...Bonuses, Performance feedback, social recognition and promotion due to ineffective rewarding system that implemented by our company. Write the problem in your way and follow the instruction in Analytic Essay 1 under Context Symptoms I felt disappointed and not interested to the work that affects in the following outcomes: 1. Low performance. 2. Low productivity 3. Lower my loyalty 4. Lack of discipline and accountability 5. Looking for other job. If you have better than what mentioned above Please add with explanation and follow the instruction in Analytic Essay 1 under Symptoms Causes: Under causes use Expectancy Theory and linked with the above motivation problem. There is also two theories, please use the one that is fit and related to the above problem. 1. 1-The operant Approach: How do rewards and punishment affect Motivation? 2. 2-Factors Theory (By Herzberg). Follow the instruction in Analytic Essay 1 under Causes Fix: What exactly happened in reality, I set with my manager and complained about my situation, but nothing changes so I was looking for other job and once they knew my decision,they promoted me (higher Grade, senior position and higher salary) to keep me work in the company Other solutions in my opinion (no need to use them if you have better solution than me) 1. Social Recognition 2. Performance Feed back 3. Employee of the month 4. Bounces based on employee valuation Followthe instruction in Analytic Essay 1 under...
Words: 280 - Pages: 2
...Management Style Essay Lacreshia Hampton HCS/325 November 24, 2014 Sandra Marken Management Style Essay The definition of management can be defined as achieving goals in a way that makes the best use of all resources. When dealing with management managers have resources that at their disposal to invest. They have to deal with the people, material, and a budget, in addition to their own time and energy. Management can also mean the process of reaching organizational goals by working with and through people from other organizational resources. When dealing with management it is best if they use the four basic functions planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling. When it comes to being a good manager superior communication skills is very important. It is very important because it strengthens your ties with your employees to encourage true stand limit conflicts. Listening is also important because when employees are sharing ideas, in a team gathering or when emotions are high. Leading with transparency and honesty is another good quality because it is best if we update our employees on small successes and concerns so that they are aware of what is going on at all times. Another good quality of a manager would be motivating positive feedback and recognition because it is important when an employee is doing a good job we let them know that we appreciate the good work that their doing. The poor qualities...
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...MGT/431 October 18, 2011 University Of Phoenix Tracy Garmer Incentive plans paper In this essay I will discuss how organization’s incentive plans relate to organizational objectives. Second, I will evaluate how the incentive plans do, or do not help the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Along with wages and salary, many organizations offer incentive pay which is designed to energize, direct, or control employee’s behavior. Incentive pay is effective, because the amount paid is linked to certain behaviors or outcomes (Noe, R. A. Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B. & Wright, P. M. 2007). The way to integrate employee incentive plans with organizational objectives is to focus on incentives the activities that are relevant to achieve the desired objectives, rather than basing it things such as seniority or organizational politics (Ingram, D. ehow contributor 2011). There are many reasons why an employee incentive plan was created such as, employee recognition, cash or non-cash incentives, eligibility, and performance measures. Some incentive plans only offer positive recognition for employees who can reach their goals under the plan. This type of incentive plan will not motivate most people to want to reach their goals. A study from People Performance Management and Measurement found that most managers use employee recognition as their incentive plan. Managers can also design a special program to achieve organizational objectives if it has...
Words: 624 - Pages: 3
...an employee based on results from assigned duties while excluding their personality is defined as Performance appraisal. At the end of this essay, individuals will have the ability to measure skills of an employee accurately and uniformly. Moreover, the user will be able to understand the importance of performance appraisal in an organisation. Performance is greatly boosted with any form of appraisal. The employee`s objectives are clarified specifically to them making it easy to set goals and work towards achieving them. In addition, performance appraisal ensures that an employee’s effort has been recognised. This in turn increases the level of motivation of a worker consequently raising their performance (Bartol & Martin 1998). By recognition, other employees are motivated to work exorbitantly in order to get recognition from the organisation as their peers. Performance appraisal has the following strategic benefits to how employees do their work: * Improves and boost employee`s morale * Allows individual employees to set goals * Ease in identifying problems and correction One of the limitations in performance appraisal arises from biasness during evaluation. There are different forms of biasness in performance appraisal, including: Personal bias This is the general feeling an individual in charge has towards certain employees. It is also referred to as leniency bias and is normally brought about by religious, social, and personal information of the employee. Halo...
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...right human resources or staff (i.e. mangers and employee). It trains and develops them. It motivates them by giving them recognition and rewards. It also provides them with the best working condition. HRM is directly concerned with the "People" of the organisation. It is people oriented process. That is manage people at work. (Akrani, 2011) HRM is a process of four function which are listed below: * Acquisition of human resources: It includes planning, recruitment, selection, placement and induction of staff. * Development of human resources: It includes training/ development and career development. The knowledge skill, attitudes and social behaviours. * Motivation of human resources: This function includes giving recognition and rewards to the staff. It also includes performance, appraisal and handling the problems of staff. * Maintenance of human resources: This function includes providing the best working condition for employees. It also looks after the health and safety of the staff. Outsourcing * Freelancing * Sub-Contracting * Franchising * Consultancy Work H R M Employee Needs Long term consequences * Individual well-being. * Organizational Effectiveness. * Societal well being. Business Strategy and Condition Internal Flexibility * Part time * Temporary Work * Home work * Tele working * Flexi-time Management Philosophy In this essay I will be drawing a situation of a Hospitality...
Words: 1818 - Pages: 8
...achieve specific, unmet needs (Buford, Bedeian, & Lindner, 1995); an internal drive to satisfy an unsatisfied need (Higgins, 1994); and the will to achieve (Bedeian, 1993). Organisations exist to achieve corporate objectives and employees working in those organisations aide in achieving those objectives by working towards their individual goals and targets. In an ideal world, if every individual was providing his best performance then organisational goals would be met sooner too; however in the real world it is often not the case. Organisations lag behind and more often than not the reason is a demotivated staff. An understanding of the basic human nature is important for effective employee motivation in the workplace and also for effective management and leadership. Struggling with your essay? We can help! We can help get your coursework back on track, take a look at our services to learn more about how we can help. Custom Written Work Guaranteed on Time Get The Grade You ordered In today's business world with rapid changes happening all around, it has become even more important for managers to motivate their staff and help their staff in optimising their performance. Besides, research and observation proves that motivated employees are more creative and productive in the work place. Several theories of motivation have been presented...
Words: 1646 - Pages: 7
...structure, and new hiring practices. The job structure recommendations will allow for more cross training between office workers and service providers. This will enrich all jobs at DrainFlow by adding different tasks, autonomy, and feedback. The new incentive structure will allow for flexible benefits and recognition. This is designed to motivate employees and improve customer service. Lastly, the new hiring practices will provide a repeatable solution for finding a cohesive set of new employees. 2. Satisfaction The job characteristics model offers such a framework. It identifies five primary job characteristics, interrelationship, and impact on employee productivity, motivation, and satisfaction. (Hakman, Lawler, 1994) The present system of job design may be contribution to employee dissatisfaction; the most important reason is from the interrelationship, according the figure from the essay, we can know the lowest satisfaction parts are the interactions with the employees' supervisor and the company asked them to do the work. Therefore, after our group analysis we think the important with employees' dissatisfaction of reasons are the interactions and motivation problems. Frome the essay we know DrainFlow company's employees working in four basic jobs categories, plumbers,...
Words: 284 - Pages: 2
...Introduction While this essay will argue that it disagree the statement on account of Bruce Ford can change his mind and there are some theories to help him like his job let alone feel motivated by it. On the basis of this case, Bruce has low job satisfaction and does not have motivation on his work, especially that time Helen re-structuring process. Otherwise Bruce feels socially isolated at work. So he needs some theories to change his attitude and values in order to help him to rebuild the high level of job satisfaction and motivation in the future. In this article, it will use three aspects to analysis Bruce action and find the solutions of these problems. First of all, it will use the job satisfaction and attitude to analysis why Bruce has low organization commitment and low productivity, then let Bruce enhance his job satisfaction and motivation within his work. What's more, it will introduce that Herzberg’s two factor theory to solve Bruce's problems. Lastly, some suggestions will be given to balance the two different values in order to help Bruce to continue stay in the workplace. Analysis Job satisfaction Job satisfaction plays a significant role about each person to enjoy his job. From this case Bruce has low satisfaction with his work, such as he does not satisfied his salary and position. According to Robbins et al(2008,p79) 'a person with a high level of job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the job, while a person who is dissatisfied holds negative...
Words: 2113 - Pages: 9
...Essay Topic Why is the study of Different Theories of Motivation important to managers? The World has changed at a very fast pace and will continue to do so. The view point that many prominent researchers had on motivation has also evolved with changing times. There has been a phenomenal change in the way organizations and individuals function in the twenty first century if we made a comparison with how organizations functioned back in the day. There is a significantly greater focus today on employee satisfaction, work life balance, cross cultural values, virtual teams and formal performance management processes to name a few. Globalization is one the key factors which has brought a prominent change in many organizational practices in the twenty first century. Hershey and Blanchard (1977) mentioned that “motives can be defined as needs, wants, drives or impulses within the individual which are directed towards goals which may be conscious or sub conscious”. Motivation has been defined by Robbins, Decenzo and Coulter (2011) as “motivation is the process by which a person’s efforts are energized, directed, and sustained towards attaining a goal “ In this paper we will define motivation as the force which helps an individual focus on his immediate and long term goals and helps him run the extra mile. Also in this essay we will be focusing on the impact of culture on organizational behavior and the reasons why managers need to be aware of various motivational theories so that they...
Words: 2271 - Pages: 10
...ones who “suffer” more. Their workload becomes heavy and as a result their stress levels are increased. It is important to focus on motivating the employees who survive a layoff because after that, they feel a lack of security on their job, due to the fact they don’t know when it will be their turn. Motivating surviving people reduces the negative feeling they experience during this layoff event, and the negative consequences. This is what company should do, if it wants to develop the organization during an economic turndown. 2. To what extent is Conaty’s advice consistent with equity and expectancy theory? The equity theory is based on the very important task for the managers which is giving and paying attention to the perceptions that an employee can have. He can look for fairness and equity as well. Therefore the managers should communicate with wariness and explain their decisions very...
Words: 530 - Pages: 3
...Effort, Reward & Dissatisfaction MGT1000 - Organisational Behaviour Essay 1 There are certain choices in life that dictate all future pathways and opportunities, that will shape a life of bliss or misery; job choice is one such decision. The thought processes and factors considered in such a process are complex and varied; however there have been studies that attempt to explain and quantify this decision process. This essay will apply two of these models, namely Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory and Vroom’s Expectancy Theory to the decision process of Michael Stirling and the choice he must make between a Deputy Principal position at his current school, or leaving to take up the prestigious position of principal at the International School of Melbourne. Through application of these theories, focusing primarily on motivation and job satisfaction variables, it will be clear that Sandra, Michael’s wife, opinion that the ISM position is a better fit for Michael is a reasonable statement. Although the role of Deputy Principal Head of IT is a closer match for Michaels expertise and passion, it will be proposed that this role will have to overcome greater factors of potential dissatisfaction and that the Principal postion contains motivators that will sustain for a longer period. This analysis will provide an insight into the internal thought processes and relationship to the discussed theories which will be summarized into a conclusive judgement. ‘Motivation can broadly be...
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...base salary as well. A commission only structure can greatly motivate employees to make sales, yet if they only receive pay for making a sale, an employee might not feel that they need to come to work if they can’t rely on a sale that day. Base pay can make an employee want to choose that job because it can lead to job security (Motivating, 2011). A good mixture of both a base salary, as well as a commission structure will provide the best motivation for a sales person as far as compensation goes. Compensation is not the only thing to goes into motivating someone in the sales force though. Employees also want to gain recognition for results that they have achieved. Rewards don’t always have to be financial for every member, yet can still be a great motivator. Employees will probably work hard to get good results if they were to know those results could send them on some sort of trip, or even just to a nice event outside of the work place. Some employees find intrinsic rewards to be a huge motivator as well though. An employee having their name on an internal leader board might be enough recognition for that employee (What Motivates, 2011). Employees also want to feel that they fit in with the other associates. If an employee does not feel that they fit in, this could do the opposite of motivating that employee. There are not...
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...Employee reward system refers to programs set up by a company to reward performance and motivate employees on individual and / or group levels. They are considered separate from salary but may be monetary in nature or otherwise have a cost to the company. A reward system consists of financial rewards (fixed and variable pay) and employee benefits, which together comprise total remuneration. The system also incorporates non financial rewards (recognition, praise, achievement, responsibility and personal growth) and, in many cases, performance management processes. Employees are motivated by both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, to be effective, the reward system must recognize both sources of motivation. All reward system is based on the assumptions of attracting, retaining and motivating people. Financial rewards are an important component of the reward system, but there are other factors that motivate employees and influence the levels of performance. An increase in reducing payroll costs would demotivated the employees thus the organizational objectives would not be achieved due to less work force. Due to the reduction of payroll costs some employers will be forced to use their profitable units to cover loses of uneconomical units. The reward practices and policies are linked through an employees’ point of view where the reward management should take into account of the aspirations, expectations and needs of employees as stakeholders in the organization. Considerations...
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...employee HR practices Think of better practices that could be applied to the company you're consulting with. These practices could be used to increase competitive advantage of the company. Here are some suggested areas...choose only one: 9- Performance evaluation and feedback and career development http://www.dirjournal.com/guides/the-best-hr-practices-that-successful-companies-practice/ (Hasan, 2009) http://www.citehr.com/16697-best-practices-employee-retention.html (kiran , Employee Retention, 2006) =========================================================== Inspired by the wonder HRM practice in Singhania and Partners, I realized that continuously training is very important to keep employees competent. It also has a positive impact on keeping employees motivated and loyal to the organization. In Singhania and Partners, they have bi-weekly open house in which they hold presentations on different topics from different legal areas. Even the junior-most lawyers are highly encouraged to participate in the presentation and practice. This is a great occasion where the employees can present, discuss, and learn from each other. It is also a good place to build a healthy learning-encouraging environment in the organization and help employees to build self-confidence. (Goyal, 2008) When providing suggestions on improving human resource management and retaining talent within an organization, a business consultant should understand the important role of training in...
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...In this essay, I will review the scenarios in the assignment, determine which Base of Power is being demonstrated, as well as provide my justifications for that determination. The 5 Bases of Power, described by social psychologists French and Raven, are as follows (Bases of Social Power - French Raven, including list below): 1. Reward Power - power given based on the perception that you can reward a person, or remove negative consequences 2. Coercive Power - power given based on the perception that you can punish a person 3. Legitimate Power - power given based on your appointment to the position, and the authority that grants you. 4. Referent Power - power given based upon perceived charm, charisma, and likability. 5. Expert Power - power given you based on recognition of your ability, skills, experience, etc. In scenario 1, the manager is demonstrating Reward Power. Per the assignment: " The marketing manager encourages employees to work beyond the requisite 40 hours a week by reminding them of the yearly bonus for receiving a superior rating on their next evaluation." Employees go the extra mile, and make sure work is accurate, based entirely upon the expectation of a bonus. There is no negative implication stated, so I do not think Coercive Power is being demonstrated. In addition, the manager is demonstrating legitimate power, in that his position is used to exercise control over employee's behavior based upon his appointment as the manager. In scenario 2, I believe...
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