...SFBT has a variety of techniques that can be tailored to an assortment of complaints. The most used techniques involve questioning. Other techniques include compliments and tasks. Questions Questioning is the main technique of SFBT. Because the solution-focused counselor is not interest in the past, the question of ”Why” is not asked. Instead, counselors will ask “When,” “What,” and “how.” There are several types of questions that therapists will ask: the exception question (previously discussed), the presuppositional question, coping questions, scaling questions, fast-forward questions, and the famous miracle question. Presuppositional questions emphasize the possibility of change and the client’s strengths. They are open-ended questions, but do not allow for negative responses (Murdock, 2009). For example, “’When the problem is not present, how are things different?’” (Murdock, 2009, p. 477). Coping questions help the client realize that they are more resilient than they think. An example of a coping question is: “What have you been doing to keep the situation from becoming worse?” Scaling questions are used in many ways. “The most common is, ‘On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being the worst the problems has ever been and 10 being the problem is completely solved, where are you today?’” (Murdock, 2009, p. 478). Fast-forward questions are used when the client cannot think of any exceptions. The client is asked to fast-forward into the future an imagine what...
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...achieving tasks and objectives * determined and decisive; uses initiative to develop effective solutions to problems * reliable and dependable - high personal standards and attention to detail * methodical and rigorous approach to achieving tasks and objectives * entrepreneurial and pro-active - strong drive and keen business mind * identifies and develops opportunities; innovates and makes things happen * good strategic appreciation and vision; able to build and implement sophisticated plans * determined and decisive; uses initiative to meet and resolve challenges * strives for quality and applies process and discipline towards optimising performance * extremely reliable and dependable - analytical and questioning, strives for quality * methodical approach to planning and organising - good time-manager * excellent interpersonal skills - good communicator, leadership, high integrity * strong planning, organising and monitoring abilities - an efficient time-manager * self-driven and self-reliant - sets aims and targets and leads by example * good interpersonal skills - works well with others, motivates and encourages * high integrity, diligent and conscientious - reliable and dependable * self-aware - always seeking to learn and grow * seeks new responsibilities irrespective of reward and recognition * emotionally mature and confident - a calming influence * detailed and precise; fastidious and thorough ...
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...A Study of Shell Oil and its Stakeholders in Nigeria Part 1 (Week Six) A Review of Basic Issues Regarding the Background and Interests of Stakeholders of Shell Oil Company in Nigeria Chapter 1 Introduction The complexity of understanding the Shell Nigeria oil spill and applying critical analysis and leadership theories to the problem is a challenging debate. A reader would tend to assume that Shell is at fault and should take all the blame for this corporate and ecological mess. Therefore, the introduction needs to provide the reader with sufficient historical information and background of stakeholders such as Royal Dutch Shell Company, Nigeria (country), Niger Delta (province of Nigeria) and its directly affected tribal communities of the oil spill. The introduction is thorough as to avoid explaining in other key elements of this research paper. The Royal Dutch Shell was ranked No1 as the largest organisation in the world in 2012 by Global 500. Shell has boosted its first quarter earnings of 2012 by 11% compared to that of 2011. Shells long term projects that have just commenced creating; a gas to liquids plant in Qatar and further projects in Canadian oil sands, have in part contributed to these revenues. Royal Dutch Shell has 87000 employees globally (Global 500, 2012) The first Shell Company in Nigeria was started in 1936 by The Royal Dutch/Shell Group. The Royal Dutch/Shell Group then founded Shell D’Arcy. Two years later in November 1928...
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...means entering a whole new realm of caring and responsibility. Earlier phases of life, having taught their lessons of love, are foundational for success in this important endeavor. Yet parenting presents its unique challenges, and parenting in modern times is especially daunting. Children have access to media information--both good and bad--in ways their parents couldn't even dream of. Both parents often work, leaving them little time to devote to their children. What is more, society is just beginning to recover from more than thirty years of questioning its most basic values, leaving parents to wonder which direction is best for their children. An important aspect of parenting is educating children to shoulder responsibility, with the objective of raising them to be productive and sacrificial adults. This requires the judicious use of chores and a little adversity to go with it. Chores and household duties help produce resilient children who will grow up to be responsible, hardworking, and self-reliant adults. When parents ask children to contribute their fair share to the family, it inculcates the values of reciprocity and responsibility. Studies have shown that children who did chores turned out to be healthier, happier, more productive and more satisfied in personal relationships than those who had no home or yard responsibilities in their younger years. I remember while growing up and my parent created daily chores to accomplish daily. It was not...
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...Running head: Social Influences on Behavior Social Influences on Behavior University of Phoenix PSY / 300 Date: Instructor: Social Influences on Behavior There are a number of characteristic changes that occur in the intellectual, moral and physical development of the adolescent. During this time, the individual moves from a structured, relatively undemanding environment into the more complex and blurred world of adult society. This transition is accomplished by most individuals with some difficulty, but ultimately with success. However, some individuals have great difficulty in making the required adaptations to move from childhood through their adolescence and into adulthood. Social researchers have been focusing on identifying those factors that put youth at risk for development issues. Adolescence is, by its very nature, a high risk time for all young people. This is because it is a time of such great change. This period is relatively chaotic for young people putting them at greater risk for the development of problem behaviors and habits. (TAP, 2007). Different types of social environments encourage the development of different behaviors. There are five levels of the model addressing the systems of adolescence. Each of the systems is dissimilar from the others. These systems involve all manner of social influences. Family, school, peers, neighbors, friends, religious influences, media and cultural norms all help to define the individual’s acceptable...
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...of subjective well-being which includes emotional reactions to life events and cognitive judgement of satisfaction and fulfillment. In order to have subjective high well-being you must have a positive outlook, meaningful goals, and close social relationships. Question Can subjective well-being be used as an intervention to help individuals that are suffering from depression have a positive outlook on life? Wellness in later life: Research implications What I learned According to the 2013 statically data there were 44.7 million people in the United States that are 65 years of age or older and by 2060 that number will double to 98 million. Older people have lower incidence of mental illness than younger people and are more resilient to responding to stress, transitions, and change. Question According to research 2/3 of the disease and disabilities experienced by the elderly are from early life decisions, what are some...
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...However, during the course of your journey ideologies gradually change. Guevara, displaced and exploited Chilean Communist Peruvian Indians and found the remains of the Inca culture, the film shows that grow from the innocent but questioning the future Ernesto "Che", a leading Latin American peoples. Although formed only a small part of the daily de Guevara, Granado Salles and believe it was witnessing the injustices in the leper colony of San Pablo Guevara made his biggest leap of faith. That way, patients were separated literally and symbolically of doctors, nurses and nuns by the treacherous Amazon River. During the celebration of his birthday on the side of doctors, Guevara decide you'd rather spend your time with patients who had become so fond of and despite his severe asthma and protests about the dangers Granado-jumping and nothing to the other side. His journey metaphorically river marks a significant change in identity, the point at which you realize that what people need is not his scientific knowledge as a physician, but his desire for social change. Other particularly poignant moments come when Guevara and Granado refuse to wear rubber gloves to treat people with leprosy because it means a hierarchical division among themselves; At one point in the film, we see both Ernesto and Alberto meeting homeless communist couple is presented as a poor and struggling family. This scene is known as the "turning point" for Ernesto said "It was one p.m. colder...
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...grotesque creatures, they call “Grievers” come out after hours to take the boys that remain in the maze. Thomas sets out to be a runner and tries to map the ever-changing maze. In this journal, I will be questioning, predicting, and visualizing. Throughout the book, a common question is asked amongst the...
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...Today’s working environment has experienced a major transformation over the last decade, particularly in terms of population diversity in the workforce. There are currently four main generations dominating the workforce, they are made up of Silents, Baby Boomers, Generation X and Generation Y. It is expected that in the coming decades there will be further changes with emergence of newer generations, and slower removal of older generations from organizations as pension age increases. Understanding differences between the generations, and learning to adapt their management practices is critical to building a successful multigenerational workplace. I would like farther explain each generation’s attributes and their effects on the workforce. Silents are considered among the most loyal workers. They are highly dedicated and the most risk averse. Their values were shaped by the Great Depression, World War II, and the postwar boom years. Silents possess a strong commitment to teamwork and collaboration and have high regard for developing interpersonal communications skills. Silents now consist of the most affluent elderly population in U.S. history due to their willingness to conserve and save after recovering from the financial impact of the postwar era. Baby Boomers, born approximately between 1946 and 1964 were brought up in a healthy post war economy and have seen the world revolving around them as the largest generation of the century. Their lifestyle is to live for work and...
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...Abstract In this paper I will discuss a comparison of positive psychology and master resiliency training (MRT). They compare in that one’s life, to be successful whether in the civilian world or military it is essential that the mindset maintains a positive outlook, additionally they are different in content rather than context. Positive Psychology and Resilience Factor In a tactical shift from contemporary definition of psychology, positive psychology refers to the study of happiness. For a long time, psychology sought to define dysfunction among people with more focus on individuals who suffered mental illness and/ or psychological related problems. Psychologists always have the intention to help their patients, positive psychology regards it as one sided because it does not consider the positives of a psychologically tormented patient (Shatte & Reivich 2002). Therefore, this new field of psychology looks at how people can attain more happiness and life fulfillment. In this field, psychology researchers look at issues such as pleasure, strengths, and talents among others. The ability to carry on even when things are not going your way best defines resilience. When this happens, an individual is able to adapt to changes in situations. Resilience is a much needed ingredient to happiness and a happy life (2002). In this paper, analyses of positive psychology are discussed; furthermore, it will compare advocating a positive outcome, the development of self-esteem, and...
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...Module 1: Be the change…. Be a YES man.. Data base: Activity: Half Full? - A Look at Optimism and its Importance Objectives: • To encourage participants to consider their attitude. • To encourage discussion around optimistic versus pessimistic outlooks. • To recognize the impact that attitude has on performance. • To enable participants to identify personal traits that might be holding them back. • To encourage leaders to consider how they might deal with negative attitudes in their team. Procedures: * Participants are gathered in a specific area (room or open space) * Participants are then group into smaller groups. * Three glasses will be presented to the group an empty glass, half fill glass with water and a full glass with water. * Individuals in the group will be ask “which glass is full” * The group is given a time to discuss the given matter on hand. * Each group will write their answer on a piece of paper then submitted to the facilitator. Processing: This module provides an excellent opportunity, when working with a wide range of participants, to consider how attitude can impact on performance. Topics where the inclusion of a module looking at optimism/pessimism might be beneficial include: Managing change, problem solving and decision making and communication skills. * How did you find the activity? * What did you feel during the activity? * How did you work the activity? * What did you do during the activity? ...
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...Wright tells us that the New Testament will teach us “how to be human in a particular way”. It will help build our “moral judgment and form our character”. Wright says this transformation of character is called virtue (Wright, p. 18). To become a great leader we need to work on ourselves before we start to work on others. If we do not understand what we stand for then it will be hard to stand up for our principals. The more we practice the better we become at something and the transformation of Christian character takes a lifetime. Everything that we go through helps develop our character and beliefs. Everything that we go through in life challenges us to make choices. “You can no more force character on someone than you can force a tree to produce fruit when it isn’t ready to do so” (Wright, p. 35). Character comes from practicing over and over again so that when you are faced with a challenge you do not have to stop and think about it, you take action because what you have practiced has become second nature. Building our Christian character is not just about what we do in today’s world, it is about preparing us for the new world God has promised us. Once we have accepted Christ as our savior and realized he has died for our sins, we need to continue on and build a bridge to the other side of the bank. Building this bridge allows our faith, hope and love to transforms us as humans and becomes second nature. Aristotle believed “there were four principal virtues: courage...
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...significant potential to manage emergencies, the magnitude of the Fukushima disaster was huge and required international assistance. Organizations like International Medical corp ; it offers emergency relief to people or communities or countries struck by disaster. The objective and mission of the organization is to help affected areas to rebuild and gain the skills and tools for self-reliance. In regards to the Fukushima disaster, the International Medical Corp supported local partners to deliver humanitarian services. For example they offered hot meals, medicine, telecommunication equipment, mental health and psychosocial services and training. They collaborated with the local Japanese agencies to support disaster communities to becoming more resilient. In addition the organization supported Japan Volunteer Center as well as the people by allocating them to places throughout Fukushima prefecture where evacuees could meet other fellow evacuees to receive psychological support and critical information about available resources. International Medical Corp also supported the evacuees’ children and worked with the Association for Aid and...
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...Queen Gertrude Confronts Her Sins - “Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practise to deceive!” Gertrude’s ambiguous personality has been dissected in a numerous ways by generations of readers, but those who read Shakespeare’s Hamlet unanimously agree upon her morally frail and fickle nature. In the play’s opening scenes, Queen Gertrude is presented as a victim of her own moral missteps and lapse of judgment. Upon hearing of the death of her late husband, she appears indifferent and callous. She betrays both the late King Hamlet and her son through the incestuous act of marrying King Hamlet’s brother, Claudius. However, as the play progresses, a Gertrude’s pivotal encounter with Hamlet disintegrates the persona she has hidden behind for so long. By the conclusion of the play, Gertrude realizes the ramifications of the tangled web of lies she has wrought, shedding her mask of deception and betrayal to reveal her genuinely benevolent and kind nature. Further scrutiny of the three focal scenes involving Gertrude delve into the acknowledgement of her vices, and the actions she takes in order to abolish them. When Act 1, Scene 2 begins, the audience is aware of King Hamlet’s death and the stage is set for the introduction of the play’s primary characters, the freshly-minted King Claudius, the sartorial Queen Gertrude and her grieving son, Hamlet. In an ensuing discussion between the three, the queen sheds few tears over King Hamlet’s death, brushing...
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...Actions Speak Louder Than Words One cannot learn to dance simply by watching. He must interact with the music, not through his mind but through is body. Calculating the mathematics of dance out on paper will help you no better understand it than watching a muted movie … blindfolded. In Michel de Montaigne’s narrative, “On Educating Children”, he explains how one must put forth character and intelligence before knowledge. It is simple to read then reread for the sake of memorization. For instance, during my toddler years I was able to recite the ABC’s forward and backwards, but if you had asked me to read The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, you would be in for a surprise, for I would had introduced characters and plots unknown to man-kind! My point being, just because I was able to regurgitate the alphabet, did not mean that I truly understood the each of the letters. It is through the action of practicing the ‘words’ when one can begin to naturally enrich his mind with understanding. Not all children are one in the same. In today’s educational system, children are treated as just that, identical. So it would come to no surprise to Montaigne that out of a class of 30 individuals, only one or two students would have properly understood the material that was “taught” to the whole class. Montaigne states, “Spewing up food exactly as you have swallowed it is evidence of a failure to digest and assimilate it; the stomach has not done its job if, during concoction, it...
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