...Positive Effect of Technology on Communication Technological development has had a strong impact on the way society communicates. The Internet technology has given people tools to not only keep in touch with each other, but also express their feelings and opinions to a broader audience Keeping in Touch For more than a century now, technological advances have brought the world closer, making communication across long distances easier. Online communication of all types is the most efficient yet, with email being a near-instantaneous version of the paper letter; webcams, paired with communication programs such as Skype, iChat or Google Video Chat, make it possible to see the person you are speaking with rather than just hear his voice. Doing Business The same technological advances have simplified and improved personal communication. Companies can expand beyond their local market and gain a wider customer base simply by maintaining an active online presence. Overcoming Disabilities Technology has both improved communication for disabled people. Hearing aids boost the hearing of partially deaf people, making it easier to understand speech. Devices give people with severe speech impairments a way to express themselves: perhaps the most famous user of such a device is scientist Stephen Hawking. Reaching a Broader Audience As people's ability to communicate improves, the reach of their messages widens. For instance, photos and video recorded covertly through a cell phone can...
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...org) ISSN: 2343-6662 VOL. I, No.1, pp 1-8,October, 2013 Effects of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Social Science Research Han Ping FUNG1,* 1 Technology Consulting, Hewlett-Packard, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia *Han Ping FUNG (Email: corresponding han-ping.fung@hp.com) Abstract As more and more ICT tools being developed and used in social science research, it is a good idea to reflect how ICT had effects on social science research as a whole as there is a lacking of such study. This study is underpinned on and concurred with DeLone & McLean’s (1992, 2003) Information Systems (IS) Success Model in which ICT had effects on productivity of social science researchers. This study is based on participative observation approach in which ICT had effects on social science research in the following three ICT application areas: a) Pre-data analysis, b) Data analysis, and c) Post-data analysis. These three ICT application areas had improved a researcher’s productivity in terms of speed, quantity, quality, complexity as well as cost perspective is also discussed. Some concerns of using ICT are also included in this paper which encompasses: a) High learning curve, b) Revised expectation on researcher, c) Research by the convenient of big data, and d) Decrease of social skills of researcher. Limitation, recommendation for future works and conclusion are also included Keywords – Information and Communication Technology, Social Science Research, Information Systems Success Model...
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...MANAGERIAL COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY 2 TECHNOLOGY AND COMMUNICATION Submitted to:- miss pallavi Submitted by:- sahista n baxi Technology and Communication Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of ideas, feelings, intentions, attitudes, expectations, perceptions or commands, as by speech, gestures, writings, behaviour and possibly by other means such as electromagnetic, chemical or physical phenomena. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or more participants. Communication requires a sender, a message, a medium and a recipient, although the receiver does not have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication; thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication process is complete once the receiver understands the sender's message. Communication is of many types some of them are non-verbal communication, verbal communication, oral communication, written communication etc. Non-verbal communication describes the process of conveying meaning in the form of non-word messages. Verbal communication takes place through the spoken words between the...
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...Technology and Communication Paper University of Phoenix CJA/304 Mrs. Palmer August 10, 2011 Technology and Communication Paper Technology has helped enhance communication between others and has especially helped with communication in the criminal justice system. Technology has affected the communication capabilities of specialized databases in the criminal justice system in many different ways. Many forms of technology are used to help with communication such as mobile data terminals and iris scans in the criminal justice system. In this paper, this student will compare different types of specialized databases and will also discuss over positive and negative effects due to new technologies. Mobile data terminals are used in the criminal justice system as a form of specialized database to help with communication. “A mobile data terminal (MDT) is a computerized device used in public transit vehicles and emergency vehicles to communicate with a central dispatch office” (Versaterm, 2011). There are many large police agencies that require all law enforcement officers to have a wireless mobile terminal system installed in their vehicles. This database can help law enforcement officers with workload management in the communication center and they can also help better time management of officers and help greater efficiency. Mobile data terminals can also help with communication between officers and dispatch by letting the officers have access to dispatch receipts...
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...A Survey on the Effects of Technology to the Communication Skills Among the Students of St. Joseph’s College of Rodriguez An Undergraduate Thesis Proposal Presented to The Faculty of the College of Education St. Joseph’s College Rodriguez, Rizal In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Information Technology By: Gian Dino S. Maray 2nd semester SY 2010-2011 Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background Introduction Nowadays, people enjoy life more through the use of what we called “technology”. As we all know, technology is said to be a way of sharing information. It blooms by the incredible intelligence and perspective ideologies of many scientist. Some of them are Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell who both independently designed devices that could transmit speech electrically, a telephone. This wire-based electrical system is still now a very useful gadget people use on how to communicate with others. There is also what we called cell phone which was invented by Doctor Martin Cooper. Same as telephone, it can also use as a way of communicating but not only through calling but as well as sending messages through texting. Since computer and internet also becomes a big contribution in technology, people also interact through email. Indeed, the entrance of technology in the whole wide world is a huge success that makes life easier, pleasurable and faster. Just like Jacklyn Dephoff said, “technology is continually developing...
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...Wireless Technology Ripton Powell BIS/221 08/17/15 Martin Mueller Wireless Technology in the Workplace Wireless technology has become one of the fastest rising staples used in the workplace today. It has impacted the way we all function in the workplace in many different aspects, some positive and some negative. Online, there are articles by Aaron Charles of Demand Media, covering a few different aspects of the effects that wireless technology have on the workplace and the employees of these workplaces. Collaboration, mobilization, security & distractions are some of the effects; they all play a crucial role in the growth and well being of the business based on how they are managed. Positive Effects In the workplace, there are certain amenities that will allow for increased productivity compared to an atmosphere without them. The wireless networks in tandem with the technology that utilizes their benefits such as smartphones, tablets and wireless computers to make communication more efficient. By making it easier to connect with coworkers, there becomes a new array of possibilities that present themselves. The reduction in the amount of travel that is required to get the same amount of work done plays a huge part in all of this, in fact the article states “…the IAAP poll also showed that 86 percent of surveyed execs think that workers will be more accessible for collaboration in the future – even while on vacation.” Telecommunicating has become a phenomenon...
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...Communications Communication is the act of sharing information through a common system. Communication is the quality that defines humans as social specie. Since the development of the alphabet to the invention of the Internet technology has improved the way people communicate. According to popular opinion scientific progress has negatively impacted communication, however historic events provide counter facts. Scientific progress has developed technology that greatly influences how society communicates. As one walks into the library it is not rare to see people using computers, talking on their cell phone, and even texting all at the same time. Communication technology has made multitasking possible. By doing multiple tasks at the same time one is saving time, yet according to Pondent’s paper society believes that one is not engaging with any of the tasks therefore the quality of communication is lost. Thanks to the Internet one can communicate with anyone around the world. More and more people are using technology to communicate and face-to-face interaction is becoming a thing of the past. Because one is always behind the screen people are isolating themselves. As a result of the isolation people are becoming lazy, and they do not feel the need to exit their house to look for entertainment or even shop because everything is at their fingertips thanks to the Internet. Pondent’s paper expresses that when one takes a closer look at the bigger picture of technology and...
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...Effective Communication Paper Lakisha Wells HCS 325 March 31, 2012 Cecelia Sawyer Effective Communication Paper The way we communicate plays an important role in our lives. Communication is sending information to someone else in a way they will understand it fully. Communication has the authority to form and adjust beliefs, humanity and the lives of people. Considering on the role communication plays, it will be able to give a good or bad effect in a healthcare organization. The four main points that will be discussed in this paper are: examples of most effective and ineffective ways for sharing information, four different ways communication is used in healthcare, techniques that can be applied in a healthcare work environment and the way technology impacts communication. Confusion, frustration and low morale can lead to ineffective communication. Communication is used to notify, improve, share passions and teach (Ehow.com 2012). When communication is not clear, it becomes ineffective and it can offend, complicate and mislead the listeners. For example, in politics if a politician does not explain themselves clearly, they allow room for misinterpretation (Ehow.com 2012). On the other hand, admiration, education, liberation and understanding are the results of effective communication. Effective communication offers people information that is needed to help make people develop education and enlighten. One example of communication that is both effective and ineffective is...
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...Future Trends in Health Care Sukhwinder Kaur HCS/533 November 19, 2012 Sheryl-Anne Murray Introduction The findings of a review of trends in health care delivery that are associated with innovations in electronic communications are topic of discussion in this paper. The review focuses on four specific issues. The first issue concerned the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information. The second issue centered on the impact of distance-delivery on the effectiveness of health care. The third issue involved a determination of the effects that the use of electronic communications have on health care delivery today. The fourth issue required a projection of the likely affects that the continued use of electronic communications will have on health care delivery. These interrelated issues are addressed in separate discussions in this paper. Electronic Communications as an External Delivery Mechanism When considering the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information, it is useful to first (a) identify the parties who will likely be involved in such interchanges and to (b) determine the types of information most likely to be exchanged. Further, depending upon of types of information likely to be exchanged it is also useful to consider how and in what form such information...
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...Introduction Over the recent past, there has been an enormous revolution in the technological industry in terms of computing and communications. This has been due to the reduction the costs of communication because of the technological advances and an increased competition in the technological sector that has in turn reduced the cost of communication. Moore’s states that the production of microchips is on the double rise every one and half a years. In the current society, innovations made in the technological industry are bringing about a wide range and the policy makers are really working on the ways of resolving the effects to do with economic productivity (Berque, Prey, Reed & WIPTE, 2006). Technology can there can there be seen as a discrete force with a great influence and the impacts of technology is a metaphor It is there seen as a dynamic force that causes collisions and impacts on the society. Mechanically, technology can be viewed as to be having an impact on the society as it reinforces that technological systems have an independent existence and appears to be having a mass, velocity and a momentum of its own, which drives technology to influence on the society (Karacapilidis, & Raisinghani, 2012). Thesis Statement The focus of this study is to establish and interpret the principles of technology and the effects of the technological advancements on the society socially, economically, and politically. The study will take a course of an extensive...
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...Care HCS 533 April 23, 2012 Robert Ropnow PH.D. The findings of a review of trends in health care delivery that are associated with innovations in electronic communications are topic of discussion in this paper. The review focuses on four specific issues. The first issue concerned the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information. The second issue centered on the impact of distance-delivery on the effectiveness of health care. The third issue involved a determination of the effects that the use of electronic communications have on health care delivery today. The fourth issue required a projection of the likely affects that the continued use of electronic communications will have on health care delivery. These interrelated issues are addressed in separate discussions in this paper. The Ways in which Electronic Communications May Be Applied Effectively as an External Delivery Mechanism in the Communication of Patient-Specific Information When considering the ways in which electronic communications may be applied effectively as an external delivery mechanism in the communication of patient-specific information, it is useful to first (a) identify the parties who will likely be involved in such interchanges and to (b) determine the types of information most likely to be exchanged. Further, depending...
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...Technology has had a significant impact on modern communication; however, its impact on business communication that’s possibly the most noteworthy. Whether operating a Fortune 500 company or a single employee sole proprietorship communication serves as a primary function of a business’s operation. Technology carries both tangible and intangible opportunities to produce cost effective options and meet the increasing demands and needs of consumers. Technological innovations affect efficiency, corporate culture and relationships among clients, suppliers and customers. Technology has helped to streamline many of the processes that were once daunting and tedious. What were once file cabinets filled with paperwork have been replaced with digital files that can be backed-up and stored in several locations at once all. Digital files make for easy maintenance and document preparation. Programs that allow for file sharing help employees to interact with one another while offering another form of checks and balances. Many companies use email to confirm orders and purchases helping to insure order accuracy. While the impacts of technology on business efficiency have been primarily positive not all areas of business have been positively impacted. Corporate culture has been impacted both positively and negatively by technological advances. One of the positive effects of technology on corporate culture is improved communication. Improved communication gives way to creativity and development...
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...Introduction Electronic communications have come a long way. It began in 1867 with the invention of the typewriter. Today we have various types of new technology, which makes us to do business faster and more efficient than ever before. Furthermore, electronic communication media such as TV, telephone and Internet have a variety of advantages such as higher speed instant transfers and the ability to send a large amount of data when compared with traditional methods such as mail, newspaper etc .Significantly, the various threats to this technology also increases day by day. And these threats can be categorized into various sections. Anyhow, as an Electrical Engineering student I can say that basically, Electrical vulnerabilities are seen in things such as spikes in voltage to different devices and hardware systems, or brownouts due to an insufficient voltage supply. Electrical threats also come from the noise of unconditioned power and, in some extreme circumstances, total power loss. And route (reason) to these situations can be divided into two categories. 1. NATURAL PROBLEMS. 2.HUMAN ACTIVITIES. http://henapcblog.blogspot.co.uk/(picture) Threats to the electronic communication Natural problems Natural effects have been a huge trouble for many technologies and for businesses then and now. This effects the electronic communication in a big level as well. Natural effects such as solar flares(affecting...
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...Introduction Social Impacts of Computing Rob Kling Editor The Impact of Office Automation on the Organization: Some Implications for Research and Practice M a r g r e t h e H. O l s o n a n d H e n r y C. L u c a s Jr. New York University Computer technology has recently been applied to the automation of office tasks and procedures. Much of the technology is aimed not at improving the efficiency of current office procedures, but at altering the nature of office work altogether. The development of automated office systems raises a number of issues for the organization. How will this technology be received by organization members? How will it affect the definition of traditional office work? What will be its impact on individuals, work groups, and the structure of the organization? This paper presents a descriptive model and propositions concerning the potential impacts of office automation on the organization and it stresses the need, when implementing automated office systems, to take a broad perspective of their potential positive and negative effects on the organization. The need for further research examining the potential effects of office automation is emphasized. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: J. 1 [Administrative Data Processing]--business; K.4.3 [Computers and Society]: Organizational Impacts General Terms: Experimentation, Management, Theory, Human Factors Additional Key Words and Phrases: office automation, automated office...
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...How Does Communication Technology Affect People’s Lives? Introduction There is hardly any place around us today where technology is not used. A typical life for a student for instance, starts at 8 am, waking up on an alarm which these days is an application on a mobile smartphone. With a single button pressed, they can get a warm cup of coffee on the go and head to school. At school, an overhead projectors and laptops are widely present in class, with most of class material are communicated via e-mail, student blogs, or web-based applications. Basically, everything is somehow done via a technological interface, be it the coffee maker or the internet. Even further, daily chore duties such as washing dishes, clothes and mowing the grass have become very simple with the use of technology to an extent that you really do not feel that you are doing anything. All you are doing is place a basket of clothes in your dishwasher, press two buttons, and then come back in two hours, where the clothes are clean and dried. A duty that used to take one or two days to complete and a copious of efforts can be completed successfully with two buttons pressed and two hours effortlessly and with minimal discomfort. One aspect of technology advancement requires more attention that others that is communication. Communicating with humans, be it as home, school or work, is one of the most important necessities of human’s social need. People need to talk to each other to feel good, feel existent...
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