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Educational Institution


Submitted By krizrenz
Words 1626
Pages 7

-refers to the established normative system of providing and receiving education and training

Education- maybe defined as a process of learning that involves developing the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills of a person which leads to change

Educational organizations such as schools, training and development centers, etc. operate for the following educational purposes:

1. Knowledge Acquisition. Schools lay down the foundations for structured learning and providing students with a range of learning tools, materials, and interactive learning experience.

2. Skills development. Schools bring out from the students heir hidden potentials, skills, and talents that are further developed through support and training, and participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

3. Values formation. Schools mould the character of students by imbibing in them the values integrated in the courses or subjects that they take up, as well as the core valuesthat the school promotes through discipline and habit.

4. Socialization. Schools offer a new environment, a second home, a second family with peer groups, and second parents with teachers. The student learns to establish rapport, relations, and attains status recognition.

5. Life preparation. Schools prepare the student for a life of independence, self-reliance, and competence for an occupation or a job. Students learn about task responsibilities and hardships in the pursuit of goals.

Getzels-Guba Model of Organization as a Social System

Educators and social system theorists Jacob W. Getzels and Egon G. Guba view organization as a social process that occurs within a social system in such that the Getzels-Guba Model had become among the widely recognized and useful framework for analyzing the organization within the framework f

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