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Good and Effective Leadership


Submitted By ekedebe
Words 930
Pages 4

Okechukwu Ekedebe

Liberty University


This work deals with leadership, the absence of leadership and how it affects both the business and the employee generally. Examples were given from the pattern of leadership between two managers in a contracting firm, the first one has no regard whatsoever for ethics and the other one has high ethics. It also looked at the working relationship between employees and a manager that can be trusted and how it affects both employee motivation and the productivity of the organization.


As a student, I had the opportunity to work with two different contracting firms. The norm for most contracting firms is to pay employees their basic salary and encourage them to go out and hustle for contracts. Each contract gotten means that the employee that got the contract will apart from receiving basic salary, he/she will also get 10% of the profit from the contract. A typical working day environment with my first manager consist of people shouting and calling each other unprintable names, police officers paying us visits and numerous court summons, all of these are from people who he had deals with and could not keep to the terms. He ate people’s money and was known as a man with little integrity. Instead of his workers bringing jobs to him, they rather give it to someone else and just sit in the office and receive basic salary, I watched this firm crumble.

My second experience was with a manager who kept to his words. Agreements were honored. He had a reputation for being honest and respecting agreements. People brought jobs for him both within and outside the firm. Up till date, he keeps growing.

Ethics and leadership

Unethical leaders use their charisma to enhance power over followers, directed towards self-serving ends (Robbins, 2009). Just like the first manager, an organization

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