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Educational Autobiography: My American Dream

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Educational Autobiography
I was born in Chicago spent at least five years in Berwyn, Illinois and then spent the last thirteen years in a town next to Berwyn, named Cicero. It is considered a suburban area, which is densely populated. Cicero is a largely Latino populated town, although many believe that it is slowly becoming more diverse than before. Although there are many hard workers in the town of Cicero many students are under the free breakfast and lunch program. Despite being a large town, many of the people are generally alright with one another and it is a community that wants to continue to grow and do better for itself. I have spent all twelve plus years in public the schools in my town, going from one school to the next as I aged …show more content…
In my educational context, the American dream of the students I went to school with is to, successfully accomplish everything they have intended to. For many students, myself included there were many structures that were in place which are helping me actualize my dream, some being the resources from my school, and the support from the family and friends that I have. Although, not everyone is able to accomplish their American dream as easily and sometimes at all because of factors such as their citizen, and economic status. This world, and especially this country has many factors that prevent people from following their dream, despite how big that dream might be. Living in a largely Latino, and low-income town brings various benefits that help support certain American dreams become realities. The community offers many jobs that don’t completely require certain types of identification which helps those that lack in some documents succeed in accomplishing what it is they need money for without heading down a dangerous path. There are also many programs and systems that are in place to help students learn how to follow their dream, as well as how to best follow it with the certain resources that they

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