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The Geneva Conventions During The Vietnam War

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Throughout history, every nation has established rules that protect every individual involved in warfare. These rules set in place procedures that preserve the basic treatment of prisoners, soldiers, and citizens that are affected. The rules we follow today follow under the Geneva Conventions. They have paved the way for how we interact with other countries in a time of war. It also has changed the way wars are fought, by incorporating ground rules, and saying what can and can not happen. For example, you cannot use chemical warfare, landmines, or other devices designed to maim. But in recent history, especially conflicts in the Middle East, the Geneva Conventions have been violated. To understand why this matters, we need to better understand how the conventions were started in the first place and why. …show more content…
In 1859, Henry Dunant, a Swiss citizen, witnessed the aftermath of the Battle of Solfino. He was horrified by the things he saw, which included the sight of thousands of dead and wounded soldiers lying helplessly on the ground. Nobody was able to take care of the wounded, so they would lay there abandoned until they died. From his experience, it lead to Henry suggesting volunteer relief organizations to be created that would take care and treat all those involved in wartime. He also called for an international agreement that would protect the wounded, and those that take care and treat the wounded from any other attacks or punishments. Four years after his ideas, in 1863, Henry then arranged an unofficial international conference which agreed that every country should create a relief organization that helps their Army Medical Services during wartime. With Henry’s ideas set in stone, it formed the creation of the Red

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