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Electricity in Bangladesh


Submitted By fahmidatania
Words 704
Pages 3
Electricity is really just organized lightning but it is most powerful indicator of any country’s economy.
The infrastructure for energy in Bangladesh is quite small though it has large natural gas resources and only 62% of the total population has access to the electricity.
Summit Power is one of market leader along with Summit Power Ltd, BPL, BANGLA CAT, HOSAF Group.
Private companies have limited capital also gas the companies have to import oil and coal from foreign country.
Shortage of the raw material is not only threat of this industry, many company use second hand machines for production due to this action OTOBI had to pay the penalty of 84 cores Taka recently.
This limited amount gas will run out eventually it is used as fuel for electricity generation and commercial energy of the country.
The Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has taken initiative to set up power plants so that the country has sufficient electricity within 2016. A number of fiscal incentives are provided to the private power companies. * release to pay tax for upcoming 15 years * are allowed to import plant and equipment and spare parts up to a maximum of ten percent (10%) of the original value of total plant and equipment within a period of twelve (12) years of commercial operation without payment of customs duties, VAT and any other surcharges * allowed to joint ventures with foreign investors * sector’s equity is repatriate along with the profits are divided as owners will * The foreign investors are provided with a large number of facilities and incentives.
Baraka Power Limited (BPL), the nation’s first ever private power sector company endeavored by the NRBs.
The Inception of BPL at June 26 of 2007 as private limited was transfigured into public limited company by the issuance of IPO at DSE in September 25, 2008
In April 28, 2008 BPL procured an agreement with

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