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Effective Leadership


Submitted By marij0310
Words 3405
Pages 14
Skills for Effective Leadership
Marion Johnson
Wilmington University


It is understood that management, which is defined as the act, manner, or practice of managing, handling, supervision, or control directly affects almost every aspect of the workplace (American Heritage, 2000). An incompetent or careless manager can have a devastating impact on an organization. This incompetent manger can cause and perpetuate decreased employee performance, dissatisfied customers, and poor production. An effective manager will avoid such effects through circumspect consideration and implementation of innovative management strategies. A leader sets the tone for those they supervise. Having a weak or ineffective leadership style turns what could be a productive organization into one that lacks direction, is chaotic, and fails to live up to its potential. Incompetent central leadership can also cause a power struggle amongst the other remaining team members. Groups seek leadership; when leaders fail to use their powers others will maneuver to use the power left in the void. This can lead to a power-struggle and backstabbing (Morgan, 2007). There are a plethora of skills that are necessary for effective management (Humphrey & Stokes, 2000), and there are just as many guidelines and principles that lend themselves to the advancement of admirable leadership. Many of these will be familiar, while others may be more obscure, but it is, arguably, the most valuable of the many management and leadership precepts that this composition will address.
The purpose of this paper is to review and discuss such strategies and to provide a formula for exceptional leadership.

Skills for Effective Leadership
An innovative leader is an effective manager, and an effective manager is an innovative leader: an ingenious, inventive, and original leader, one who is not afraid to embrace

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