...UNIT 38: SUSTAINABLE TOURISM DEVELOPMENT Get assignment help for this unit at assignmenthelpuk@yahoo.com LO1 Understand the rationale for planning in the travel and tourism industry Rationale: to achieve the determined objectives eg improved employment opportunities, protection and conservation of wildlife, landscape, co-ordination between public/private partners, to maximise benefits, provide infrastructure, co-ordinate development, consumer protection; involvement of stakeholders eg developers, tourism industry, tourists and host community; public/private partnerships and advantages/disadvantages of; effective use of resources eg infrastructure; natural, cultural, heritage, human resources https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=5649485182751853952#editor/target=post;postID=3748877749371906313 LO2 Understand different approaches to tourism planning and development Planning: environmental; economic; social; international; national; regional; local; strategic; short term; qualitative; quantitative; methods of measuring tourism impact eg Cambridge Economic Impact Model (STEAM), Environmental Impact Studies, Pro Poor Tourism; Responsible Tourism, interactive planning systems and processes Development: preservation, conservation, new build LO3 Understand the need for planning for sustainable tourism Sustainable tourism: definitions eg Brundtland Report (1987), Triple Bottom Line, World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) Principles for Sustainable Development (1995) Principles:...
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...HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Introduction Travel and tourism industry is growing at a rapid phase and contributing a significant part of the GDP for several developed as well as developing countries. Trends in travel and tourism industry are changing at a fast pace due to which industry players involved in travel & tourism industry are tracking these changes so as to remain in the business. There are several issues faced in the travel and tourism industry from time to time and these issues need considerable attention from the host country government as well as industry players. These issues are currently driving the entire travel & tourism segment. Further there are changes happening in the external environment and travel & tourism segment need to respond to these changes in order to remain in line with the changing trends in the external market. The present paper would analyze the issues faced in the travel and tourism sector in South Africa and there would be three learning objectives which would be accomplished through present paper and can be given as under: LO1 Understand current issues in travel and tourism sector LO3 Understand how the travel and tourism sector respond to change LO4 Understand the impacts of change on travel and tourism sector These three learning objectives would be attained through present paper for discussion of the contemporary issues in travel and tourism industry with specific reference to South Africa. LO1 Understand current issues intravel and...
Words: 4215 - Pages: 17
...development 3 3.0 Partnerships, community and tourism stakeholder relations 6 3.1 Partnerships 6 3.2 Community and tourism stakeholder relations 7 4.0 Governance and leadership 8 5.0 Communications and relevant promotions 10 5.1 Integrated marketing communications 10 5.2 Branding and technology application 10 6.0 Comments & Recommendations 11 6.1 Conclusions 11 6.2 Recommendations 12 7.0 Reference List 13 1.0 Introduction This report aims to explore relevant tourism issues of Australia in a more in-depth extent, based on the analyzed results of previous report. The analysis process is conducted in perspectives of product development, partnerships and team building, community and tourism stakeholder relations, governance and leadership as well as communications and relevant promotions, respectively. At the end of this report, comments and recommendations will be drawn according to the analyzed results. This report consists of following five parts: independent discussions from above four dimensions and comments & recommendations at the end. 2.0 Product development After decades of development, tourism has already become the fastest and most prosperous industry in Australia, with a proportion of 2.5% in terms of its contribution to Australia’s GDP in 2011 (Hooper& van Zyl2011, p. 12). The rapid development of Australian tourism largely depends on its competitive capability of developing tourism products whichappeals to various specific...
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...Tourism Management 31 (2010) 1–12 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Tourism Management journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/tourman Progress in Tourism Management A review of innovation research in tourism Anne-Mette Hjalager University of Southern Denmark, Niels Bohrsvej 9-10, DK-6700 Esbjerg, Denmark a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 27 January 2009 Accepted 31 August 2009 Keywords: Innovation Innovation systems Knowledge Clusters Policy a b s t r a c t Over the past two decades, there has been increasing focus on the topic of innovation in tourism. This article reviews the research contributions. Various categories of innovation – product, process, managerial, marketing and institutional – are addressed. Important determinants of innovation are acknowledged, including the role of entrepreneurship, technology push and the existence of territorial industry clusters. Representation of knowledge is also identified as a critical factor for both the occurrence and nature of innovations. The review reveals that there is still only limited systematic and comparable empirical evidence of the level of innovative activities and their impacts and wider implications for destinations and national economies. An agenda for future research is emerging, suggesting that there is quest for both formal quantification and for qualitative studies of the foundations, processes, implications and policies of innovation in tourism. Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd....
Words: 13279 - Pages: 54
...Management Information Systems for Tourism Hospitality Organisation Using Management Information Systems for Tourism Hospitality Organisation CONTENTS Introduction to the Project 2 Introduction to McDonald 3 Role of MIS within Tourism and Hospitality context 4 Importance of Management Information System for Hospitality and Tourism Industry 6 Use of IT System in an Organization to attain Competitive Advantage 7 Type of Database and Data warehousing in Tourism and Hospitality 9 Use of E-Commerce and MIS in the Industry 11 System Design Requirements of Tourism and Hospitality Business 14 Use of IT to Support Customer Relation Management 16 Role of Enterprise Resource Planning in Tourism and Hospitality 18 IT Security Issues within the Tourism and Hospitality Industry 20 Ethical and Privacy Issues on Use and Storage of Data. ...
Words: 6812 - Pages: 28
...| | |Strategic Crisis Management | |Culinary Tourism for Unique Positioning of Ontario in a Global Marketplace | | | | | | | | | | | | | Table of Contents | ...
Words: 5554 - Pages: 23
...influence the success of the tourism industry. First, there are ways that economic policies a government takes can have a direct impact on tourism. This type of impact would occur when a government makes policies explicitly aimed at the tourism industry. For example, if a local government subsidises the building of a resort in a beach town, the tourist industry in that town will, presumably, benefit. Second, there are ways economic policy can indirectly affect tourism. For example, government monetary policies are most likely not aimed at tourism. However, if a government's monetary policies cause the exchange rate for its currency to fall, tourism will likely benefit. This is because the country's currency will become cheaper and vacations in that country will become less expensive for people in other countries. SELECTED PRESENTATIONS, SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS - SEMINAR ON TOURISM POLICY AND ECONOMIC GROWTH Introduction 1. This note presents the record of a seminar held on 6 and 7 March 2001 in Berlin, aimed at exploring the relationships between economic growth and tourism policy. The Seminar was organised by the OECD in partnership with the Canadian Tourism Commission, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology of Germany, the Secretariat of State for Tourism of Mexico and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of Switzerland. 2. The objectives of the seminar were: * To learn more about the role and importance of tourism services as well as their...
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...Meaning of Service Marketing A Service is an economic activity that is intangible or not be touched, not be stored, and not be owned. Postal service delivering mail is a Service, and the use of expertise like person visiting a doctor is also a service. A service is consumed at the point of sale and does not result ownership. A product is material or tangible in nature, can be touched, can be stored, and a product can also be owned, but it is not so in case of a service. Defining Service Services include all economic activities whose output is not a physical product or construction, is generally consumed at the time it is produced, and added value in forms (such as convenience, amusement, timeless, comfort and health) that are essentially intangible. Defining Services Marketing:- Services marketing are a sub field of marketing, which can be split into the two main areas of goods marketing (which includes the marketing of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) and durables) and services marketing. Services marketing typically refer to both business to consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B) services, and include marketing of services like telecommunications services, financial services, all types of hospitality services, car rental services, air travel, health care services and professional services. The range of approaches and expressions of a marketing idea developed with the hope that it be effective in conveying the ideas to the diverse population of people who receive...
Words: 8157 - Pages: 33
...During the last decade, the tourism industry has seen many important changes that will have a significant impact on future tourist demand. On the one hand, the rise of e-tourism, the democratization of travel and the tendency to book and to make up one’s trip online rather than to buy a standard tourist package proposed by a tour operator, stood out with regard to the new traveller’s preferences.On the other hand, natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes as well as health issues, such as avian and swine influenza, have changed our perception of holiday and leisure. Therefore, it would be interesting to hypothesize about the future trends in travel that we can expect to see over the next decades. These can be divided into eight important trends: 1、We can predict that competition between destinations is going to be fiercer in the future. Each country should therefore look for a competitive advantage that it can develop and exploit. New emerging outbound markets Among the biggest emerging outbound markets, we can cite here China and India with over a billion people each, many of which are starting to travel internationally. This implies that inbound destinations interested in those promising markets should get prepared for this large influx by: • Improving their infrastructure, mainly road and airport infrastructures; • Preparing communication media in relevant languages; • Ensuring better air connections by seeking common ground with...
Words: 1400 - Pages: 6
...INTRODUCTION Tourism industry is one of the most profitable industries in many countries (Sinha, 2004). Whenever tourists visit a country, they bring in additional resources to the destination and such resources contribute to the development of the destinations and the country itself. It is therefore no surprise that many countries make tremendous efforts to tap income from the tourism industry (Australian Government, 2004). Among these countries are India and China. In the recent years, there have been major improvements in the tourism industry of the two countries which have restructured their mode of operation in handling tourists by providing high standards of accommodation and levels of service (Bikyamasr, 2012). This essay looks at recent tourism developments and trends that have been happening in India and China and it further looks at the likely future trend of tourism in these two emerging countries. INDIA In India, the development of the tourism industry has been on the rise in the last four years. At the moment, the industry is largest service industry contributing to about 6.3% of GDP and accounting of 8.78% of total jobs (Sinha, 2004). Though the country has not fully developed its tourism industry, further availability of tourism sites and products and adequate human resources could definitely aid this industry to rise to its full potential. According to Seth, Bhat & Sushma (2010), in 2008 the tourism industry in India was at its infant stage. At that time...
Words: 1783 - Pages: 8
...MEGATRENDS UNDERPINNING TOURISM TO 2020 Analysis of key drivers for change Larry Dwyer, Deborah Edwards, Nina Mistilis, Carolina Roman, Noel Scott and Chris Cooper Analysis of Key Drivers for Change Technical Reports The technical report series present data and its analysis, meta-studies and conceptual studies, and are considered to be of value to industry, government and researchers. Unlike the Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre’s Monograph series, these reports have not been subjected to an external peer review process. As such, the scientific accuracy and merit of the research reported here is the responsibility of the authors, who should be contacted for clarification of any content. Author contact details are at the back of this report. National Library of Australia Cataloguing in Publication Data Dwyer, Larry. Megatrends underpinning tourism to 2020: analysis of key drivers for change. Bibliography. ISBN 9781920965525. 1. Tourism - Economic aspects - Australia. 2. Tourism - Social aspects - Australia. 3. Tourism - Political aspects - Australia. 4. Tourism - Environmental aspects - Australia. 5. Tourism - Australia. I. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism. II. Title. 338.47910994 Copyright © CRC for Sustainable Tourism Pty Ltd 2008 All rights reserved. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be reproduced by any process without...
Words: 40109 - Pages: 161
...Medical tourism is becoming a popular option for tourists across the globe. It includes primarily and predominantly healthcare facilities, combined with travel and tourism. The term medical tourism describes the rapidly growing practice of travelling across international borders to obtain cost-effective and high quality medical care. Various countries like Thailand, Malaysia, India, etc are promoting medical tourism aggressively. The key competitive advantages of India in medical tourism stem from the following: low cost advantage, strong reputation in the advanced healthcare segment (cardiovascular surgery, organ transplants, eye surgery etc.) and the diversity of tourist destinations available in the country. The key concerns facing the industry include: absence of government initiative, lack of a coordinated effort to promote the industry, no accreditation mechanism for hospitals and the lack of uniform pricing policies and standards across hospitals. Medical tourism or health care tourism is a rapidly growing multibillion-dollar industry around the world. It is an economic activity that comprises trade in medical services and represents the mixing of two of the largest world industries: medicine and tourism. The case identifies the strengths of India’s medical tourism service providers and points at a number of problems that may reduce the growth opportunity of this industry. This paper focuses on the key issues and opportunities possessed by Indian medical tourism sector that...
Words: 2665 - Pages: 11
...Seventh Session 19-30 April 1999, New York TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT THE GLOBAL IMPORTANCE OF TOURISM Background Paper #1 Prepared by the World Travel and Tourism Organization and International Hotel and Restaurant Association The Global Importance of Tourism prepared by the World Travel & Tourism Council and International Hotel & Restaurant Association A. Introduction Creating jobs and wealth 1. Travel & Tourism is the world’s largest industry and creator of jobs across national and regional economies. WTTC/WEFA research show that in 2000, Travel & Tourism will generate, directly and indirectly, 11.7% of GDP and nearly 200 million jobs in the world-wide economy. These figures are forecasted to total 11.7% and 255 million respectively in 2010. 2. Jobs generated by Travel & Tourism are spread across the economy - in retail, construction, manufacturing and telecommunications, as well as directly in Travel & Tourism companies. These jobs employ a large proportion of women, minorities and young people; are predominantly in small and medium sized companies; and offer good training and transferability. Tourism can also be one of the most effective drivers for the development of regional economies. These patterns apply to both developed and emerging economies. Contributing to sustainable development 3. The 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), the Rio Earth Summit, identified Travel & Tourism as one of the key sectors of the economy...
Words: 6841 - Pages: 28
...growth in underdeveloped ‘Base of the Pyramid’ (BOP) regions, but it may also lead to unanticipated negative outcomes such as crime and social exclusion. Our objective is to improve the understanding of how entrepreneurship policies can lead to socially inclusive growth at the BOP. Drawing on data collected from Brazilian tourism destinations with varying entrepreneurship, innovation, and social inclusion policies, we argue that weak institutions coupled with alert entrepreneurs encourage destructive outcomes, especially if entrepreneurship policies are based solely on economic indicators. Policies addressing both economic and social perspectives may foster more productive entrepreneurial outcomes, albeit at a more constrained economic pace. The study extends the related BOP, entrepreneurship, global value chain, and sustainable tourism literatures by examining the poor as entrepreneurs, the role of local innovation, and how entrepreneurship policies generate different social impacts within poor communities. Keywords: base of the pyramid (BOP), entrepreneurship policy, innovation, social entrepreneurship, social inclusion, tourism industry INTRODUCTION Policy makers have identified entrepreneurship as a mechanism to alleviate poverty (Hart, 2007; Matten and Crane, 2005; Peredo and Chrisman, 2006), particularly in ‘Base of the Pyramid’ (BOP) regions, where impoverished socio-economic groups have...
Words: 14928 - Pages: 60
...Emerging sales and marketing challenges in the global hospitality industry Author: Rishi, Meghna; Gaur, Sanjaya S Abstract: Purpose - This paper attempts to identify the emerging themes that can shed light on the sales and marketing issues and challenges being faced by global hospitality organizations. Design/methodology/approach - The paper utilizes a multi-method approach for data collection. A thorough literature review, a focus group and personal interviews were conducted to explore the themes and construct a tentative thematic web. Publicly accessible secondary data in the form of customer reviews were drawn from world's leading web site - Tripadvisor.com. A total of 702 reviews of the customers of luxury hotels from the world's top two tourist destinations - France and USA - were analyzed, using thematic analysis. Customers' perspective is juxtaposed with industry's perspective to offer insights on the sales and marketing issues and challenges being faced by hospitality organizations globally. Findings - Marketing challenges, namely personalization/customization of services, service management, creating a strong parent brand, under-utilization of the social media and diverting tourists from heritage properties, are identified as some of the key emerging sales and marketing issues and challenges faced by the global hospitality industry. Practical implications - Analytically identified themes in this research paper provide valuable insights on issues and challenges...
Words: 489 - Pages: 2