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Elie Wiesel's Faith In God

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Elie Wiesel struggles with his faith in God throughout his experiences in the concentration camp. Before all of his experiences with the concentration Elie had complete belief in god, he studied Kabballah and had a teacher. Although, when he arrives at the concentration camps and sees people get beat, put in the crematorium, separated from their families, and plentiful other he begins to question Gods purposes. He comes back to partaking belief in God after the concentration camps had ended and he could take a reflection of all of the atrocious events that he went through. Elies Wiesel’s faith in God fluctuates in the memoir Night. Initially, he has complete faith while studying Kabbalah, but as he sees horrendous events taking place Auschwitz he struggles to maintain belief in God and finally regains faith after a time of reflection. Previous to the concentration camps, when Jews belonged in their own community, Elie enjoyed to study Kabbalah. Elie had no doubts in God, studying the Jewish texts of Kabbalah interested him. “He wanted to drive the idea of studying Kabbalah from my mind. In vain, I succeeded on …show more content…
In his noble prize acceptance speech Elie opens with, “At special occasions, one is duty bound to recite the following prayer (…) ‘Blessed be Thou . . . for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to reach this day’” (Weisel 117). Elie wrote this speech after an elongated amount time after the Holocaust, he had sufficiently amount of time to reflect on all the occasions that took place at the Holocaust. Therefore after reflecting on all the occasions he began to reestablish his beliefs in God, which motivated him to open his noble prize acceptance speech with a prayer about the fortunateness of individuals for the ability to have a life given to them. Elie regaining faith shows that he reflected on his time at the

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