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Principles Of Recovery

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It is correct that consumer voice is central to all mental health context and areas of practice, given it is their personal experiences of all those who have gone through unfortunate occurrences desire to have their voices heard. To have their human rights held high, gaining respect and self-worth would be their need. Us as nurses we need to embrace the fact that every individual have aright to their beliefs, values and to live their personal life as they choose. In this essay I am going to touch base on three to four principles of recovery in underlying consumer’s personal experiences and thoughts. Personal recovery-definition, recover self-determination and safety, Recovery-oriented mental health practice, and finally attitudes and rights. …show more content…
Recovery discusses two concepts; inner conditions experienced by the individual that defines themselves in the recovery hope and healing, while the other concept is the external conditions that simplifies recovery. This is where the first principle of recovery comes into place a it discusses the ‘Uniqueness of the individual’. As I mentioned earlier that recovery is not the same as cure, rather it focuses on the opportunities for choices and having a purposeful life, meaningful living and being a respected and human number of the community. Nurses need to acknowledge that the outcomes of the recovery are personal and exclusive to each individual. (Hyde, Bowels & Pawar …show more content…
The principle “attitudes and rights” identifies the critical aspect of listening and learning from the consumer. “I just wish they would listen to me” Clearly it can be seen that this quote strongly clarifies that consumers desire to be heard among others. To hear and not listen is not helpful in the case of a person with a mental illness given: “Some consumers talked about listening
In the context of poor communication from staff…” and lack of professionalism in communication and consideration of all patients can lead to a negative outcomes As stated in the article: “while others felt dismissed and ignored in their efforts to explain and make meaning of their state of being that had initiated an admission”.
A person needs time and appropriate space to share and express the experiences that resulted in the traumas that they have gone through; given being able to ‘sense’ is a principle of recovery orientated practice. Hyde, Bowles, & Pawar,

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