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Emergency Response Paper

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Question number 1 Answers
1. I will do situational analysis on the emergency situation happening in the country in terms of:
a. Magnitude of the problem & population needs: by looking
i. Epidemiologic data ii. Direct and indirect economic costs of the emergency incurs iii. Social cost-demographic impact it produce iv. Societal perception towards the emergency happening
b. Assessing the already existing emergency response in terms of:
i. Coordination:
1. checking the disaster and preparedness plans and protocols are in place.
2. availability of effective communication system
3. Assessing health system response and readiness.
4. Status of Capacity building in the emergency response
5. Looking degree of community involvement and awareness. ii. Resources: …show more content…
Literature review
c. Review Experience from other countries
3. Set vision,principles and objectives of the emergency response strategy.
4. Elaborate advocacy strategy for influencing policy makers,resource mobilization and informing the public.
5. Stakeholders analysis in terms of their importance and influence using a stakeholder analysis tool. since disaster management needs multisectoral response assess the involvement of different sectors,private and civic societies in the emergency response.
6. I will see the strength weakness opportunities and threats in the emergency response plan.
7. Elaborate the emergency response strategic framework in terms of cost
8. Develop monitoring and evaluation framework.
9. Preparation tools for implementation of activities preferably using the logical framework.

Question no 2. Answers:
In principle evaluation framework relies on assessing : in the area of
1. How is the program implemented is it going as intended?
2. How Is the program efficient: does it use the intended resources appropriately?
3. How effective it is by assessing the achievement of its goals and objectives
4. How cost effective it is: comparing the achievement against the cost …show more content…
To define their strategic plans and targets
2. To elaborate the interventions and the population groups served.
3. The available resource and their implementation.
4. The program partnership and coordination and each partners role
5. The program scale up progress relative to target population and current coverage
6. If possible to put in quantitative and qualitative terms as program achievements.

Bottle necks in program reporting:
1. Time constraints: early communication with regular reminder before the review time..
2. Irregular and different reporting formats: as a solution giving them reporting format to follow.
3. Missing reports done with other partners : as a solution tell to plan and prepare ahead shared reports.
4. Giving also administrative and financial reporting formats to be followed.

Question number 4
I will advice the WR every program to have a plan with clear monitoring framework using a logical framework:
1. Putting clear goals and objectives
2. Indicate the program outputs by duration
3. Under each output elaborate different activities with means which are inputs for the program that are necessary to carry out the planned activities. It can be human and material

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