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Submitted By joydeceyxer
Words 769
Pages 4
EESS (Education and Examination for Social Skill): Medical Students Pre-clinic Education and Assessment System based on "Socio Cultural Community" to face the AEC

Jodii Arlan Kurnia1 and Arlinda Silva Prameswari2

1Third Year Medical Student, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Indonesia

2Second Year Medical Student, University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM), Indonesia


Problems of communication in medical field, exactly for clinical phase frequently happen. Fault diagnosis on patients is one of those effect. In some case, doctor and patient himself have different perception to understand the meaning of "mbliyur" (dizziness) from Javanese Language. In fact, 60% diagnosis comes from anamnesis, which is one implementation of the ability to communicate in society. On the other hand, the graduates of Indonesian doctors will be faced with the medical world job competition as an impact of the AEC (ASEAN Economic Community). In order to answer these two problems, new education system and assessment needed and must be developed. EESS (Education and Examination for Social Skill) expected to be a solution to train and develop the capacity of “community-based physicians” who only owned by Indonesian doctor (something unique). EESS is able to educate students to understand the socio-cultural community, Includes two aspects: communication and socialization. As the education system and assessment, EESS final score will be added in the total assessment system within a block or half of the semester system depending on the institution. The material in EESS must be adapted to the material block and semester. EESS could be a solution for the importance of communication skills-based, socio-cultural society, and being a competitive skill for the graduates of Indonesian doctors to face the AEC era.

Keywords: communication, socio-cultural community,

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