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Embryonic Stem Cell Research Debate

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Embryonic stem cell research has been a topic of controversy since the 1980’s when the practice started. Originally this type of research was banned by the federal government, but in 2009 Obama lifted the federal ban and allowed some funding. This type of research has not been accepted by American law or as a common convention. Stem cells have the ability to develop into many different types of cells such as nerve cells, cardiac cells, and liver cells and have regenerate to replace damaged cells. Stem cell research can be so beneficiary to lives and be an extraordinary scientific achievement. The problem is not many people agree. In this type of situation there is no in between the two arguments. Stem cell research should be permitted because …show more content…
Diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are both dreadful disease that slowly take away the life of someone and progressively worsen over time. Not only are these disease stressful and harmful for the patient, but the families are also affected as well. What if there were a cure for diseases like these? If stem cell research were to proceed forward in the future, scientist would have the ability to find a cure for such awful diseases. Other disease that could be eradicated are heart diseases, birth defects, spinal cord injuries, and stem cells could also play a major role in cancer. “As researchers discover more about stem cells, it may become possible to use the cells not just in cell-based therapies but also for screening new drugs and preventing birth defects” (Hart, 2004). If scientist were permitted to conduct more research scientist would be able to find many uses for stem cells. Not only can they be the base for therapies but could also have many more uses. When giving birth a women wants to give birth to a healthy baby. Stem cell research could be the answer for many birth defects out there. This proves that if stem cell research were to be permitted the possibilities and answers to certain disease would be endless. Research would allow scientist to also understand better how cells work and could potentially see where certain birth defects start and how to stop them from …show more content…
Lastly, if embryonic stem cell research was permitted it would allow research to progress cautiously and responsibly. Congress and legislation usually have a pretty big say in what passes and what does not. They have the ability to regulate programs and funding and have a say in what is okay and what is not okay. If stem cell research were permitted then congress could set up standards and regulations that would move research in a right and ethical way. Congress would be able to ensure that embryonic stem cell research is reaching its ethical standards. With congress involved stem cell research could be an addition in helping the search for life-saving cures. “This, the states would allow talented research scientist in academia and industry throughout the nation to maximize their efforts” (Moreno, 2009). States currently have laws that ban human embryonic stem cell research. By lifting this ban it allows scientist in the industry to be able to expand the studies and research. Some states have to import cells and thus making it harder for research to be conducted. Not only would it be easier for research to progress but jobs for people in certain states would pop up and benefit them as

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