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Empirical Procedure


Submitted By micahz28
Words 313
Pages 2

Empirical procedure for purifying Enzyme X: 1. To begin the purification process, mix blue green algae with an appropriate quantity of a buffer and triturate through use of a mechanical crushing process. Centrifuge at 4 degrees C for 10 min at 5,000 rpm.
Next, determine whether the supernatant and the precipitate has the highest specific activity of the desired enzyme. The specific activity is the ratio of biochemical activity to the weight or volume of total protein present.
The portion containing the greatest concentration of the desired enzyme would be kept for further fractionation and testing. Use of substances such as ammonium sulfate or polyethylene glycol that compete for water with the macromolecules could then be employed. This process, known as "salting out" the organic material from water by varying the solvent ratio or through doing another assay measuring the specific activity. Again, the portion containing the lesser amount would be discarded.
Affinity chromatography would next be performed to identify the active enzyme based on the principal that enzymes attach to specific substrates and that specific receptors selectively bind the enzyme, impeding its passage in solution.
Next, electrophoresis would be performed to help determine the purity of the compound. In electrophoresis, substances are first sorted by size and charge, and then by charge. There will be a separation of bands in the electrophoresis that corresponds to the components. Since Enzyme X is pigmented, it should manifest as a vivid blue color.

2. A good indicator of purity of the final assay would be the level of specific activity. This would only be arrived at after working through the specific activity of many intermediate assays, always utilizing the portion with the highest specific activity before passing to the next step.

I solely used the document from Topic 1.2: Biochemical Aspects,

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