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Soren Kierkegaard Research Paper

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Soren Kierkegaard was a Danish Philosopher that was very far ahead of his time on internal studies. The father of existentialism brought “The stages of life’s way” which is his interpretation of a human life’s stages through age, experience, and the journey to creating your true self. The three life stages are the Aesthetic, the Ethical, and the Religious. While you can easily move from an Aesthetic and living for personal passions into an Ethical who has more societal views of betterment; becoming Religious requires you to make a leap of faith and leave behind your Ethical reasoning, and go specifically with god’s will for you individually. While it is hard for someone to understand from the outside looking in; it is very easy to come to terms …show more content…
You can either be a tragic hero or a knight of faith. This life stage does not have downfalls like the ones previously mentioned because god helps pull you away from the psychological disadvantages of being a human. Having to constantly deal with boredom, despair, anxiety, along with any other mental obstacle we have to overcome on almost a daily basis. You have to have a teleogical suspension of the ethical to be able make the leap into being a knight of faith, or a tragic hero. I believe that the two can be confused because of the context of the difference. The knight of faith and tragic hero both can experience the full suspension of ethical, but I believe the main difference is that the tragic hero can do these tasks and explain it to others, and have that person understand and empathize with them. While a knight of faith has followed gods will entirely. Not acting out of order, or able to explain his journey to others because he is solely working for and with god. An excellent example of this is Adam waiting patiently for god to put his brother’s name “Fenton” on his list. If he acted before god asked or in a different way he would be acting aesthetically, or if he did not destroy his brother then he would be acting ethically. Making the leap of faith is becoming the knight of faith. Being able to trust without having to believe or seek immediate justification. Falling into the category of the tragic hero is when you can’t …show more content…
Kierkegaard does an excellent job in his writing making sure people do not have preconceived notions of what life stage he himself is in. He leaves his writing open ended for more personal reflection. While less people truly fall into the religious category, the aesthetic and ethical carries majority of people modern day and in his time when this idea was originated. The Aesthetic is someone that acts out of self-satisfaction, passion, and singular thought and deals with boredom. The Ethical follows man made rules very strictly, has higher principles, ethically and morally, and acts out of accord for others wants and needs still has to deal with despair. Last but not least the Religious, which can be split into two categories, can either fully achieve their potential, or achieve their full, and higher self to become a knight of faith, or they can fail to achieve full ascent and fall to becoming a tragic hero. Within these categories I challenge you to look at yourself, and your own actions to decide for yourself if you believe you are opening yourself up to search for your full self, or if you are stuck in one stage and need to change something’s in your life to better

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