...(University of Phoenix) | |hillyboy@altrionet.com (Personal) | |626-821-9532 (PST) | | | |Facilitator Availability | |I am available to answer questions by phone, email, or post. I am available by phone...
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...Leadership Questions NURsing November 4, 2013 Leadership Questions What are your personal views on leadership? According to our text a leader is defined as” Someone who uses interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish specific goals”. (Sullivan, 2013). I have not encountered such a person in my time as a nurse. I have encountered managers that encompass the qualities of dictator, bully, or incompetence. Effective leaders typically make smart choices. They must also be willing to make unpopular decisions or act when others are unwilling. People often avoid making important decisions because they fear they'll become unpopular or be criticized by management. I believe almost anyone can be a manger especially when most organizations lay out the foundation of what is expect of or from you. Being a leader doesn’t just mean “you put your time in” or “paid your dues”, it means genuine dedication, a sense of pride in your profession, and going the extra mile even when it means sacrifice. Leadership is a characteristic that is learned not earned and not everyone can be a leader but we can support those who possess the spark of being a genuine leader. How leadership differs from management? Management and leadership differ in a number of crucial ways. Management is a hands-on component of leadership - responsible for such functions as planning, organizing...
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...Leadership Questions Mandy Littlefield NUR/492 August 27, 2012 Regina Phelps, MN, PhD, RN, NEA, BC Leadership Questions Leadership is important in the nursing. Leaders assist in motivating, teaching, collaborating, and guiding others to reach a specific goal. Leaders must possess certain characteristics to be considered and effective leader. This paper will entail the difference between leaders and managers. Characteristics needed to be an effective leader will be identified and discussed. Personal Views Leadership is guidance provided by individuals in authoritative position like managers and non-authoritative positions, like staff nurses. Leaders must obtain skills such as interpersonal communication, feedback through communication, and delegation. Other skills leaders must have are patience, compassion, and problem-solving and multi-tasking skills. Leaders must also possess the ability to be effective listeners and adaptive to multiple personalities and changes within the environment. Leadership versus Management Leaders and managers are often mistaken as meaning the same thing. Sullivan and Decker (2009), defines leaders as individuals who use “interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish specific goals” (p. 329). Managers are individuals responsible for accomplishing organizational goals (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). Leaders can be in positions with authoritative and non-authoritative roles. The difference between leaders and managers is the goals in...
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...MGMT591 Final Exam Study Guide YOU MAY WANT TO PRINT THIS GUIDE. 1. The Final Exam is "open book, open notes." The maximum time you can spend in the exam is three hours, 30 minutes. If you have not clicked the Submit for Grade button by then, you will be automatically exited from the exam. In the Final Exam environment, the Windows clipboard is disabled, so you will not be able to copy exam questions or answers to or from other applications. 2. You should click the Save Answers button in the exam frequently! This helps prevent connection timeouts that might occur with certain Internet service providers, and also minimizes lost answers in the event of connection problems. If your Internet connection does break, when you reconnect, you will normally be able to get back into your Final Exam without any trouble. Remember, though, that the exam timer continues to run while students are disconnected, so students should try to re-login as quickly as possible. The Help Desk cannot grant any student additional time on the exam. 3. See Syllabus "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information. 4. Reminders * You will only be able to enter your online Final Exam one time. * Click the Save Answers button often. * If you lose your Internet connection during your Final Exam, logon again and try to access your Final Exam. If you are unable to enter the Final Exam, first contact the Help Desk and then your instructor. * You will always be able to see...
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...The first question “Why do you want to transform as a leader?” took me deep into myself. At first, It looked like a simple question but with time got tougher and tougher. Finally I had an answer to the question. I want to transform to bring a change in the way some of our organizations are operating i.e. build a happy work environment. The Journey from our belly to the top of our head” is called Self Leadership was a very unique definition. Self-Leadership is understanding the co-relation between the cause and effect when they are distanced by time and space. It means the choices that we make today will affect some or the other part of the world soon or maybe after some years, but it is bound to happen. We all have been sent by god for a purpose, our task here is to find that cause and fulfill it. A human has the organs of pleasure at the bottom, then the stomach that gives him the pleasure of food and nutrition, then the heart from where he feels and then at the top is the intellect with which the ideas for making a better world originate. The whole concept of self-leadership is travelling that distance from the bottom to the top. But I guess only becoming a leader won’t help, be it by self-awakening or by some external hand, it is important to be inspired. Just like Swami ji talked about in the video, Anil Sir too made the exact same proposition regarding this. A leader should have the inspired enthusiasm which is almost as indispensable for the conscience as is physical...
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...Unilever’s graduate programme is specifically designed to train graduates as managers, the idea being that they will be ready to take on a management role after two years. If your career goals don’t include management, then this may not be the scheme for you. If you’re sure the scheme is right for you, it’s important to keep this in mind throughout the application process. Make sure you learn Unilever’s key competencies (tellingly called ‘standards of leadership’) and take every opportunity to demonstrate your leadership potential in your application form and at interview. Answering questions on Unilever’s graduate application form Each competency and motivation question on Unilever’s graduate application form must be answered within a maximum of 250 words. For each of the questions, Unilever helpfully provides a list of additional questions you should address in your answer. It’s important to look carefully at these, because this is extra information that Unilever recruiters want from you, and which any good candidate would provide. Question one: ‘What attracted you to apply for the Unilever Future Leaders Programme? What attracted you to your chosen function within Unilever?' * What attracted you to your chosen business area/function within Unilever? * What actions have you taken to find out about Unilever and your chosen business area/function? * What appeals to you most about working for Unilever? (core values/principles, employment sector, suited to long term career...
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...In the following seven paragraphs I will answer a series of questions in order to describe my leadership manifesto; they consist of opinions from my subordinate’s supervisors and myself. 1. First, how would my subordinates describe me as a leader? This is a tough question for me to provide an unbiased answer for, so I decided to reach out to them for assistance. The following is a synopsis of what they had to say. My current subordinates said that as a leader, I have been an excellent source for information and guidance, as new NCO’s they have many questions on how to approach certain situations and not only have I provided an answer but led them in a way where they can make their own decisions. This empowers them as a leader and in turn they feel more comfortable making decisions. 2. The second question I was asked to answer is how would my supervisor describe my followership? Much like the question above, I had to defer to my supervisors. The overall opinion was that I am the kind of person to always be counted on to complete any assigned task no matter what is already on my plate. I have the ability to prioritize and execute utilizing my own skills and tap into and maximize the talents of my team members to ensure the job is completed by the most effective means. 3. The third question I was asked to answer is what leadership style do I use, and do I consider it to be effective? To answer this question in my own words I would say that I am an inspirational leader. I take...
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...Today we will work to analyze the adaptive challenge facing an organization, the readiness for change and tools used to help support and prepare for change. We will use HCL as a case study and Mr. Nayar leadership style as an example. The greatest demand on new era organization is to face adaptive challenges. Organization generates new cultural norms that enable people to meet ongoing stream of adaptive challenges. Adaptive challenges demand leadership that can engage people in facing challenging realities and then changing at least some of their priorities, attitudes, and behaviors in order to thrive in changing world. “It’s working” should never be the primary reason to avoid change. We should ask this question ?what is the change ? Change is an inherent component of capacity building in organizations larger environment(Ron Edmondson,2011). People don’t resist change they resist being changed and they did not fear a new idea, what it fears is a new experience. (Jay Derago, 2012). HCL faced many challenges and they were able to Adapted successfully because their leader was prepared for that change and he works with them as one team to adapt the challenges . Mr. Nayar came with many new ideas and these ideas consider not only as changes but more than revolution so many many challenges faced them and we will go through few of them . CEO , Employees and U&I CEO office is one of Forbidden areas according the old schools and no one can dare to dream and...
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...Complete the Leadership in Action: David Needleman Reinvents Airlines on Page 27 of Your Textbook. You will be graded on how well you answer the case questions. Answering the case questions involves identifying relevant facts from the case, applying the chapter concepts to the case, and answering each question completely. Proper APA formatting is expected (cited sources, abstract, reference page, etc.). Supplement and synthesize your analysis with outsides scholarly sources. Your submission should be presented in the form of a business document. Presentation counts LEADERSHIP IN ACTION JetBlue's David Neeleman Reinvents an Airlines "As long as we can delight our customers, there's plenty of business for us" (BW Online, 2003) states David Neeleman, CEO of JetBlue, a small airline that serves mostly the eastern U.S. seaboard and is fast expanding to the western United States. Neeleman, a creative entrepreneur, has successfully navigated turbulent times with a no-layoffs strategy and expansion plans that target routes that other airlines drop. With more than 6,000 employees and 57 planes, the company continues its steady growth (Salter, 2004a). JetBllle's small size, young fleet, and emphasis on teamwork allow for quick decisions and implementation. Top executives and managers consistently interact with employees and customers, to listen and...
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...POSTGRADUATE MAJOR PROJECT – CAPSTONE MODULE TIME ALLOWED: 3 HOURS & 15 MINUTES INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: 1. Students will be allowed 15 minutes reading time 2. Students are allowed to write on the question paper during that time, but NOT in the Answer Booklet 3. All questions carry equal marks 4. Start your answer to each question on a separate page Materials Permitted in the Examination: 1. Seven A4 sides of pre-prepared research may be taken into the examination room and should be submitted with the examination answer. 2. A single-volume, bilingual dictionary (without annotation). However, the use of electronic dictionaries or translators is not permitted. Mitigation – Academic regulations 6.86 - 6.94 6.90 Claims for mitigation must be submitted by the student or in exceptional circumstances (e.g. when a student has been hospitalised) by a Director of Studies, Programme Leader or Student Adviser on behalf of the student no later than five working days after the date on which an examination has been sat. Number of questions set: 2 Number of pages: 4 (including cover) Name of examiner/tutor: Dr. John W. Lang NOTE: All questions below relate to the Student Brief distributed in session 3 of the module regarding GOOGLE QUESTIONS: To be answered by ALL students 1. Critically analyse and evaluate the competitive position of GOOGLE and its potential to grow further and thrive within a fiercely competitive sector. Based on that...
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...Leader — Individual Discussion Question 2 — Resilient Questioning Week 4 Matthias Nott Contact: Student ID: Created: Updated: Version: m.nott@liverpool.ac.uk H00023837 December 28, 2012 January 2, 2013 1.0 1 RESILIENCE QUESTIONING 2 Discussion Question In this week’s ‘Leadership and organizing: sensemaking in action article by Pye, the chief executive (CE) in the case took an approach to change that resulted in his being terminated. Was he too focussed on his preeminent ‘position’ as a formal leader and not focussed enough on sense-making? Could the resilient questioning put forth in the Margolis and Stoltz article have changed the outcome of the situation? With these thoughts in mind, answer the following questions: 1. How could the resilience questioning put forth in the Margolis and Stoltz article have changed the outcome of the situation? 2. Based on your examination of the Peak Learning web site and the pa- rameters of its Adversity Quotient Profile, what adjustments would you have had to make in order to deal with this situation if you were the CE? Discussion Question Answer 1 Resilience Questioning Margolis and Stoltz give a framework designed to shift the mindset from cause-oriented thinking, which is inherently oriented backwards, to response-oriented thinking, oriented forward. Their framework builds on the four pillars of control, impact, breadth and duration, in the context of which they demand to ask open questions in a personal way that are visual...
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...Assignment Module 1 – Leadership Due Date: by Friday of Week 6 Weight: 20% of final grade Penalty: 10% for work submitted up to one week late and 25% for work submitted up to two weeks late (work submitted after two weeks will receive a 0%, but must be submitted in order for the course to be completed). The submission to your instructor must be your own analysis. You will be marked on the logic of your written analysis and the application of material covered in the course readings and discussed in the discussion forums Read the Assignment #1 scenario Answer each of the following questions ensuring that your response reflects a clear analysis and thorough application of relevant course material. Feel free to make assumptions about the sub-section in the scenario and attributes of its members in your answers. Each question has a weight of [5] marks. Length of the whole assignment is to be 8 to 10 pages (excluding Title Page). Answer the following: Groups and Teams. Drawing from your knowledge of group dynamics and performance, explain why this sub-section may be ineffective. Decision-making. Select a decision-making approach and explain how you could use it to identify possible problems and potential solutions for this sub-section’s ineffectiveness. Motivation. Select one of the members of the sub-section, and using a theory of motivation, explain why their performance might be low, and how you could help improve it. Leadership. Using a situational...
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...your employees. The article on leadership & direction it outlines on how to have direction and control to execute methods for continues improvement for a leader by using the PDCA Cycle ( Plan, Do, Check, Act), it is a four step method that uses not only direction and control to execute, but also provide and iterative process for continues improvement (“Big dog &”, 1997,para 1). Based on this article I will be answering and explaining the following. How do questions helps to ensure that a project is successful, what type of questions must be asked and answered to ensure the project is appropriate for the organization and how does a leader know if all the right questions have been asked. Questions that help ensure that a project is successful In my opinion questions help to ensure that a project is successful because if you don’t ask questions were are unlikely to get the information we need to make good decisions. According to the article Leadership & Direction “Good plans start with brainstorming” (“Big dog &”, 1997, para, 2). By asking questions the team is able to plan positive forces and events and then taking action to avoid any obstruction that might put the project at risk of failing. Any information received by your employees by asking the right questions could be essential to your project. By asking question it helps with meeting deadlines and getting your employees feedback on where they are on their task. What type of questions may be asked and answered? ...
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...tasks they need to effectively perform. I had several takeaways from both the text and publications I read. The first was how extraordinary each HR representative must be in order to maintain efficiency and must have excellent multi-tasking skills; especially in smaller departments. Even to manage the outsourcing of some of their responsibilities still requires the knowledge and know-how to ensure it’s done correctly. The numerous articles I read support the varying topics HR managers need to track and many of them are constantly changing and/or evolving with new insights to consider. Here is the list I put together. “What HR Managers and Departments Do Today” 1. Defend its HR department business practices. 2. Advise senior leadership and managers. 3. Counsel and/or mediate with/for managers and employees. 4. Diligently keep up on new labor relations and compliance laws. 5. Employee training: new hire, diversity, EEO, etc. 6. Employee personal development, to include wellness programs. 7. Personnel and production analytics review. 8. Manage performance employee reviews, to include promotions and firing. 9. Execute and/or manage company benefits and health insurance programs. Each one of these topics have multiple layers of understanding to execute and evaluate as it is applied to their specific organization. The most interesting thing I came across was how often HR gets a bad reputation and more often than not in positions to defend its...
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...Final Project: Generative Boards and the Technology of Participation Shane Engel Lead 510 Board Management Prof. Liz Shear University of San Diego Board Development Plan: Mission Center of HOPE "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” - Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth called everyone to be like children, to humble themselves and change. It is simplistic in its call, but profound in its meaning. To be like a child means that you are teachable, thirsty for knowledge, non-threatened, free from power or position, quick to forgive, flexible, easy to change, humble and free to explore. The same can said of a board member working out of a “generative mindset.” A child like heart is inquisitive, pure and full of wonder. Give a child a kaleidoscope and they are immediately fascinated, filled with wonder and amazement. Creating a dynamic governing board can and should be filled with this same type of humility, wonder and excitement that is bound in the heart of a child. This paper seeks to define and explore the ways generative governance can instill a greater sense of purpose, a child like wonder, humility and learning into our organizations today. These principles of generative thinking will be applied to the Mission Center of HOPE...
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