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Elementary Classroom Observation

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HD 300 Professor BieleckiRosa E. AyalaObservation LocationRamona Elementary This observation takes place in a State Preschool program in the City of Alhambra, CA. Theprogram serves children 3-5 years old and is regulated under title 22 and title V. The teachers Ms. Cand Ms. B serve the community a majority of Asian descent are in the program. Both teachers utilizechildren’s home language when needed with the children and parents. The classroom is clean and toysare accessible to the children. Class begins: teachers open the door and the parents walk in to sign theirchild in the attendance folder.Children are welcome in and proceed to wash their hands.Then they sitdown at tables to practice their names on paper and others begin to practice it …show more content…
Teacher takes the lead and begins with a song to welcomechildren to school this morning. “Who came to school today, school today, school today, who came toschool today…” mentioning everyone’s name after phrase.Children seemed engaged in song.As this ishappening two parents step outside and begin to set up outside environment. Tricycles are takes out ofstorage shed, hula hoops are made accessible by taking them off the activity cart and being put out onthe floor on an open space, doll house it put on soft floor cushion with furniture and dolls, writingmaterials are set up at one of the tables outside, sand box is opened and sand toys are placed inside,Play house is cleaned and slide is also wiped down, Monster stilts are placed on the ground, water …show more content…
Ayalathe class goes inside and washes hands and cool off at tables as the other children come in and washtheir hands this transition is soothing and calming to the children because it helps them relax afterhaving an outside time play; teachers play soft classical music during this transition. Lights are turnedon and children are explained small group will be about shapes. Children are to recall shapes placed onpaper and asked about characteristics of each shape. When children are finished they are asked whatarea they would want to play for the day. Children are free to choose any activity around the classroom.Children play for 45 minutes and parents participate in play and one parent prepares the lunch.Children finish playing and get in small groups to recall their work activities. Children are dismissed togo wash their hands and sit on the tables. Children’s lunch is served family style, and are encouraged toserve themselves. Parents and Teachers assist children when needed, and help children clean and spills.When children finish they get up and clean their plate, and sit at the carpet quietly reading a book towait for dismissal this is about 10 minutes. Parents clean and finish before dismissal. Front door isopened for parents to come in and pick up their children. Teacher C stands at the door to greet parentsand attend to any questions and Teacher B sits at large group area with children. Parents walk to largegroup area where children are

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