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Emr In Healthcare Case Study

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The most important fact surrounding the case is the sharing of medical data across different systems. Doctors and hospitals converting over from paper- based medical records which are fairly problematic to electronic systems are compelling. The electronic medical system is distinctly used to contain a person’s personal information, full medical history, test results, diagnoses, treatments, prescription medications and etc. Despite that EMR system fulfils the standard requirements for recording needed medical information. Inefficiencies in medical record keeping is one of the reasons why health care cost in the Unites States is the highest in the world (Business Information Systems in Your Career). Noted in 2012 health care cost had risen to 2.8 trillion dollars.
Electronic medical record system is not only supposed to contain a person’s medical history, reduce medical errors and improve medical care, but finally lead to an considerable amount of savings, as good as 80 billion dollars per year. It has been proven that electronic medical systems have offered compelling advantages to hospitals, doctor’s office and most importantly patients. This criteria allows doctors to avoid trouble and …show more content…
Such as medical professionals have to change how they work, they have to spend an extensive amount of time entering a patient’s medical history into the EMR system. Another issue is the sharing of medical information between different EMR systems; unfortunately the systems could have the possibility of not being able to share information between one another, which is a fundamental qualification. The RAND Corporation predicted that improvements in information systems could save the U.S. healthcare system $81 billion dollars per year (Business Information Systems in Your Career). It was also found that the increase in digital healthcare systems was the reason U.S. health care spending rose to $2.8 trillion

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