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Educational Phylosophy


Submitted By AlecxaCassandra
Words 355
Pages 2
Jhessa Sevilla Layag

Youth are considered to be the hope for tomorrow so as the teacher. Today’s world offers an even greater success in the educative process and this won’t be possible without the existence of a teacher. Not just a typical teacher but a very effective and efficient teacher.
They say, “Good teachers are not born but made and trained.” A teacher who knows what the interest are and needs of each student, who is flexible and considerable. Likewise, there are no learners that are born genius or smart, they are also trained by their teacher and this depends on how he/she teaches. A teacher who doesn’t just leave something for the learners to do with but a teacher who helps his/her learners to cope up with the latest educative trends. An effective teacher who is doing the right thing and an efficient teacher who is doing things right. A teacher who facilitates the whole class and guide each student on their own right track.
Learners learn best when they do actual things. When they can apply what they have learned on their daily lives and prepare them on becoming productive citizens which is obtain when there is a wholistic learning that touches their three domains and their multiple intelligences.
All learner is a unique individual who needs secure, caring and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. Students sometimes realize that studying is difficult and it requires a lot of patience, perseverance, sacrifice, inconvenience and discomfort but this also lead them on inner joy, a lifetime glory and success.
As a future teacher, if God will, my main goal is to develop the love of learning to my learners because how will they learn best when they don’t love what they are doing. Also, as a teacher it is required to have enough depth of understanding to the young minds who wants to know all

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