...African Americans have always consistently been portrayed as having very simple and instinctually oriented natures and emotional and mental lives when functioning “normally” and that elements of pathology were an indication of a morally degenerative racial tendency. It seems to be especially difficult for white Americans to recognize the depth, damage, and violence of the cataclysm because they have had little in their experience to provide for the facilitation of the understanding of the experience at an empathic level. Outside of the African American community, few other Americans, with perhaps the exception of Native Americans, have been directly impacted by an experience like being ripped from their land, and violently torn from their...
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...Benefits of Feminism to the American Society Name Institution Affiliation Benefits of Feminism From the nineteenth century, the word feminism gained much popularity globally, as advocates sought equal rights for women in comparison to their male counterparts. Feminism appealed to a high number of individuals belonging to the female gender, but left many males wounded and aggrieved. Presently, feminism is still a familiar concept that attracts negative and positive criticism from different people. Those that oppose feminism, claim that the idea is unrealistic and responsible for many fallbacks in the society, and the proponents say that, feminism is rightful and sublime. This paper analyzes the importance of feminism on the American society (Hannam, 2008). As a conception, different people perceive feminism differently especially because of the effects that it has on the American society. Some people view feminism as the means through which women acquired rights to vote, work, education, personal property and politic among other issues. On the other hand, some people see feminism as a way through which women seek entitlement and other benefits, by claiming that they have equal rights with men, and reminding the society that they deserve special treatment, after having been oppressed for many years. Considering that both factions are right, one can say that feminism has brought both beneficial and harmful effects to the...
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...Rusen Arslan Unit 7 M1. Use two sociological perspectives to explain different concepts of health. In this assignment I am going to explain the different concepts of health and what effects individuals health by using two sociological perspectives. The two sociological perspectives that I am going to explain are Marxism and feminism. Marxism was known as a conflict model, as it is a structuralise model. It was first developed by Karl Marx (1818-83). Karl Marx also thought that individual behaviour was shaped by society but he believed that it was the economic system that defined society and peoples place within it. Marx held the view that in the industrial society of his time there were two social classes: * The bourgeoisie or capitalists-the small powerful group who owned the factories and other places of employment. * The proletariat which is a much larger, poorer group of workers- the people of hands that the bourgeoisie employed. Marx’s view was that these two social class groups would always be in conflict, the owners of the factories, land and offices would want a high profit and the employees would want higher wages that would eat into the profits. So this is why Marxism is often called the conflict model. Marx thought that this conflict would lead to revolution. There was an unequal relationship between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat and conflict was inherent in the economic system. Marx believed there were two social classes; the capitalists and the proletariat...
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...These unrealistic expectations of women set by society have had a profound effect on women. The feminist movement urges women to dismiss these expectations and for women to just be themselves. Feminism is needed in order to get rid of the ridiculous expectations of women in society such as “effortless perfection” in order for women to be truly successful in society. Every movement has opposition and feminism definitely has its opponents. One of the biggest arguments against feminism is that women already have equal rights so feminism is no longer needed. One of the reasons women actually do not have equal rights still today is because the Equal Rights Amendment has still yet to be passed. This amendment would make it illegal to discriminate in the work force on the basis of sex (King). Another argument against feminism is that feminists are deemed angry and aggressive. Yes, feminists do get angry sometimes, but it is because many of the inequalities that women go through are rough and painful. It is also a common misconception that men cannot be feminists. This is untrue because the ideals of feminism are not only for women but also for men. Once again feminism is not about women being better than men;...
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...Feminism in Canada has been shifting, reforming and reinventing itself since its inception in the late nineteenth century in an effort to bring a genuine sense of equality to both men and women across the country. Though feminism takes many different forms – classical feminism, liberal feminism, post-modern feminism etc. – each definition maintains commonalities which attempt to shed light on issues related specifically to the historical disadvantages of women and the goal of egalitarianism. In Canada, feminism has unfolded in three distinct stages often referred to as the three waves of feminism: (i) the first wave started in the late nineteenth century characterized by basic demands for equality via suffrage and recognition as persons; (ii) the second wave originated during World War II taking a more proactive approach to women’s workforce and reproductive rights; and (iii) the third wave began in the 1990’s challenging broader issues of equality such as racism, capitalism and colonialism. The following essay will analyse each wave based on their chronological time frame, ideological foundation and the social movements which emerged as a by product. First wave feminism started the general movement and, even though its goals and fundamental ideology may seem drastically different from second and third wave feminism, it should be credited with forming the foundation in which the fight for gender equality originated. First wave feminists were primarily driven by maternal feminism...
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...Topic: Feminism Research design Research question Has feminism been successful in bringing about change in society? Research method: Survey method can be used which would include questionnaires, for literate people and interviews for less educated or illiterate people. The interviews would be unstructured, to ensure flexibility according to individual situations. The questionnaires would include both open ended as well as close ended questions. 5 interviews and 20 questionnaires would be collected. 3 case studies would also be collected to cite instances where feminism has been successful or unsuccessful in bringing about a change in society. 3 articles would also be collected to cite more instances of feminism and the society’s response to it. Research site Interviews can be conducted among less educated people. Therefore, clerks in offices and educational institutions can be interviewed. Housekeepers can also be interviewed. Questionnaires can distributed among 10 men (5 adults and 5 teenagers) and 10 women (5 adults and 5 teenagers) of varying professions. Case studies and articles can be collected by referring to magazines, newspapers and the internet. Steps of implementation Find out information about the current status of feminism. Prepare questionnaires and interviews on the topic and make enough copies of the same. Maintain a master sheet to ensure that information is collected from respondents of all necessary age groups. Visit libraries to get information for...
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...Student Publications Student Scholarship Spring 2013 Oppression, Sexual Violence and Their Effects on Native American Women Isabella J. Baxter '15 Gettysburg College, baxtis01@gettysburg.edu Follow this and additional works at: http://cupola.gettysburg.edu/student_scholarship Part of the Native American Studies Commons, and the Women's Studies Commons Baxter, Isabella J. '15, "Oppression, Sexual Violence and Their Effects on Native American Women" (2013). Student Publications. Paper 87. http://cupola.gettysburg.edu/student_scholarship/87 This is the author's version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution. Cupola permanent link: http://cupola.gettysburg.edu/student_scholarship/ 87 This open access student research paper is brought to you by The Cupola: Scholarship at Gettysburg College. It has been accepted for inclusion by an authorized administrator of The Cupola. For more information, please contact cupola@gettysburg.edu. Oppression, Sexual Violence and Their Effects on Native American Women Keywords Native American Women, Sexual Violence, Oppression, Colonization, White Feminism Abstract This paper is a response to the chapter “Sexual Violence as a Tool of Genocide” in Andrea Smith’s book Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide. Smith argues that U.S. colonial culture strategically uses sexual violence against...
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...active in China: "One of the most striking manifestations of social change and awakening which has accompanied the Revolution in China has been the emergence of a vigorous and active Woman's Movement." Beginning in the 70s and continuing in the 80s, however, many Chinese feminists began arguing that the Communist government had been "consistently willing to treat women's liberation as something to be achieved later, after class inequalities had been taken care of."[9] Some feminists claim that part of the problem is a tendency on the government's part to interpret "equality" as sameness, and then to treat women according to an unexamined standard of male normalcy.[10] Chapter two: definition, development, and categories of feminism 1. Definition of feminism Throughout history, women have always struggled to obtain equality, respect, and the same rights as men. This has been difficult because of patriarchy, an ideology in which men are superior to women and have the right to control women. This ideology has spread...
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...at the different types of feminism that are present in society. It will then trace and highlight the emergence of feminism in society. This essay will then delve deeper into the different types of approaches that were taken on by feminists within the field of social work. It will discuss what effect these approaches had on society especially women. According to Hooks (2000) as cited in Considine and Dukelow (2009:141) “Feminism is a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression”. It is necessary to explain the different types of feminism that are present in society first. Freedman (2001:5) states that there are many different strands of feminism present in society, but the three most commonly recognised are liberal feminism, Marxist feminism and radical feminism, her explanation of these are as follows. Liberal feminism is based on the idea that everyone within a state should have the same rights and women should be treated equally to men. Marxist feminism is based on the belief that women’s maltreatment is linked back to capitalism. Radical feminists believe that men’s authority over women has a connection with patriarchy. The above explanation has been a brief introduction to the different types of feminism present in society. At a later stage within in this work, it will be examined what effect feminism has had on social work and society as a whole. Now that the meaning of feminism has been ascertained and the different types of feminism present in society today...
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...outside of school. Some gender patterns in educational achievement suggest that in the past boys used to exceed girls in all subjects, but, in fairly recent times girls have exceeded boys and are achieving generally better grades and levels than boys in all subjects. Some sociologists agree that gender differences in achievement are based on factors outside of school, and one of these factors is “the impact of feminism.” In item A, evidence shows that boys examination performance has fallen behind that of girls since the 1980’s. Therefore girls are exceedingly doing better as a result of the rise of feminism in the 1980’s. As feminism is a social movement that impacted lives of all, making men and women equal, the movement has changed the traditional stereotype of women’s role in society. As women used to be typically uneducated and working solely as a mother and housewife in the home, as well as being inferior to men and unable to do things, in recent times the impact of feminism has allowed women to be able to be educated, and break through the glass ceiling effect that oppressed women in the past. Angela McRobbie’s study of girl magazines (1994) showed that in the 1970’s they emphasised the importance of getting married however nowadays they contain images of assertive independent women. So then exceeding boys in all aspects of education as a result of this external factor that allowed women to be equal. Adding to this. some sociologists agree that gender differences in...
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...“Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.” Because of the negative connotation that so often goes along with feminism, a lot of people don’t identify as feminists simply because they don‘t like the term. Feminism isn’t radical, aggressive, man- hating, that’s called misandry. Feminism is the belief that everyone is equal regardless of their gender. Feminists also work on solving gender inequality, which women are usually the victim of. However, some people call themselves feminists even if they don’t know what the word means. These “feminists” tend to exhibit a pattern of misandry and to fixate on miniscule “issues.” Most of these people are women that live in first world countries and lead very comfortable lives. Some of the issues these women focus on are legalizing prostitution and eradicating cat calling. These problems are petty and incomparable to other items on a feminist agenda; but those are the ones that get the most attention....
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...heterosexuality, to force individuals into the binary divisions of gender. As such, “differentiation is accomplished through the practices of heterosexual desire” (Butler, 1999, p. 30). Each gender is expected to perform roles that are veiled as natural to the sex, although it is social and political forces that have created the conditions and forced the performance of gender. Butler argues that those “gender identities” that fail to conform are viewed as “developmental failures” (Butler, 1999, p. 24). Thus, the societal foundations upon which female and male gender identities are shaped by are completely ignored. Those who cannot be categorized in their respective genders are seen as pathologically different, rather than socially different. This, in effect, works to conceal the societal influences and discourses that insist upon a dichotomous division between the...
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...Feminism is the “theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes” (Merriam-Webster). Feminism is combatting all of the notions and systems of oppression against women, such as the Glass Ceiling, to advocate in the ideas and validity of women. Most advocates of Feminism have become Feminist critics. Feminist critics are more “concerned with the ways in which literature [, or roles in society,] reinforce or undermine the economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women” (The OWL at Purdue 2010). Feminist critics call their practice, reading through “Feminist Lens”, which is the idea of reading literature and “striving to expose the explicit and implicit misogyny in male writing about women” (Richter 2016). The Feminist lens are feminist critics way to expose the negative perceptions of women that is expressed by...
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...INTRODUCTION This study is conducted to determine the physical image of women portrayed by Filipino beauty commercials. A feministic view of these commercials is applied in trying to show the ideal image they present which influences the decisions and perceptions of women. Specifically, the researchers are defining how it has shaped the outlook of women towards beauty with regards to the physical aspects. The methods used to achieve results were documentary analysis and interviews. Through interviews, the researchers were able to generate information based on perceptions of selected individuals with expertise on feminism and visual communication. The documentary analysis deals with the examination of sample commercials which are part of the research scope. CHAPTER I THE RESEARCH AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter contains the background of the study with a short introduction of the whole research and the reasons why the researchers chose the topic. It also contains the specific problems of the study as well as the theoretical and conceptual frameworks which were the foundation of the research. The limitations and scope are also provided in this chapter. It also contains the significance of the study to different people affected by the research and the definition of terms as to how they were used in the study. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY As people tend to watch television, we also tend to encounter the commercials that come along with watching. According to a study conducted...
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...“Take up the White Man's burden— / Ye dare not stoop to less—/ Nor call too loud on Freedom / To cloak your weariness. / By all ye will or whisper, / By all ye leave or do, / The silent sullen peoples/ Shall weigh your God and you.” reads Ruyard Kipling’s poem, “The White Man’s Burden.” Rudyard Kipling, who was a well-known author around the turn of the century. He was a prestigious college graduate who had won many awards, including the Nobel Prize for writing. This tells us, the readers, that he is a very credible writer. Now, academically, there is much discourse and disagreement in regards to weather the poem is satirical. Many scholars believe that Kipling’s sentiment expressed about Imperialism as genuine, especially considering some of his other work. However, some do believe the poem is satire, and that Kipling is mocking the concept of “The White Man’s Burden.” Regardless of whether or not the poem is satirical, and while disregarding that the poem is directly about the Philippine-American War, “The White Man’s Burden” still shows what pro-Imperialists believed. “The White Man’s Burden” shows modern readers the thought process that lead many Western forces to go to lands they had never been before and systematically destroy a people’s way of life....
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