...Looking at whether it is feasible or not for the existence of zombies, I look to the integumentary system for any possibility. I will examine the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and the aging process. The integumentary system is the largest organ in the body, it includes the skin, hair, nails, exocrine glands, sensory receptors, and the subcutaneous tissue. On average, the skin weighs about ten pounds and has an area of about 20 square feet. It serves as a barrier between the human body and the environment. Some environmental dangers are chemicals, ultra violet light, and physical damage. The first layer of the skin is the epidermis which covers almost the entire body. It is made up of squamous epithelial cells that are stacked up on one another. These cells produce and store keratin which makes it water resistant. Even though the epidermis is very thin it is made up of four layers. The innermost layer is the stratum germinativum, this is where mitosis takes place. New cells are being produced constantly, while this is happening the older cells are being pushed toward the outer surface of the skin. The new cells produce keratin, in the keratinocytes, and as they move away from the blood supply they die and shed off. Approximately 8% of the epidermis is made up of melanocytes. The melanocytes produce melanin which protects the skin from the harmful UV rays. The living keratinocytes also synthesize defensins, which play an important role when the epidermis is injured. They...
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...skin is the largest organ of the body. It has three main layers, the epidermis, the dermis and the subcutaneous layer. The epidermis is an elastic layer on the outside that is continually being regenerated. It includes the following: Keratinocytes - the main cells of the epidermis formed by cell division at its base. New cells continually move towards the surface. As they move they gradually die and become flattened. Corneocytes - the flattened dead keratinocytes that together make up the very outer layer of the epidermis is called the stratum corneum or horny layer. This protective layer is continually worn away or shed. Melanocytes – produce the pigment melanin that protects against UV radiation and gives skin its colour. The dermis is the inner layer that includes the following: Sweat glands – produce sweat that travels via sweat ducts to openings in the epidermis called pores. They play a role in temperature regulation. Hair follicles – are pits in which hairs grow. Hairs also play a role in temperature regulation. Sebaceous glands – produce sebum (an oil) to keep hairs free from dust and bacteria. Sebum and sweat make up the ‘surface film’. The subcutaneous layer under the dermis is made up of connective tissue and fat (a good insulator). Functions of the skin Provides a protective barrier against...
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...Patients with lupus going on CellCept may experience one or more of these side effects, “Nausea, Headache, Vomiting, Gas, Diarrhea, Loss of appetite, Stomach upset, Tremor, Insomnia, Anxiety, Numbness and tingling feeling, Swelling in the hands and feet” according to “Chemo for Lupus Treatment.” “Chemo for Lupus Treatment,” also states that patents on CellCept are more likely to later become cancer patients after being on CellCept, though lupus patients have a high chance of developing cancer to begin with CellCept tightens that risk. Methotrexate is a type of chemo used to treat those with, “a variety of cancers including lymphoma, leukemia and osteosarcoma,” according to “Chemo for Lupus Treatment.” The side effects of this type of chemotherapy are, “Temporary hair loss — though on such a low dose for lupus, it is not typical and is more often not total hair loss, Nausea, Vomiting, Acne, Boils, Pale skin, Rash or itching.” This type of chemo can only be given to those who are not breast feeding and have a negative pregnancy. And both men and women should be using protection when having sex for a minimum of 90 days after they stop taking Methotrexate. (once again from “Chemo for Lupus Treatment.” Cytoxan is a drug that is, “used to treat leukemia, ovarian cancer, neuroblastoma, eye cancer and breast cancer, in...
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...called covering or lining membranes. * This type of membrane include the cutaneous (skin), mucous and serous membranes Connective Tissue membranes * synovial membranes are composed of soft areolar connective tissue and contain no epithelial cells at all. * These membranes line the fibrous capsules surrounding joints, where they provide a smooth surface and provide a lubricating fluid. * They also form tendon sheaths and line small sacs of connective called bursae (cushion organs moving against each other during muscle activity). Integumentary System * The skin and its derivatives serve a number of functions, mostly protective, and together they form the integumentary system. * Components: * skin * hair * nails * glands Functions 1. Protection: from water loss, against microbes, UV light 2. Sensation: e.g. hot, cold, pain, pressure, touch 3. Temperature regulation: helps maintain homeostasis e.g. sweat 4. Excretion: removes waste 5. Vitamin D production: UV light stimulates production of vitamin D Structure of the Skin * The skin is composed of two types of tissue: * epidermis * dermis Epidermis * Outer skin region * Composed of stratified squamous epithelium (many layers of flat tile-like cells) * These cells undergo a process called keratinization where new cells (with keratin) push old cells to surface * Takes approximately 40-56 days for new cells to...
Words: 2012 - Pages: 9
...Formative Assessment 1 (Generic Transformations 2008 paper) Q1B) The Rape of the Lock, written by Pope in response to a feud between two friends about the theft of a lock of hair, is revolutionary in its evolution of the comic satire genre into the field of epic poetry. Pope, an avid student of the Greek epics (he produced his own translations of some that provided much of his income during his life), takes the basic skeleton of an epic: its structure, critical content and even linguistic points; and crafts around the skeleton a poem of wit and comedy that is at its core epic, but also uses this very epic backbone to undermine its tales own importance and to satirise the content that has been moulded around the form. This creation from Pope marks the offshoot of the epic genre, transforming it into mock epic, an independent genre that bears many of the traits of its forebearer in a new light. The transformations to the epic that Pope undertakes in the Rape of the Lock to satiric effect can be broadly split into transformations of heroic content and transformations of heroic language. The former can be clearly observed here: Pope takes a staple of epic writing, heroic weaponry, and twists its use to his satirical needs. The weapon itself is given, through the use of a similar description, equal place with great weapons like Agamemnon's sceptre, whose lineage was used to reinforce Agamemnon's dominance and power in the Iliad, being forged by Hephaestus and owned by the Gods...
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...feelings at this point, “If finding out you have cancer is the worst thing, finding out it has spread is the next worst.” The good news came that Thursday but shortly after the realization that chemotherapy was the next step for Sharon suddenly hit home. I asked Sharon what her initial thoughts were when being given the news. She said, “Initially I didn’t realise I’d need it. I thought if they got the cancer and it hadn’t spread, that would be it. Sadly, my cancer was a grade three (there are only three grades and three is the most aggressive), so chemo was a very necessary evil. It’s a blunt instrument, but it’s the only one we’ve got and it works. The big fear for me wasn’t how I’d cope with the chemo, but how I’d cope with no hair. And I did lose my hair and it was...
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...Case Study 1. Review the four principles of sex-linked inheritance listed just before the case study. Which individuals in figure 5.2 demonstrate principle 1? Bill, Terry, Greg, and Jenny. 2. Which individuals in figure 5.2 represent principle 2? Carl, Terry, and Greg. 3. Which individuals in figure 5.2 represent principle Florence, Jessica, Terry, and Greg. 4. Why are none of the males in figure 5.2 shown as carriers of hemophilia? Males cannot carry hemophilia because it is an X-linked disease and males only have a single X chromosome. If the male has an X, he has the disease. 5. What is the probability that Marcy and Tom will have any child with hemophilia (irrespective of sex)? Show how you calculate this. The probability of Marcy and Tom having a child with hemophilia is 12.5%. This is because Marcy has a 50% chance of being a carrier. Marcy’s children in turn have a 50% chance of receiving a copy of the X chromosome. Thus, there is a 25% chance that any of the children would receive a copy of the recessive X allele from Marcy. Tom does not have hemophilia, so we know that the gene on his X chromosome is normal. Therefore, only Marcy and Tom’s sons could have hemophilia. The total probability of Marcy and Tom having a child with hemophilia is 12.5% which brakes down mathematically (0.5)(0.5)(0.5) = .125. 6. Suppose Marcy becomes pregnant and has an amniocentesis, a prenatal cell-sampling technique that can identify the sex of a child (among...
Words: 640 - Pages: 3
...membrane Grainy portion of leather is the papillary layer Hypodermis Below the dermis that provides blood Not really part of the cutaneous membrane Preferred area for injections Has a big blood supply Not that many capillary beds—they are feeding the epidermis Functions of the INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Protects Excretes: salts, water, and organic waste Maintains body temperature Synthesizes vitamin D3—essential for calcium and phosphorous uptake in intestines. Not enough = rickets Stores fats in dermal layer Detects sensory modalities each hair has a nerve flexus. Can detect movement of just one hair. Epidermis Epidermal ridges Interlocks with dermal papillae Can see this intestines with microvilli? This increases overall SA for the basal lamina Good contact b/w epidermis and dermis Thick skin: soles, palms Difference? How thick corneum is CELLS OF THE EPIDERMIS Keartinoctyes: Kertin! Thin Skin: hairy Thick skin: no hair Thickness of paper towel Stratum basale Deepest: stratum basale Growing from deepest portion and pushing the cells up to be modified Stratum spinosum Get spiny bc they get dehydrated Help bind other layers together Stratum granulosum Stuff? Stratum lucida Glassy layer Supplies oily secretion Allows thick skin to be much more water proof Stratum corneum Lots of dead cells with keratin More detail on the layers: Stratum basale...
Words: 1748 - Pages: 7
...looking spider. It has giant fangs and hair all over its body. Surprisingly, there is nothing to worry about. You are looking at the Goliath tarantula. These spiders are not what people say. They aren’t very dangerous whatsoever. If anything, you are no concern of this tarantula if you keep your distance. The largest spider in the world, the Goliath bird-eating tarantula, has a unique lifestyle where it lives in South America fighting for survival so it can achieve its one life goal: mating. The Goliath tarantula is a typical tarantula in the Theraphosidae family. This family has 850 species in it. That’s a lot of different species. This includes Typical and Atypical tarantulas (Trap-door spiders). The Goliath is a Typical tarantula, which is a...
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...body. There are a few ways the functions and facets turn the abnormal conditions to normal conditions in the human body by maintaining homeostasis. The facets use the best in beauty; which includes the hair and nails. The other name for nails is the accessory structures of the skin. Therefore it is what makes...
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...5.1 Physical Characteristics of Water 1. Pure water = colourless, tasteless, odourless 2. Exists in3 states – Solid, Liquid, Gas 3. Pure water – boils at 100C, freeze at 0C 4. Density = 1g/cm3 at 4C 5. Water turns (i) white anhydrous copper (II) sulphate blue (ii) blue cobalt chloride pale pink Effects of Impurities in Water 1. Impurities – increase water boiling point (>100C), decrease water freezing point (<0C) 5.2 The composition of water 1. Pure water = 2 hydrogen atoms + 1 oxygen atom 2. Composition of water can be determined by electrolysis of water. 3. Ratio of hydrogen to oxygen = 2:1 Ratio of oxygen to hydrogen = 1:2 5.3 Evaporation of water 1. Evaporation = Water (Liquid) Steam/Vapour (Gas) 2. Occurs at any temperature below boiling point. 3. Factors affecting rate of evaporation : (i) humidity of air (ii) surrounding temperature (iii) surface area of water (iv) movement of air Application of Evaporation of Water 1. Dry up wet clothes – sunny, windy day 2. Hot air from air dryer – dries hair faster 3. Preserve food – coconut, salted fish 4. Processing of milk powder 5.4 Solution and Solubility 1. | Solute + Solvent Solution | Solution and Suspension 1. Comparing dilute, concentrated and saturated solution. 2. Comparing solution and suspension. Solubility 1. Solubility = maximum amount of solute (gram) that dissolve in given amount of...
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...region on chromosome 15 that seems to influence the likelihood of developing cancer. People possessing a certain set of mutations at this genetic location are more likely than others to have the disease. Research suggests about 50% of the general population carries a single copy of this cancer gene variant, while another 10% of the population is likely to carry two copies of this set of mutations, raising cancer risk by as much as 80% relative to people with equivalent lifestyles without the cancer-linked gene variant (Hopkin,2016). The most relevant genes in lung cancer include the following: EGFR, KRAS, MET, LKB1, BRAF, PIK3CA, ALK, RET, and ROS1 (El-Telbany & Ma,2012). Lung Cancer and the effects of smoking A typical smoker who refuses or fails to give up has a roughly 15% risk of lung cancer over their lifetime, but with two copies of the genetic variant, this rises to 23%. Researchers disagree over whether non-smokers who possess the genetic risk factor have an increased risk of developing lung cancer. The technique called a genome wide association study, hunts 'blindly' for genetic mutations correlated with certain diseases, but provides no information about the mechanisms that cause the disease. Researchers believes that the genes promote cancer by making people more vulnerable to nicotine addiction. This view is supported by the fact...
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...Cancer, the body is made up of trillions of living cells. Normal cells grow, divide into cells and die. Cancer begins when cells in a part of the body start to grow out of control. There are many kinds of cancer, but they all start because of the abnormal growth of cells. Different types of cancer can behave very differently. They grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. That is why people with cancer need treatment that is made to be their own. The cancer I am going to focus on is testicular cancer. Testicular cancer can start in one or both of the testicles. It is often found in young men but can occur in any age. The testicles are made up of many different kinds of cells. Each cell can develop into one or more types of testicular cancer. Studies show about 8,430 new cases of testicular cancer, and out of those 8,430 are only 380 deaths cause by the cancer. The chance of having testicular cancer is about 1 and 270. It is mostly found in middle aged men but about 7% of the cases occur in children and teens. Testicular cancer is one of the most curable forms of cancer. The risk of dying is about 1 in 5,000. There is no actual cause to testicular cancer, but the American Cancer Society has founded some risk factors. Those would include family history, HIV infection, being at the age 20-34, race/ethnicity, and body size. None of these factors can be changed, and most men that end up with testicular cancer have no known risks. With that being said there is...
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...going through a menopause they have mostly emotionally and physical symptoms. for example when woman are going through the menopause a woman would experience hot flushes night sweats which may cause lack of sleep palpitations headaches tiredness mood changes such as depression and anxiety. lose interest in having sex with their partners self conscious If you experience the menopause suddenly, rather than gradually, your symptoms may be worse. Symptoms will usually last between two and five years before disappearing, although they can last longer. m3 the menopause can cause an affect on the woman's self confidence and self esteem is a positive and negative way. self esteem the positive way that the menopause effects woman is that the woman is going to be more mature and wiser because she is old and she might no how to deal with the menopause because she have seen many woman in her life go through it. also when a woman have started the menopause she would have to get used to it and adapt it is her...
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..."Choices made, whether bad or good, follow you forever and affect everyone in their path one way or another" said J.E.B. Spredmann. Everything an individual decides to do in life has an effect on themselves and others. The consequences could be endless since the impact one person makes causes more events to occur. In the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, the choices made by Ponyboy Curtis ultimately affects Johnny forever. It all begins with Ponyboy deciding to run away after Darry hits him, which cause Johnny to tag along. This made Darry feel upset because he loves Pony as a brother. Furthermore, the gang was also anxious about Pony; They were a family even though some weren't related by blood. Soon Johnny and Pony had been approached by Socs after they ran. Johnny was startled by them, given that he had already been jumped by them once. Bob, the Soc, argued with Pony, resulting with Pony being emerged under water. Johnny could not just stand there and watch this go down so he stabbed Bob (Hinton 56). It was a very inconceivable of him since he was like a "...puppy that has been...
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