Premium Essay

Unam Sanctam And The Pinecone

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Words 157
Pages 1
The 1302 Papal Bulla, Unam Sanctam is the most frightening claims ever made. In this Bull, Pope Boniface proclaimed Papal control over the entire planet and everything in it, making him “King of the world”. This trust deed states that: “…we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature is subject to the Roman Pontiff.”
In celebration, Boniface commissioned a golden headdress, shaped like a pinecone with an ornate crown at its base. This headdress grew to include two more crowns as a result of subsequent Trusts that derived their power from Unam Sanctam.
The pinecone symbolically represents fertility and has been traditionally associated with Ba’al and the Cult of Cybele. The pineal

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