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Submitted By Sarahthey
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Biologi afleveing Mandag d. 16 2013 Annika 2.c


➢ Formål

Formålet ved dette forsøg, er at vise forskellene ved transporten over en cellemembran ved hjælp af osmose.

➢ Fremgangsmåde

Først skar vi kartoflerne ud i seks lige store stykker, da der skal bruges to stykker til hvert glas. Bagefter tørres kartoflere, vejes og lægges ned i glassene, hvor der er saltopløsning i tre forskellige mængder. Efter en halv time tog vi kartoflerne op, tørrede og vejede dem. Vi skrev vægten ned, og undersøgte konsistensen på dem.

➢ Resultater

|Saltopløsning |Vægt før |Vægt efter |Konsistens |
|0% |20,64 g |21,91 g |Mere hård |
|1% |20,92 g |20,92 g |Lidt hård |
|10% |20,99 g |17,94 g |Meget blød |

Der kan havdet været fej, såsom at stykkerne ikke var lige store eller at vi ikke fik tørret kartoflerne ordenligt af.

➢ Diskussion:
1. Kartoflerne tager på i de glas, hvor der er mindst saltopløsning, men de taber sig i de glas, hvor der er mest saltopløsning.
2. Den opløsning der forårsager den største vægtændring hos kartofllen, er den opløsning på 10%. Denne har tabt hele 3,05 g.
3. Den opløsning der forårsager den mindste vægtændring hos kartoflen, er den opløsning på 1%. Denne har slet ikke taget på eller tabt sig.
4. Grunden til at kartoflen tager på i vægt når den ligger i opløsningen hvor der intet/lavt inhold af salt, skyldes at kartoflen suger vandet til sig, da det kun er vand der kan passere en halvgennemtrængelig membran. Og kartoflen som ligger i højt indhold af salt taber sig, fordi salten suger vandt ud af kartoflen. Vandet bliver nødt til at komme ud at kartoflen, da saltet ikke kan trænge igennem.
5. Denne transportform kalder vi for passiv transport, da stofferne bevæger sig fra høj til lav konsentration.

➢ Ekstra spørgsmål:

1. Bakterier og svampe kan ikke leve eller formere sig i varer hvor der er for høj koncentration af salt eller sukker, da de har behov for vand for at leve som andre levende organismer. Så vil salten eller sukkeret suge vandet ud af svampen/bakterierne, og dette vil resultere at de dør til sidst.
2. Træerne tager skade af vejsalt, fordi salten trænger ned gennem jorden når det komme nedbør, og dette gør at det er svært for træget at optage vandet fordi der er for høj koncentration af salt.
3. Sukker og vand kan lindre et bistik, fordi sukkeret vil suge vandet, altså giften, ud fordi sukkeret har en højere koncentration.

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Hi Hi

...Sdfsd fsssssssssssssssssssss sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssss sssss ssssss sss sssssssss ssssssss ssssssssssssssssss ssssssss sssssssssss fsdferwerwerwerwer Wer W W Er W Er W Werw EASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration on Monday will roll out a plan to cut earth-warming pollution from power plants and 30 percent by 2030, setting in motion one of the most significant actions to address global warming in U.S. history. The rule, which is expected to be final next year, will set the first national limits on carbon dioxide, the chief gas linked to global warming from the nation's power plants. They are the largest source of greenhouse gases in the U.S., accounting for about a third of the annual emissions that make the U.S. the second largest contributor to global warming on the planet. The Environmental Protection Agency regulation is a centerpiece of President Barack Obama's plans to reduce the pollution linked to global warming, a step that the administration hopes will get other countries to act when negotiations on a new international treaty resume next year. Despite concluding in 2009 that greenhouse gases endanger human health and welfare, a finding that triggered their regulation under the 1970 Clean Air Act, it has taken years for the administration to take on the nation's fleet of power plants. In December 2010, the Obama administration announced a "modest pace" for setting greenhouse gas standards for power plants...

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The Gods Must Be Crazy

...*Intro* From the dawn of time, (:P) human beings have had a vast range of beliefs. They have advanced from thinking that storms are the sign of the sea God, Poseidon’s wrath to explaining it in scientific terms involving the winds and the positions of the moon. However, is everything science tells us really true? What if the Gods exist to this very day, and roam about in the guise of normal humans? What would occur, if they assembled in one single place? With their egos, different opinions and self-importance, what would happen if we added a little competition to the mix? Chaos. So here’s a little play about our all- time favorite Greek Gods, in which they all decide to take some time off their usual jobs and try something different.  Scene-recruitment room. There’s a table in one corner and some chairs arranged in another. There’s a person at the table, writing something. There’s another shabbily dressed person sitting on a chair and reading something. A pretty receptionist enters the room carrying a cup of coffee which she places on the table. The man looks up, gives her a curt nod and then goes back to what he was doing. The receptionist spots the shabbily dressed guy and walks up to him. Receptionist: You here for the interview? Man looks up at her, nods and then looks back down. She peeks into the manuscript he’s reading and squeals. Receptionist: Oh my god! The Greek Gods! I absolutely LOVE them!! *looks at the title* How can you even call them crazy? Your book...

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