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Employee Portfolio Management Plan Mgt 311


Submitted By stepachi
Words 502
Pages 3
Employee Portfolio Management Plan
June 02, 2014
Kathy Maas

Employee Portfolio Management Plan
Job satisfaction is important in any work environment because the more satisfied that the employees are, the more likely that they will stay with the job and provide high quality work. Self-assessments on employees help to find out what characteristics, or traits each one possesses. It is important to know the personality of the employees hired in order to figure out what may motivate them. Three employees were given each a set of self-assessment to take in order for myself to better evaluate the individuals and see how they help our organization with their traits.
With the self-assessment given on job satisfaction, all three of the employees were satisfied with their job, two being highly satisfied and one being somewhat satisfied. The individual who was only somewhat satisfied was unhappy in areas of management, freedom to make decisions, and being able to use his skills. This could affect the work performance because of the dissatisfaction. It would be important to sit this individual down and find out what he feels the job is lacking and get his input on how he would like to see improvements.
When looking at the emotional intelligence scores of the employees, it was obvious that they each possessed a high level of individual intelligence. This lets me know as the manager that my employees are able to work through stressful situations and also are able to quickly bounce back without letting their emotions drive them. Each of the employees are also happy individuals and this helps with the work environment because it creates a positive atmosphere for other employees and customers.
The intensity level assessment lets me know how each employee deals with emotions and whether they are compassionate and empathetic towards others. This is good in a

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