effects as beneficial. We look for it to change, and improve, what has come before it. Technology is the set of means without which certain kinds of constructive activity would be almost impossible. It supports our efforts to appeal to different learning styles, which give us a way to interact with each other and extend the learning experiences. It is a good way to extend the essential skills and knowledge of students. By integrating technology into our educational programs it provides students with additional tools to enhance their learning. Technology allows us to demonstrate teaching strategies and also provide teachers with skills to succeed in the classroom. It changes the structure and the manor in which we learn. Such technologies used in education from the past, present and beyond are the typewriter, computer games, Internet, and communication. Technology and Education (the relationship) The relationship between technology and education can be characterized as a process of change and innovation. In the beginning societies depended on oral communication then the written language was developed. Making an alphabet made learning to read and write much easier then in the past. As technologies of written language became prevalent and more people became literate social structures formed. The next big...
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