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Electronic Commerce


Submitted By Tumalano
Words 2863
Pages 12

Introduction to

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INYM 225
Study Unit 1
Introduction to Electronic commerce

Ms Tumelo Nthutang

Learning Objectives
In this chapter, you will learn:
• What electronic commerce is and how it has evolved in three waves of development
• Why companies concentrate on revenue models and the analysis of business processes instead of business models when they undertake electronic commerce initiatives
• How to identify opportunities for and barriers to electronic commerce initiatives • How economic forces have led to the development and continued growth of electronic commerce
• How businesses use value chains and SWOT analysis to identify electronic commerce opportunities
• How the international nature of electronic commerce affects its growth and development





• Electronic commerce began in the United States

– China the leader in online retail sales since
– More and more sales being made on smartphones • China is the world’s largest potential online market

– Active Internet users and upward economic growth
– Buyers use U.S. and domestic sites and are influenced by online reviews and discussions
– Has led to online review sites and seller participation in Chinese chat and messaging sites

Introduction (cont’d.)
• Sellers in China must account for regional differences within a diverse country

– Distribution and delivery difficult without welldeveloped roads and standardized shipping practices – Some sellers have created their own distribution systems
• Chapter addresses how

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