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Effects of Crime on Society


Submitted By Emmah
Words 4200
Pages 17
Unit 12:

Crime and its Effects on

Unit code:


QCF Level 3:

BTEC National

Credit value:


Guided learning hours: 60
Aim and purpose
The aim of this unit is to give learners a knowledge of current UK crime and disorder legislation and the sentences and orders available to the criminal justice agencies. Learners will also develop knowledge of the effects of criminal behaviour on communities and an understanding of how society works to reduce crime, disorder and antisocial behaviour and to support the victims and witnesses of crime.

Unit introduction
This unit introduces learners to the legal framework that exists to prevent crime and deal with offenders.
They will look at the powers of the courts, including the orders and sentences that the courts can impose.
They will look at the theories of the causes of criminal behaviour and other contributory factors that may lead to criminality and antisocial behaviour, for example socio-economic and environmental influences, lack of education and negative family influences.
Learners will explore the problems resulting from criminal activity and antisocial behaviour. They will explore the costs of crime, to local authorities, the community and individuals. Learners will also investigate the ‘fear of crime’ and how this manifests itself in both individuals and communities and the impact this can have on quality of life.
Learners will learn how their local police proactively tackle crime using problem-solving models, such as intelligence-led policing. Learners will investigate the use of community safety strategies and multi-agencies, and how partnership approaches are used in the form of crime prevention initiatives both locally and nationally. In this unit, learners will look at how legislation places duties on public services to work together in joint partnerships with communities and third sector

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