Premium Essay

Effects of Technology


Submitted By juanramos811
Words 371
Pages 2
I believe that the technological change that has had the largest effect on life in this country is the Internet. When broadcast television came in to the scene it provided entertainment and information, this is similar to what the Internet is providing people today. However, the Internet does provide certain advantages over television. The three main advantages that the Internet has are that it provides instant access to specific information, information that can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and that the Internet is interactive. Society has become very big on instant gratification. People need their information right now and the Internet can give us that. The Internet is an excellent source to find information and the best part about this is that people get their information instantly. People now have instant access to the news, stocks, weather, online bill pay, electronic mail, encyclopedias, and many other resources to conduct research on any given subject. With the Internet accessible from anywhere in the world, life without the Internet is unimaginable. The Internet is available to us at airports, Starbucks, McDonalds, hotels and many other places that Americans travel everyday. With the technology of an air card one can plug that in to a laptop and have instant access on vacation in Europe, a Business trip in the Caribbean or working from home in Alaska.
The Internet is interactive; one can choose what they would like to view. People no longer have to see or read what ever is presented to them. People can view live news broadcasts, chat online with someone halfway across the world, transfer funds form one account to another and do many other interactive things thanks to the Internet. The Internet provides a wealth of information at our disposal, whether people are doing research for a paper, shopping, or trying to meet new people, the Internet

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