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Emotions: Textbook Analysis

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Emotion in the textbook is defined as “the critical internal structure that orients us to, and engages us with, what matters in our lives: our feelings about ourselves and others.” I chose to analyze my emotional competence with my best friend, Charmaine. The category system for emotions provided four options to explore: active-negative, active-positive, passive-negative, and passive-positive. Looking into my friendship with Charmaine, I began with one of the features, valence. Valence is described as determining whether something is positive or negatively feeling. Page 136 of the textbook provided a useful chart that had descriptions of the words that I used to decide whether or not that is how I feel in the relationship. When I am with Charmaine, I feel extremely happy. Whenever she and I hang out, we always have fun and laugh. Looking at the diagram, I see the words “happy” and “excitement” which are words that I associate our friendship to be. My friendship with Charmaine has an active-positive valence and activity.
After determine that my friendship had an active-positive emotion quality, I moved on to the …show more content…
Now currently being college freshman, we have grown extremely close. Our friendship involves a lot of self-disclosure. We share things such as who we have a crush on, things we hate about our jobs. Charmaine and I are very vocal with each other about things that are going on in our daily lives. The both of us often follow the dyadic effect. The dyadic effect “describes the tendency for us to return another’s self-disclosure with one that matches it in level of intimacy.” Sometimes, Charmaine and I will have personal conversations where we often share intimate secrets with each other. During this time, we are reciprocating information with each

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