Chapter 1: Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Presentation and organisation of these instruction notes ....................................................................3 1.2 Definitions .........................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Contents of the Application Package .................................................................................................4 1.4 Application deadline and submission procedure ................................................................................4 1.5 Key reference documents...................................................................................................................6 1.6 The Award Criteria, Experts Assessment and Scoring Mechanism ..................................................7 1.7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) .................................................................................................8 Chapter 2: The Application Package .....................................................................................................................................9 2.1. Document 1 - The Application Form ..........................................................................................................9 Cover page of the application form....................................................................................................................9 Part A. Identification of the Applicant and other organisations participating in the project ...........................10 Part B. Organisation and activities ...................................................................................................................13 Part C. Statistical data and Summary of the joint programme .........................................................................14 Part D. Technical Capacity ..............................................................................................................................22 Part E. Degree(s) Awarded ..............................................................................................................................24 2.2. Next steps ..................................................................................................................................................25 Annexes: Codes and references to be used in the eForm ................................................................................................... 27 Annex 1. List of Organisation Types ...............................................................................................................27 Annex 2. List of thematic fields (levels 1 and 2) .............................................................................................28 Annex 3. Country codes ...................................................................................................................................31 Annex 4: Regional codes .................................................................................................................................34
Presentation and organisation of these instruction notes
These detailed instructions follow the same order as the 2011 Erasmus Mundus Action 1 – Joint Programmes Application Form.
Applicants who do not refer to these notes or who do not follow the instructions and guidance in them risk submitting an incomplete or incorrect application, and therefore significantly reducing the chances of their application being successful.
Please note that these instructions have to be read in conjunction with the eForm User Guide which provides guidance on the technical functionalities of the electronic form and on the on-line submission of applications. The update of this User Guide will be available on EACEA website concomitantly with the final version of the eForm. In the meantime references to this User Guide are have been highlighted in grey in the enclosed instructions. It also includes contact details of the helpdesk to answer any technical questions that applicants may have.
In line with the EM Programme Guide Consortium means the grouping of higher education institutions (also including doctoral/graduate/research school s or research organisations in the case of EMJD consortia) that will be responsible for the direct implementation of the proposed joint programme. The consortium members are: the Applicant /Coordinating organisation: that submits the proposal and acts as coordinating organisation on behalf of the consortium; i f the proposal is selected, the Applicant organisation will become the beneficiary organisation and will sign the Framework Partnership Agreement and further Specific Grant Agreements with the Agency; and the (full) Partner organisations: although the Applicant organisation submits the proposal and, if approved, acts as beneficiary and contact point for the Agency during the joi nt programme's implementation, full partner organisations must have been fully involved in the preparation of the proposal. They should formally confirm their commitment and contribution to it through endorsement letters included in the proposal and signed by their highest authorities (President, Rector, Vice-Chancellor, etc.). Associated partners are organisations involved in the application although they do not form part of the consortium. They cannot receive direct funding from the project's EU grant but can contribute to the promotion, implementation and /or evaluation of the joint programme.
Unlike full partner organisations, associated partners do not need to be formally identified in section A and B of the application form. However, for those associated partners that play a structural (formal/longstanding) role in the joint programme (e.g. by providing financial support, hosting students regularly or contributing to the joint programme's evaluation ), it is advisable to include them under these sections as well as to provide endorsement letters/letters of intent in which they formally confirm their concrete contribution to the project.
Contents of the Application Package
The Application Package consists of the following 3 mandatory documents: DOCUMENT 1. The Application form: The application form is organized in 5 Parts as follows: Part A: Identification of the applicant and other organisations participating in the project Part B: Organisation and activities Part C: Summary data and description of the project Part D: Technical Capacity Part E: Degree-awarding summary You will find information and advice for completing each of these parts in Chapter 2 of these instructions. DOCUMENT 2. The "Declaration on Honour by the Legal Representative of the Applicant Organisation" (to be attached to the application form) DOCUMENT 3. The "Consortium's answer to the Award criteria" (to be attached to the application form- (Max 25 pages – Times New Roman font – Font size 11)
Chapter 1 also includes detailed information on the assessment mechanisms that will be used to evaluate applications. If any of the three mandatory documents that constitute the application package are not submitted, incomplete or unsigned, the application will be considered as ineligible and will not be accepted. In addition to the application form itself, future Action 1 applicants are also invited to send the Agency, at the latest one month in advance of the formal application deadline, a Summary sheet providing the joint programme's title and thematic area. This will allow the Agency to fine tune its experts’ recruitment and ensure adequate matching between the experts' field of expertise and the project’s thematic area(s).
1.4 Application deadline and submission procedure The following table provides a summary of the application deadline as well as of the submission procedure and obligations. Because of the strict application of the submission deadline, applicants are strongly advised not to wait for the last moment to prepare and submit their electronic applications.
BY 31 MARCH 2011
Summary sheet of the intended proposal to be submitted by e-mail to the address below using the template provided on the following webpage: _41_10_en.php Summary sheet should be submitted by e:mail to: Please indicate "EACEA 41/10" and the acronym of the proposal in the e -mail's subject header.
BY 29 APRIL 2011
B.1 By midday 12:00:00 (Central European Time - CET) at the latest
→ Electronic Application form composed of the duly completed Application Package
(Documents 1, 2 and 3, as specified under section 1.3 above) ATTENTION: At 12:00:00 CET on 29 April 2011, the electronic submission procedure will be blocked and it will not be possible anymore to submit this electronic application to the Agency. ! Failure to meet this electronic submission deadline will lead to the automatic rejection of any proposal received through other means (paper or e-mail). It is highly recommended to avoid last minute submission, notably because submission may take time depending from the used connection and server usage. B.2 By midnight – 24:00:00 (Central European Time - CET) at the latest
→ By e-mail:
B.2.a → To the Agency at the following mailbox: B.2.b → and to the Erasmus Mundus National Structures (EM NS) of the country of each participating organisation (applicant or full partners) at the relevant contact details available under the following link: 1- copy of the submitted application (Documents 1, 2 and 3 referred to under B.1 above)- in pdf format 2-Relevant annexes*: a) highly recommended - letters of endorsement/intent from partner organisations ; - blank copies of the degree(s), and/or proof of recognition of the proposed degree(s).(on this latter, for further information see chapter 2 Part E last bullet points) b) others (e.g.): - (draft) consortium agreement, if available; - model of Diploma Supplement, if avail able; - student/doctoral candidate agreement, if available; - for joint doctorate proposals, copy of an employment contract, if available ; For the smooth processing of your e -mail application, it is important that: The subject of your e-mail starts with the 6 digit submission number of your eform; Each annex is identified with a (short and) meaningful name so as to facilitate its identification at assessment stage (e.g. "LE-P4" for the letter of endorsement provided by the partner identified as P4 in the eform; or "degree-P4P6" for the model of the joint degree that will be delivered on behalf of these two partners). * Please note that the above annexes cannot replace essential information expected to be in the application package; they should only support , illustrate or evidence the information already included in the application. Although none of these annexes are considered mandatory (i.e. the application will not be declared ineligible if some or all are absent), the ir presence and quality may be assessed in the context of the relevant award criteria.
In order to reduce the size of the email message you are advised to group the annexes in a compressed (e.g. zip) file. If, because of the size of the application, more than one message needs to be sent, pl ease use the same subject followed by "(part 1)", "(part 2)", etc.
Applicants must ensure that the presentation of the application package complies with the following provisions: The eForm (submitted electronically) must include its two mandatory annexes, i.e. a scanned version of the "Declaration on Honour" (duly completed and signed by the legal representative of the Applicant Organisation) and an electronic version of the "Consortium Answers to the Award Criteria". These documents must be attached to the eForm. See the section 6 of the eForm User Guide for guidance on how to attach documents in the eForm. The application (including the answer to the award criteria) must be completed electronically by computer (no handwritten submissions, or submissions completed using a typewriter will be accepted). Any information or documents other than the three mandatory documents constituting the Application Package will be considered as additional information only, and will not necessarily be taken into consideration by experts in the evaluation of the application. Therefore make sure the relevant information is provided under each of the award criteria so that the application can eventually be evaluated on this sole basis. No changes to the application can be made after it has been submitted. However, if there is a need to clarify certain aspects, the applicant concerned may be contacted for this purpose. Applicants are STRONGLY advised to submit their application well in advance of the deadline and to keep proof of the safe arrival of the application in the system. Additionally ensure that the copies (sent by e-mail to EACEA and to the EM NS of each of the European partner organisations) are dispatched by the deadline s indicated in the table above.
Key reference documents
Applicants should refer to the following documents in order to prepare their project and complete their form: Erasmus Mundus 2009-2013 Programme Guide This document provides information on the different eligibility, exclusion, selection and award criteria, the assessment and selection procedure and timetable, the contractual and financial regulations applicable to selected proposals. Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals 2011 php
The Award Criteria, Experts Assessment and Scoring Mechanism The English, French and German version of the five award criteria and their respective subcriteria can be found on the Erasmus Mundus Call for Proposals page: . The proposal will be assessed against the five award criteria by at least two external independent experts who will have to reach a consensus on the scoring as well as on the comments that will be sent as feedback to each applicant. Experts will be asked to assess the way the elements covered by the award (sub -)criteria have been addressed by the applicant consortium. In this context, their evaluation will not only cover the answers provided to each individual sub-criterion. It will also review the relevance of other elements of the application form to the award criteria, such as: The way the participating organisations (applicant, full partner organisations and, if relevant, associated partners) have described their expertise and concrete contribution to the proposal; The quality and soundness of the endorsement letters provided by the full partner organisations and, if relevant, the associated partners; The validity of the degrees intended to be delivered.
Scoring mechanism The assessment grids below show the scoring mechanism that will be used by the independent external experts assessing the applications submitted to the Executive Agency under the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 Call for Proposals 2011. Theses scores – ranging from 0 to 5 with the possibility of half points - will be applied to each of the individual sub-criterion covered in the five award criteria .
0 – missing information 1 – poor
A score of 0 is given for a criterion if the information detailed in the Call for Proposals would reasonably have been expected and is not present in the proposal. A score of 0.5 will not be given. A score of 1.0 or 1.5 will be awarded if the proposal is of poor quality for the criterion in question. This may be because information is incomplete in the view of the expert, not clear or not convincing.
2 - fair
A score of 2.0 or 2.5 will be awarded where the content of th e criterion in question is at a level consistent with that routinely produced by the universities across Europe. There may be some strong and relevant points within the proposal, but there may also be weaknesses and in particular there may be no specific details brought out which singles out the proposal from others.
3 - good
Scores of 3.0 or 3.5 indicate that the proposal demonstrates overall good features with regard to the award criterion in question (even though it may contain some weaknesses) but does not contain features that set it
apart from many other good proposals being assessed. 4 – very good Scores of 4.0 or 4.5 reflect that the proposal has identifiable features which demonstrate that the proposal is of a high quality with regard to the award criterion in question. It includes features that set the proposal apart from other good quality proposals within the assessment 5 - excellent In general, scores of 5 are not used unless experts consider that the content of the proposal could not be impro ved.
The total score for the application will correspond to the sum of the scores given to each subcriterion, weighted by the percentage allocated to the relevant award criterion.
Once the evaluation procedure is completed, applicants will receive as feedback from the Agency The consolidated comments provided by the external independent experts who have evaluated the proposal; An indication of the proposal's overall quality as compared to all applications received under the corresponding action. More information on the expert assessment procedure can be found in the Erasmus Mundus Action 1 Experts Assessment Manual used for the selection round of April 2010. These are available on the 2011 Call page: 1/call_eacea_41_10_en.php
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) On the Agency's website ( ), potential applicants will find the answers provided by the Erasmus Mundus Team to the most frequent (/relevant) questions raised by Action 1 applicants and/or beneficiaries while preparing or implementing their joint programmes . These answers are updated regularly and more frequently during the period that follows the publication of t he Call for proposal and prior to the application deadline(s).
Applicants are invited to refer to these FAQs regularly to clarify possible doubts and ensure that they benefit from the information and clarification provided by the Agency to other applicants and beneficiaries.
CHAPTER 2: THE APPLICATION PACKAGE 2.1. Document 1 - The Application Form Applications for Erasmus Mundus Action 1a and 1b projects must be submitted by eForm. The eForm is an Adobe software development and applicants should ensure that they can install (at least) Adobe Reader version 8.1.5 on the computer they will be using to complete the application form. In certain organisations this may require the intervention of your central helpdesk as some organisations do not allow installation on local PCs. T he form is downloaded onto a local computer and can be completed remotely. Once the text is ready and the mandatory attachments are linked to the application, it needs to be submitted using an internet connection.
The eForm is designed to ensure that applicants have the greatest chance of submitting an eligible application. Therefore you will find that submission is impossible unless all mandatory fields are completed and mandatory attachments enclosed (see above section 1.3). Full details of these are available in the form of the eForm User Guide that will be published alongside the eForm.
Cover page of the application form
Drop down list with 2 values: Erasmus Mundus joint master course (EMMC) or Erasmus Mundus joint doctorate programme (EMJD). Not applicable
Choose a title that will be meaningful to someone who knows nothing about the project If selected, the acronym will be the main project ID. It should be short and easy to remember Drop down list: only EN, FR, or DE
Note: Once the appropriate Action - EMMC or EMJD – has been selected, Part C.1 of the eForm will only display the fields and questions relevant to the Action selected. If the application is selected for funding, the contents of the application form will constitute the basis of the agreements between the Agency and the consortium members. As a result, the language used must be the communication language used between all the members of your consortium. The application form must be completed in ONE language only. Do not provide information on individual partners in various languages as the experts selected to assess your application will not necessarily be able to understand what is written. All fields marked with * are obligatory.
Part A. Identification of the Applicant and if applicable other organisations participating in the project Note: Please read section 5.2 of the eForm User Guide for information on the way Parts A and B behave and need to be filled in. Part A (with the exception of section A.3 applicable to the applicant organisation only) and Part B.1 and B.2 must be completed by all the consortium members in accordance notably with the consortium minimum requirements stated in sections 4.2.1 (EMMC proposals) or 5.2.1 (EMJD proposals) of the EM Programme Guide. Although it is not mandatory to complete Parts A and B for associated partners, it is nevertheless recommended to do so for those associated partners that play an important (/formal /structural /longstanding) role in the joint programme (e.g. by acting as regular host organisation for students/doctoral candidates, by providing financial support through complementary scholarships or through other means, by contributing to the quality assessment of the joint programme, etc.). Those associated partners whose expertise and support will be called upon on an ad hoc basis (i.e. only if relevant and not necessarily for all editions of the joint programme) should not be included under Parts A and B and should only be referred to in the answer to the relevant sub-criteria (e.g. under sub-criteria A.1.6, 3.3, 5.2 for EMMCs or B.1.4, 2.4; 5.2 or 5.4 for EMJDs). As explained in section 5.2 of the eForm User Guide, each organisation registered in Parts A and B will be allocated a "Partner number" that starts with P1 for the applicant organisation. Please, register your consortium members first before, if applicable, registering the most important of your associated partners.
By default, Part A always starts with the applicant organisation, identified as "P1". This is the only organisation record that cannot be deleted.
Drop-down menu providing the official regions for the country selected in the previous field. For the applicant organisation, the internet address should be the one of the joint programme's website (if available). If not - and as for all other participating organisations - provide the organisation's website. More information on the website expected content can be consulted under:
Tick the box ONLY if the address is different from that provided under A.1. Then the system will not replicate the contact details inputted in A1.
Note: Section A.2 has to be filled in for all organisations registered under Part A, i.e. applicant, full partner organisations and, if relevant, the most important associated partners. The contact person in the Applicant Organisation must be the “project coordinator”. If the proposal is selected, he/she will be the sole contact of the Agency for project monitoring purposes and will liaise with the other partners in order to ensure the effective implementation of the joint programme. It is therefore crucial to identify a person who is genuinely in charge of the project and can dedicate the required time to its management (as opposed to the head of an administrative, academic or research department who may be responsible for the project but not directly involved in its implementation). The same applies to the contact persons in the partner organisations. Since correspondence with the Agency will mainly take place through e-mail, if it very important that the e-mail address provided is checked at least on a daily basis and, if possible, accessed by (/shared with) more than one person in the (applicant) organisation.
Tick the box ONLY if the address is different from that provided under A.1 Then the system will not replicate the contact details inputted in A1.
Note: Section A.3 will have to be filled in for the applicant organisation only (it will not be displayed for other participating organisations). The person identified in this section must also sign the Declaration on Honour attached to the eForm. If the application is successful this person will also be required to sign the Framework Partnership Agreement and the Specific Grant Agreements, as well as any other associated documents. If it is discovered in later stages of the selection or contractualisation processes that the person identified as the Legal representative did not have the authority to sign, the application may be withdrawn and lead therefore to its rejection. If the Legal representative has a different address from the registered address, click on the box provided to access the fields necessary to provide this information.
Part B. Organisation and activities This section is a very important element for the assessment of the award criteria relating to the operational capacity as well as the quality and expertise of the consortium (e.g. A.1.5, 3.1, for EMMC proposals or B.2.1, 2.2, 2.3, or 5.1 for EMJD proposals). It should be completed in the same language as the rest of the application form (and not, for example, in the languages of the respective partners).
Drop-down list Drop-down list (see annex for the list of organisation types)
Note: Each full partner organisation and, if applicable, those associated partners that play a formal (/structural) role in the project, must complete this section. The Erasmus Mundus Programme considers as public bodies all recognised higher education institutions, and all institutions or organisations which have received over 50 % of their annual revenues from public sources over the last two years, or which are controlled by public bodies or their representatives. Only one "type of organisation" may be selected for each organisation (see list of types in annex). If an organisation could be considered under a variety of the options offered, select the one that most closely relates to the statutes of the organisation and / or the one that most closely relates to the specific role in this application (additional explanations on the type can be provided under section B.2). Under the EMJD sub-action please note that in line with the EM programme Guide section 5.2.1 – and although the system provides only for the 'University or higher education institution (tertiary level)' option - a Doctoral/Graduate/Research School or Research Organisations located in a "European" country, entitled to deliver doctorate degrees and recognised as such by the relevant authorities of the country concerned can act as EMJD Applicant/Coordinating institution/P1 organisation. In this case, please leave the "University or higher education institution (tertiary level)" option and continue filling in the eForm.
Note: This section is to be completed by each of the consortium organisation (applicant and full partners) and the associated partners with a formal/longstanding role (see section 1.2 above), if relevant. It must be completed in the same language as the rest of the application form. Short Presentation of the organisation: This description should include the scope of the organisation's work, its areas of specific expertise and competence in relation to the joint programme proposed. Role of the organisation in the joint programme: The information provided in this section must correspond to the specific tasks allocated to the organisation in the implementation and evaluation of the joint programme.
Note: If applicable, this section must be filled in by the applicant organisation only. The latter should provide a list of projects that have been supported with EU finance in the last three years. For large universities, the information should relate to the department / faculty concerned only.
Note: When relevant, this section must be filled in by all participating organisations that have submitted European funding requests linked to the proposed joint programme. This information will be used before the end of the selection to ensure the absence of double funding for the same project.
Part C. Statistical data and Summary of the joint programme Note: Please read section 5.3 of the eForm User Guide for information on the way Part C behaves and needs to be filled in. This section invites applicants to provide some key information on their joint programme.
C DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT In accordance with the "action" selected in the first page of the application form – i.e. EMMC or EMJD -, the information requested under Part C.1. of the Application form will vary. The section below provides information on the data t hat will have to be provided for each of the two sub-actions concerned.
Drop-down list: 60 ECTS (or 2 semesters), 90 ECTS (or 3 semesters) or 120 ECTS (or 4 semesters)
Note: These two sections have been included in the application form for information and statistical purposes only.
Only EMMCs funded during the first phase of the programme and whose programme funding has come to an end with the 2011 edition of the joint programme or before1, must answer positively to the question "Is the proposal a continuation of an existing EMMC?" and provide the information requested under the next three fields. When an EMMC proposal is selected for funding, the Agency concludes a five- year Framework Partnership Agreement with the coordinating institution. The EM Framework Partnership Agreement number is specified on the front page of this document and comprises a group of 4 digits corresponding to the year of the first funded edition followed with a group of 4 additional digits, e.g. 2007-0012. If the new proposal includes important changes in relation to the previously funded EMMC – for instance in the consortium composition or in the course content or structure – these changes will be assessed by the Agency with the assistance of the external independent experts.
Those EMMCs that have unsuccessfully applied for a continuation of funding under the 2009 or 2010 Call for Proposals should answer "yes" to the EMMC continuation question
Note: Please specify if the proposal was already submitted under previous EM calls for proposals. The objective is to retrieve past information so as to analyse improvement made by the consortium as compared to the earlier application and the way experts' recommendations have been taken into account. For the previously submitted applications, the application number was composed of groups of digits followed with groups of letters (e.g.: 502936-1-2010-1-EN-ERA MUNDUS-EMMC). Please provide the 6 first digits (e.g. 502936)
Note: This information will be used for statistical purposes only Specify if the joint programme foresees that enrolled students will have to perform a traineeship / internship / professional placement accounting in the final grading/ECTS obtained Refer to the definition of "European countrie s" as stated in the chapter 2 "definition and glossary" of the EM Programme Guide.
Drop-down list of months Drop-down list of months Drop-down list with values from 2 to 9 Drop-down list: values "1" or "2"
Note: The duration of the EMMC covers the period: starting with the beginning of the first students' mandatory activities and ending with the official communication of the final results and the official graduation ceremony If some students have to join the programme at an earlier stage –for instance, in order to take intensive language courses –, this period must not be included in the joint programme's duration.
As stated under section 4.2.2 of the EM Programme Guide, the joint programme must start the earliest in August of year "n" (year when the students are selected) and end at the latest in October of the relevant year (depending if the course if of 60, 90 or 120 ECTS). It is the consortium responsibility to ensure, in accordance with the different academic calendars in place in the participating institutions, that the start and end dates fall within the mandatory timeframe. The question on the number of countries visited by the candidates during their studies must be answered while bearing in mind the EMMC minimum mobility requirements as stated in section 4.2.2 of the EM Programme Guide. The minimum number of countries to be visited during EMMC activities applies to all enrolled students. Since the individual fellowship amount for Category B candidates varies in accordance with the requirement (or not) to visit non-EU partners or associated partners, applicants are invited to specify this aspect in their answers to the relevant under sub-criteria (e.g. A.1.5)
Drop-down list
Note: EMMC consortia are free to decide in which language(s) the joint programme will be delivered. The language field provides the list of all official languages of the European Union. Applicants can add as many languages as relevant, but in this case this must be clearly explained under the relevant award criteria, as well as to the students prior to their enrolment.
the amount must be provided in euro
the amount must be provided in euro
Note: As stated under footnote 40 of the EM Programme Guide, participation costs must be understood as "any compulsory administrative/operational cost related to the participation of the student in the EMMC (e.g. library, tuition, social security and insurance, etc.)" not covered by the consortium and therefore, charged to enrolled students. The amounts to be provided must correspond to the participation costs per semester (i.e. for 30 ECTS) and in euro charged to candidate students, irrespective of whether or not they receive an Erasmus Mundus scholarship. If necessary, consortia can define different amounts for European and non-European students.
Detailed information on the coverage of the participation costs, the way they have been calculated and, if applicable, their estimated evolution during the period covered by the Framework Partnership Agreement will have to be provided in the answers to the relevant award sub-criteria (e.g. A.2.5, 3.2 for EMMC proposals B.3.4 for EMJD proposals). If the participation costs amounts for any of the two categories exceed the EM Programme maximum contribution included in the student's scholarships, the consortium will have to explain (more particularly under sub-criterion A.2.5 and B.3.4) how and by whom the difference between this maximum contribution and the actual participation costs will be covered. If other non mandatory participation costs are charged to students for their participation in specific activities these costs must be specified to the students, at application stage at the latest.
N ote: Applicant consortia should specify the number of students they expect to enrol per edition of their EMMC (all students, with or without EM scholarship) , bearing in mind that: o the number of scholarships offered by the Programme will be defined on a yearly basis for each of the five consecutive funded editions of the EMMC and will vary in accordance with the joint programme's "seniority" (i.e. previous years of EM funding). For the remaining period of EM 2009-2013, this number will most probably vary from 17 to 14 scholarships for the new EMMCs, and 12 to 10 for "continued" ones. o the joint programme should not depend exclusively on the Erasmus Mundus funding.
Drop-down list: values "3" or "4" To be answered only if applicable
Note: EMJDs can last 3 or 4 years but the Erasmus Mundus fellowships are always awarded for period of 3 years or 36 months. If the EMJD is expected to last four years: o o the 36-month fellowship can be used at any time during this period but the monthly allowance cannot be recalculated in order to cover 48 months; the consortium will have to explain how the doctoral candidate's costs incurred during the year not covered by the fellowship will be taken care of and how the enrolment
conditions and costs will remain coherent as compared to those of the period covered by the fellowship. As stated under section 5.2.2 of the EM Programme Guide, joint doctorate programmes should ensure that, on a yearly basis, all recruited doctoral candidates start their doctorate activities between August "year n" and March "year n+1" and complete these activities (including the thesis defence) at the latest by October of "year n+4". It is the consortium responsibility to ensure, in accordance with the different academic calendars in place in the participating institutions, that the start and end dates fall within this timeframe. An EMJD is considered to be "laboratory-based" if the research projects carried out by the candidate students require the usage of expensive equipment/materials , the execution of external fieldwork or involve particularly high costs that would (largely) exceed the 300 € / month included in the fellowship amount for " non-laboratory-based" research projects. The selection of the "laboratory-based" (or "non-laboratory-based") option will have to be justified in the answer to the relevant sub-criteria (e.g. B.3.4). These explanations will be assessed by the external independent experts and, if necessary, be the subject of a request for clarification from the consortium if the joint programme is selected for funding. Once an EMJD has been defined as "laboratory-based" (or "non-laboratory-based"), the corresponding amount of participation costs will be included in the individual fellowship amount of all recruited candidates. In the case of a "laboratory-based" EMJD, the Agency will reserve the right to request the reimburseme nt of the difference with the "non-laboratorybased" amount if, at final report stage, it appears that the individual candidate's research project does not justify the additional costs.
Tick boxes with multiple choice possible
Note: EMJDs are required to offer "employment contracts" (see section 2 "Definitions and Glossary" of the EM programme Guide) to their Erasmus Mundus fellowship holders except in adequately documented cases where national regulation would prohibit this possibility. If such a contract may not be awarded (this will have to be duly justified in the application form), the EMJD consortium may opt for another approach compatible with national legislation and the necessary social security coverage for the fellowship holders.
The fields below will be displayed only if the box is "ticked"
The fields below will be displayed only if the box is "ticked"
Note: These two sections have been included in the application form for information and statistical purposes only. The relevant data should be provided only if applicable. When an EMMC proposal is selected for funding, the Agency concludes a five- year Framework Partnership Agreement with the Coordinating institution. The EM Framework Partnership Agreement number is specified on the front page of the document and comprises a group of 4 digits for the year of the first funded edition followed with a group of 4 additional digits, e.g. 2007-0012
Note: Please specify if the proposal was already submitted under previous EM calls for proposals. The objective is to retrieve past information in order to analyse the improvements made by the consortium as compared to the earlier application and the way the experts' recommendations have been taken into account. The application number starts with a group of 6 digits followed with groups of letters, e.g.: 502936-(EM) - 1-2010-1-FR-ERA MUNDUS-EMJD. Please provide the 6 first digits , i.e. in this case 502936
Drop-down list
Note: The question on the countries visited by the candidates during their doctoral research project should be answered while bearing in mind the EMJD minimum mobility requirements stated in section 5.2.2 of the EM Programme Guide. The minimum number of countries to be visited during the research activities must apply to all enrolled candidates. Since the individual fellowship amount for Category B candidates varies in accordance with the requirement (or not) to visit non-EU partners or associated partners, applicants are invited to specify this aspect in their answers to the relevant under sub-criteria (e.g. B.3.2)
All selected EMJDs should include a training component in core and transversal skills directly related to the researcher's professional needs. EMJD consortia are free to decide in which language(s) these training modules will be delivered. The language field provides the list of all official languages of the European Union.
Note: Applicant consortia should specify the number of candidates they expect to enrol per edition of their EMJD (all doctoral candidates, with or without EM fellowship), bearing in mind that the number of fellowships offered by the Programme will be defined on a yearly basis for each of the five consecutive funded editions of the EMJD. This number will most probably vary between 10 and 7 fellowships for each edition of the joint programme. the joint programme should not depend exclusively on the Erasmus Mundus funding. C.2 THEMATIC FIELDS
Drop-down list with general categories of thematic fields
Drop-down list with specific categories of thematic fields, filtered according to the choice made under the "level 1"
Note: The list of thematic fields – level 1 and 2 - is available in annex to these instructions. Applicant consortia have the possibility to select up to three different thematic areas among the list of domains provided in the drop -down lists. In order to do so they should: 1. identify first the "main area" of the joint programme and select the relevant category under those provided under "level 1" and 2. select the specific category under those provided under "level 2" 3. if applicable, provide a free text describing the thematic area if t he option "other" has been selected under "level 2". 4. repeat – where applicable – steps 2 to 3 for the "second" and "third" thematic area covered by the joint programme. C.3 SUMMARY DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT
For successful applications, this section will be reproduced, as presented, in the form of an abstract in compendia and other publications used for the promotion and publicity of the Erasmus Mundus programme. Applicants should therefore ensure that the text gives a concrete overview of the joint programme in its content, structure and main characteristics (thematic areas covered, institutions involved, structure and length of the programme, final degree(s) awarded, etc.) The limit of 3000 characters (including spaces) cannot be exceeded. The abstract must be provided in English, French or German. Part D. Technical Capacity Note: Please read section 5.4 of the eForm User Guide for information on the way Part D behaves and needs to be filled in.
Note: Under this section, the applicant should list all relevant projects/activities imple mented by the consortium members in relation to the proposal (e.g. joint international programmes at masters/doctorate level, delivery of joint/double/multiple degrees, management of international mobility schemes, research expertise in the thematic areas concerned, joint ventures or start ups with private enterprises related to the joint programme thematic areas, etc.)
Note: Once Parts A and B have been created for each consortium member a part D.2 will be generated automatically for each of these organisations. Note that this does not apply for associated partners identified under Parts A and B. For each of the organisations concerned, the consortium will have to describe the relevant skills and experience of the key staff directly involved in the implementation of the joint programme, from an academic, research, financial and/or administrative point of view (A maximum of 750 characters may be recorded for each member of staff. Please note that these fields enable you to provide CV information but it is not possible to enter or upload actual CVs). There should be at least one person identified per consortium member (applicant and partners) with a maximum of three (e.g. one administrator and two academics/research ers). The information provided in Part D will be used in rel ation to the assessment of the consortium's quality and expertise in implementing a joint postgraduate programme (for instance sub-criteria A.1.5, 3.1 for EMMC proposals or B.2.1, or 5.1 for EMJD proposals).
Part E. Degree(s) Awarded Note: Please read section 5.5 of the eForm User Guide for information on the way Part E behaves and needs to be filled in.
Multiple choice possible
Note: Once Parts A and B have been created for each consortium full partner a part E will be generated automatically for each of these organisations. Note that this does not apply for associated partners selected under Parts A and B. Under this section the degree-awarding institutions will have to specify the type of degree(s) intended to be awarded to successful students or doctoral candidates as well as the official name of each of these degrees, and the function of the degree signatory. First, applicants will have to select one or more of the three options provided to identify the type of degree(s) that will be delivered to successful students or doctoral candidates ( i.e. Double degree, Multiple Degree or Joint Degree). Please note that, depending on the mobility track and the degree(s) awarded by the corresponding institutions, it is possible that, within the same cohort, some graduates will receive a joint degree, while other s will receive a double or a multiple degree, or even a joint degree accompanied by one or more national degrees. In a second step, each of the degrees intended to be delivered by the consortium members will have to be presented in the table. The information to be provided concerns : o the official name of the degree in the language of the degree awarding organisation; o its translation in English, if available;
o o
its type, i.e. if it will be delivered as a "stand-alone" national degree or as part of a joint degree; its recognition status at the time of the application (i.e. already recognised or not) and depending on the answer provided before, the expected date for its official recognition or its validity end date. the function/position of the degree signatory: EMMCs and EMJDs should lead to the award of (a) formal degree document(s) which lay out , content, visas and signature(s) are in line with the national legislation and regulations concerned. Therefore degree awarding institutions are expected to indicate in section E which of their authorities will sign the formal degree document awarded (e.g. rector). The eligibility of the degree(s) intended to be awarded will be cross-checked with the Erasmus Mundus National Structures of the countries concerned (and where applicable also with the EU delegations). In order to facilitate the verification process by EM National Structures , and for already accredited degrees, each European degree awarding institution (i.e. applicant and full partners) must provide in annex to the application package (see 1.4. B.2.b above) proof of recognition of the proposed degree to the EM National Structure of its country. When already accredited/recognised, the consortium must provide the proof of recognition to the relevant EM National Structures in accordance with the national requirements in place. When the recognition/accreditation process is not yet completed, the consortium will have to demonstrate either that this process has already been launched or that it will be completed in time and prior to the enrolment of the first Erasmus Mundus students in the joint programme. The degree award institutions concerned are strongly invited to contact their respective National Structure prior to the application deadline to verify the necessary documents they should provide (or to consult the relevant National Structures' websites if the information is available there). The National Structures' contact l ist is available at: -mundus/doc1515_en.htm
2.2. Next steps Up to this point, you will have entered all the information required to complete Document 1 of the eForm. The next steps are: to attach Documents 2 and 3 (mandatory): DOCUMENT 2: a signed and scanned Declaration on Honour by the Legal Representative of the Applicant Organisation. DOCUMENT 3: the Consortium's answer to the Award criteria (Max 25 pages – Times New Roman font – Font size 11).
There is a limit of 5 MB to the total (combined) size of the two attachments. For more information on how to attach these documents within your eForm, please refer to Section 6 of the eForm User Guide. Validate your eForm Please refer to Section 7 of the eForm User Guide. Submit your eForm Please refer to Section 8 of the eForm User Guide. As part of the submission process, an e: mail message acknowledging receipt of your eForm is automatically sent to the email address you entered for the contact person of the Applicant Organisation (Part A.2). Please note that the reference that appears in this message to a "backup" (i.e. paper copy) is not applicable to Erasmus Mundus Action 1 applications.
Annex 1. List of Organisation Types
Only for Applicant organisation Higher Education Institution Only for Partner organisations
Higher Education Institution HE research centre/organisation Private research centre/organisation Public research centre/organisation (not HE) Graduate/Doctoral School Public authority (local) Public authority (national) Public authority (regional) Chamber of commerce / crafts
Chamber of industry Enterprise large (> 500 employees) SME Non profit/ Non gouvernemental organisation Professional associations Social partners (trade unions, etc) Assoc. of professors and researchers Assoc. of Universities Other
Annex 2. List of thematic fields
2 1 14 140 1401 1402 141 142 1421 1422 1423 1424 1425 143 1431 1432 144 1441 1442 1443 1444 145 1451 1452 1453 146 1461 1462 1463 1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 149 Education Teacher training and education science Teacher training and education science (broad programmes) Teacher training, general Practical pedagogical courses, general Teaching and training Education science Didactics Education science Educational assessment, testing and measurement Educational evaluation and research Pedagogical sciences Training for pre-school teachers Early childhood teaching Preprimary teacher training Training for teachers at basic levels Class teacher training Home language teacher training Primary teaching Teacher training for children with special needs Training for teachers with subject specialisation Secondary teaching Teacher Training theoretical subjects, e.g. English, Mathematics, History Teacher Training: Foreign Language Teaching Training for teachers of vocational subjects Teacher training - Arts and crafts Teacher training - Commercial subjects Teacher training - Music Teacher training - Nursing Teacher training - Physical training Teacher training - Technical subjects Driving instructor training Training of instructors at companies Training of trainers Teacher training and education science (others) 3 31 310 311 312 313 314 Social sciences, Business and Law Social and behavioural science Social and behavioural science (broad programmes) Psychology Sociology and cultural studies Political science and civics Economics 21 210 211 212 2121 2122 213 214 215 219 22 220 221 222 2221 2222 2223 2224 2225 2226 2227 2228 2229 223 224 225 226 229 Humanities and Arts Arts Arts (broad programmes) Fine arts Music and performing arts Music and musicology Performing arts Audio-visual techniques and media production Design Craft skills Arts (others) Humanities Humanities (broad programmes) Religion Foreign languages Modern EC languages General and comparative literature Linguistics Translation, interpretation Classical philology Non-EC languages Less widely taught languages Regional and minority languages Others - Languages and philological sciences Mother tongue History, philosophy and related subjects History and archeology Philosophy and ethics Humanities (others)
Anthropology Development studies Social and behavioural science (others) Journalism and information Journalism and reporting Radio / TV Broadcasting Library, information, archive Documentation, archiving Museum studies, conservation Journalism and information (others) Business and administration Business and administration (broad programmes) Wholesale and retail sales Marketing and advertising Finance, banking, insurance Accounting and taxation Management and administration Secretarial and office work Working life Business and administration (others) Law Law Comparative law, law with languages International law Civil law Criminal law, criminology Constitutional / Public law Public administration European Community / EU law Others - Law Science, Mathematics and Computing Life science Biology and biochemistry Microbiology, biotechnology Environmental science Physical science Physical science (broad programmes) Physics
Nuclear and high energy physics Astronomy, astrophysics Chemistry Biochemistry Earth science Geography, geology Geography Geology Soil and water sciences Geodesy, cartography, remote sensing Meteorology Oceanography Others - Geography, geology Physical science (others) Mathematics and statistics Mathematics Statistics Actuarial science Mathematics (others) Computing Computer science Artificial intelligence Computer use Computing (others) Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction Engineering and engineering trades Engineering and engineering trades (broad programmes) Mechanics and metal work Electricity and energy Electronics and automation Chemical and process Motor vehicles, ships and aircraft Aeronautical Engineering Engineering and engineering trades (others) Manufacturing and processing Manufacturing and processing (broad programmes) Food processing Textiles, clothes, footwear, leather
Materials (wood, paper, plastic, glass) Mining and extraction Manufacturing and processing (other) Architecture and building Architecture and town planning Architecture Interior design Urban planning Regional planning Landscape architecture Transport and traffic studies Building and civil engineering Materials science Architecture and building (others) Agriculture and Veterinary Agriculture, forestry and fishery Agriculture, forestry and fishery (broad programmes) Agricultural economics Food science and technology Tropical / Subtropical agriculture Crop and livestock production Horticulture Forestry Fisheries Agriculture, forestry and fishery (others) Veterinary Veterinary Animal husbandry Health and Welfare Health Health (broad programmes) Medicine Psychiatry and clinical psychology Public health Medical technology Medical services Nursing and caring
Dental studies Medical diagnostic and treatment technology Therapy and rehabilitation Pharmacy Health (others) Social services Child care and youth services Social work and counselling Social services (others) Services Personal services Personal services (broad programmes) Hotel, restaurant and catering Travel, tourism and leisure Sports Domestic services Hair and beauty services Personal services (others) Transport services Transport services Environmental protection Environmental protection (broad programmes) Environmental protection technology Natural environments and wildlife Community sanitation services Environmental protection (others) Security services Security services (broad programmes) Protection of persons and property Occupational health and safety Military and defence Security services (others)
Annex 3. Country codes
CC A AF AX AL DZ AS AD AO AI AQ AG AR AM AW AU AT AZ B BS BH BD BB BY BE BZ BJ BM BT BO BA BW BV BR IO BN BG BF BI C KH CM CA CV KY CF TD CL CN CX CJ Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Cisjordanie / West Bank (and Gaza strip) Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus BELGIUM Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia And Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory Brunei Darussalam BULGARIA Burkina Faso Burundi FO FJ FI FR GF PF TF G GA GM GE DE GH GI GR GL GD GP GU GT GG GN GW Gabon Gambia Georgia GERMANY Ghana Gibraltar GREECE Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia AUSTRIA Azerbaijan CO KM CG CD CK CR CI HR CU CY CZ D DK DJ DM DO E EC EG SV GQ ER EE ET F FK Falkland Islands (Malvinas) and British Antarctic Territories Faroe Islands Fiji FINLAND FRANCE French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern Territories Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea ESTONIA Ethiopia DENMARK Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo Congo, The Democratic Republic Of The Cook Islands Costa Rica Côte D´Ivoire CROATIA Cuba CYPRUS CZECH REPUBLIC
Guyana Haiti Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands Holy See (Vatican City State) Honduras Hong Kong HUNGARY ICELAND India Indonesia Iran, Islamic Republic Of Iraq IRELAND Isle Of Man Israel ITALY Jamaica Japan Jersey Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea, Democratic People´s Republic Of Korea, Republic Of Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/1999 Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lao People´S Democratic Republic LATVIA Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libyan Arab Jamahiriya LIECHTENSTEIN LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali MALTA Marshall Islands Martinique Mauritania
Mauritius Mayotte Mexico Micronesia, Federated States Of Moldova, Republic Of Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nauru Nepal NETHERLANDS Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island Northern Mariana Islands NORWAY Oman Pakistan Palau Palestinian Territory, Occupied Panama Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn POLAND PORTUGAL Puerto Rico Qatar Réunion ROMANIA Russian Federation Rwanda St Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha Saint Kitts And Nevis Saint Lucia
Saint Pierre And Miquelon Saint Vincent And The Grenadines Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Serbia And Montenegro Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore SLOVAKIA SLOVENIA Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa South Georgia And The South Sandwich Islands SPAIN Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard And Jan Mayen Swaziland SWEDEN Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Taiwan, Province Of China Tajikistan Tanzania, United Republic Of Thailand the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Timor-Leste
Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia TURKEY Turkmenistan Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates UNITED KINGDOM United States United States Minor Outlying Islands Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Viet Nam Virgin Islands, British Virgin Islands, U.S. Wallis And Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe
Annex 4: Regional codes
EUMS AT AT1 AT11 AT111 AT112 AT113 AT12 AT121 AT122 AT123 AT124 AT125 AT126 AT127 AT13 AT130 AT2 AT21 AT211 AT212 AT213 AT22 AT221 AT222 AT223 AT224 AT225 AT226 BE BE1 BE10 BE100 BE2 BE21 BE211 BE212 BE213 BE22 BE221 BE222 BE223 BE23 BE231 BE232 Member States AUSTRIA OSTÖSTERREICH Burgenland (A) Mittelburgenland Nordburgenland Südburgenland Niederösterreich Mostviertel-Eisenwurzen Niederösterreich-Süd Sankt Pölten Waldviertel Weinviertel Wiener Umland/Nordteil Wiener Umland/Südteil Wien Wien SÜDÖSTERREICH Kärnten Klagenfurt-Villach Oberkärnten Unterkärnten Steiermark Graz Liezen Östliche Obersteiermark Oststeiermark West- und Südsteiermark Westliche Obersteiermark BELGIUM
RÉGION BRUXELLES-CAP. / BRUSSELS HOOFD. Région Bruxelles-Cap. / Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest Arr. de Bruxelles-Capitale / Arr. van Brussel-Hoofdstad
Hlavni mesto Praha Stredni Cechy Stredocesky kraj Jihozapad Jihocesky kraj Plzensky kraj Severozapad Karlovarsky kraj Ustecky kraj Severovychod Liberecky kraj GERMANY BADEN-WÜRTTEMBERG Stuttgart Stuttgart, Stadtkreis Böblingen Esslingen Göppingen Ludwigsburg Rems-Murr-Kreis Heilbronn, Stadtkreis Heilbronn, Landkreis Hohenlohekreis Schwäbisch Hall Main-Tauber-Kreis Heidenheim Ostalbkreis Karlsruhe Baden-Baden, Stadtkreis Karlsruhe, Stadtkreis Karlsruhe, Landkreis Rastatt Reutlingen Tübingen, Landkreis Zollernalbkreis Ulm, Stadtkreis Alb-Donau-Kreis Biberach Bodenseekreis Ravensburg Sigmaringen BAYERN Oberbayern Ingolstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt München, Kreisfreie Stadt Rosenheim, Kreisfreie Stadt Altötting Berchtesgadener Land Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen Dachau Ebersberg
Jihovychod Vysocina Jihomoravsky kraj Stredni Morava Olomoucky kraj Zlinsky kraj Moravskoslezsko Moravskoslezsky kraj EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
Heidelberg, Stadtkreis Mannheim, Stadtkreis Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis Rhein-Neckar-Kreis Pforzheim, Stadtkreis Calw Enzkreis Freudenstadt Freiburg Freiburg im Breisgau, Stadtkreis Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald Emmendingen Ortenaukreis Rottweil Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis Tuttlingen Konstanz Lörrach Waldshut Tübingen Coburg, Landkreis Forchheim Hof, Landkreis Kronach Kulmbach Lichtenfels Wunsiedel i. Fichtelgebirge Mittelfranken Ansbach, Kreisfreie Stadt Erlangen, Kreisfreie Stadt Fürth, Kreisfreie Stadt Nürnberg, Kreisfreie Stadt Schwabach, Kreisfreie Stadt Ansbach, Landkreis Erlangen-Höchstadt Fürth, Landkreis Nürnberger Land Neustadt a. d. Aisch-Bad Windsheim Roth
Eichstätt Erding Freising Fürstenfeldbruck Garmisch-Partenkirchen Landsberg a. Lech Miesbach Mühldorf a. Inn München, Landkreis Neuburg-Schrobenhausen Pfaffenhofen a. d. Ilm Rosenheim, Landkreis Starnberg Traunstein Weilheim-Schongau Niederbayern Landshut, Kreisfreie Stadt Passau, Kreisfreie Stadt Straubing, Kreisfreie Stadt Deggendorf Freyung-Grafenau Kelheim Landshut, Landkreis Passau, Landkreis Regen Rottal-Inn Straubing-Bogen Dingolfing-Landau Oberpfalz Amberg, Kreisfreie Stadt Regensburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Weiden i. d. Opf, Kreisfreie Stadt Amberg-Sulzbach Cham Neumarkt i. d. OPf. Neustadt a. d. Waldnaab Regensburg, Landkreis Schwandorf Tirschenreuth Oberfranken Bamberg, Kreisfreie Stadt Bayreuth, Kreisfreie Stadt Coburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Hof, Kreisfreie Stadt Bamberg, Landkreis Bayreuth, Landkreis Dahme-Spreewald Elbe-Elster Havelland Oberspreewald-Lausitz Potsdam-Mittelmark
Weißenburg-Gunzenhausen Unterfranken Aschaffenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Schweinfurt, Kreisfreie Stadt Würzburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Aschaffenburg, Landkreis Bad Kissingen Rhön-Grabfeld Haßberge Kitzingen Miltenberg Main-Spessart Schweinfurt, Landkreis Würzburg, Landkreis Schwaben Augsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Kaufbeuren, Kreisfreie Stadt Kempten (Allgäu), Kreisfreie Stadt Memmingen, Kreisfreie Stadt Aichach-Friedberg Augsburg, Landkreis Dillingen a.d. Donau Günzburg Neu-Ulm Lindau (Bodensee) Ostallgäu Unterallgäu Donau-Ries Oberallgäu BERLIN Berlin Berlin BRANDENBURG Brandenburg - Nordost Frankfurt (Oder), Kreisfreie Stadt Barnim Märkisch-Oderland Oberhavel Oder-Spree Ostprignitz-Ruppin Prignitz Uckermark Brandenburg - Südwest Brandenburg an der Havel, Kreisfreie Stadt Cottbus, Kreisfreie Stadt Potsdam, Kreisfreie Stadt NIEDERSACHSEN Braunschweig Braunschweig, Kreisfreie Stadt Salzgitter, Kreisfreie Stadt Wolfsburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Spree-Neiße Teltow-Fläming BREMEN Bremen Bremen, Kreisfreie Stadt Bremerhaven, Kreisfreie Stadt HAMBURG Hamburg Hamburg HESSEN Darmstadt Darmstadt, Kreisfreie Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt Offenbach am Main, Kreisfreie Stadt Wiesbaden, Kreisfreie Stadt Bergstraße Darmstadt-Dieburg Groß-Gerau Hochtaunuskreis Main-Kinzig-Kreis Main-Taunus-Kreis Odenwaldkreis Offenbach, Landkreis Rheingau-Taunus-Kreis Wetteraukreis Gießen Gießen, Landkreis Lahn-Dill-Kreis Limburg-Weilburg Marburg-Biedenkopf Vogelsbergkreis Kassel Kassel, Kreisfreie Stadt Fulda Hersfeld-Rotenburg Kassel, Landkreis Schwalm-Eder-Kreis Waldeck-Frankenberg Werra-Meißner-Kreis MECKLENBURGVORPOMMERN Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Greifswald, Kreisfreie Stadt Neubrandenburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Rostock, Kreisfreie Stadt Schwerin, Kreisfreie Stadt Stralsund, Kreisfreie Stadt Wismar, Kreisfreie Stadt Bad Doberan
Düsseldorf, Kreisfreie Stadt Duisburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Essen, Kreisfreie Stadt Krefeld, Kreisfreie Stadt Mönchengladbach, Kreisfreie Stadt Mülheim an der Ruhr,Kreisfreie Stadt Oberhausen, Kreisfreie Stadt Remscheid, Kreisfreie Stadt Solingen, Kreisfreie Stadt Wuppertal, Kreisfreie Stadt Kleve Mettmann Rheinhessen-Pfalz Frankenthal (Pfalz), Kreisfreie Stadt Kaiserslautern, Kreisfreie Stadt Landau in der Pfalz, Kreisfreie Stadt Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Kreisfreie Stadt Mainz, Kreisfreie Stadt
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Kreisfreie Stadt
Pirmasens, Kreisfreie Stadt Speyer, Kreisfreie Stadt Worms, Kreisfreie Stadt Zweibrücken, Kreisfreie Stadt Alzey-Worms Bad Dürkheim Donnersbergkreis Germersheim Kaiserslautern, Landkreis Kusel Südliche Weinstraße Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis Mainz-Bingen Südwestpfalz SAARLAND Saarland Stadtverband Saarbrücken Merzig-Wadern Neunkirchen Saarlouis Saarpfalz-Kreis St. Wendel SACHSEN Chemnitz Chemnitz, Kreisfreie Stadt Plauen, Kreisfreie Stadt Zwickau, Kreisfreie Stadt Annaberg Chemnitzer Land
Hagen, Kreisfreie Stadt Hamm, Kreisfreie Stadt Herne, Kreisfreie Stadt Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis Hochsauerlandkreis Märkischer Kreis Olpe Siegen-Wittgenstein Soest Unna RHEINLAND-PFALZ Koblenz Koblenz, Kreisfreie Stadt Ahrweiler Altenkirchen (Westerwald) Bad Kreuznach Birkenfeld Cochem-Zell Mayen-Koblenz Neuwied Rhein-Hunsrück-Kreis Rhein-Lahn-Kreis Westerwaldkreis Trier Trier, Kreisfreie Stadt Bernkastel-Wittlich Bitburg-Prüm Daun Trier-Saarburg Halle (Saale), Kreisfreie Stadt Magdeburg, Kreisfreie Stadt Altmarkkreis Salzwedel Anhalt-Bitterfeld Jerichower Land Börde Burgenland (D) Harz Mansfeld-Südharz Saalekreis Salzland Stendal Wittenberg SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN Schleswig-Holstein Flensburg, Kreisfreie Stadt
Kiel, Kreisfreie Stadt Lübeck, Kreisfreie Stadt Neumünster, Kreisfreie Stadt Dithmarschen Herzogtum Lauenburg Nordfriesland Ostholstein Pinneberg Plön Rendsburg-Eckernförde Schleswig-Flensburg Segeberg Steinburg Stormarn DENMARK DANMARK Hovedstaden Byen København Københavns omegn Nordsjælland Bornholm Sjælland Østsjælland Vest- og Sydsjælland Syddanmark ESTONIA EESTI Eesti Põhja-Eesti Lääne-Eesti Kesk-Eesti SPAIN NOROESTE Galicia A Coruña Lugo Ourense Pontevedra Principado de Asturias Asturias Cantabria
Cantabria Teruel Zaragoza COMUNIDAD DE MADRID Comunidad de Madrid Madrid CENTRO (E) Castilla y León Ávila Burgos León Palencia Salamanca Segovia Soria Valladolid Zamora Castilla-La Mancha Albacete Ciudad Real Cuenca Guadalajara Toledo Extremadura Badajoz Cáceres ESTE Cataluña Barcelona Girona Lleida Tarragona Comunidad Valenciana Alicante / Alacant Castellón / Castelló FINLAND MANNER-SUOMI Itä-Suomi Etelä-Savo Pohjois-Savo Pohjois-Karjala Kainuu Etelä-Suomi Uusimaa Itä-Uusimaa Varsinais-Suomi Kanta-Häme Päijät-Häme Kymenlaakso Etelä-Karjala
Aragón Huesca Valencia / València Illes Balears Eivissa y Formentera Mallorca Menorca SUR Andalucía Almería Cádiz Córdoba Granada Huelva Jaén Málaga Sevilla Región de Murcia Murcia Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta Ceuta Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla Melilla CANARIAS Canarias El Hierro Fuerteventura Gran Canaria La Gomera La Palma Lanzarote Tenerife EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
Länsi-Suomi FRANCE ÎLE DE FRANCE Île de France Paris Seine-et-Marne Yvelines Essonne Hauts-de-Seine Seine-Saint-Denis Val-de-Marne Val-d'Oise Haute-Normandie Eure Seine-Maritime Centre Cher Eure-et-Loir Indre Indre-et-Loire Loir-et-Cher Loiret Basse-Normandie Calvados Manche Orne Bourgogne Côte-d'Or Nièvre Saône-et-Loire Yonne NORD - PAS-DE-CALAIS Nord - Pas-de-Calais Nord Pas-de-Calais EST Lorraine Meurthe-et-Moselle Meuse Moselle Vosges Alsace Bas-Rhin Haut-Rhin Franche-Comté Doubs Jura Haute-Saône Territoire de Belfort OUEST Pays de la Loire
Liguria Imperia Savona Genova La Spezia Lombardia Varese Como Lecco Sondrio Milano Bergamo Brescia Pavia Lodi Cremona Mantova NORD-EST Provincia Autonoma Bolzano/Bozen Bolzano-Bozen Provincia Autonoma Trento Trento Veneto Verona Vicenza Belluno Treviso Venezia Padova Rovigo Friuli-Venezia Giulia Pordenone Udine Gorizia Trieste Emilia-Romagna Piacenza Parma Reggio nell'Emilia Modena Bologna Ferrara Ravenna Forlì-Cesena Rimini
Agrigento Caltanissetta Enna Catania Ragusa Siracusa Sardegna LITHUANIA LIETUVA Lietuva Alytaus apskritis Kauno apskritis Klaipedos apskritis Marijampoles apskritis Panevezio apskritis Siauliu apskritis LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG (GRANDDUCHÉ) Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) Luxembourg (Grand-Duché) LATVIA LATVIJA Latvija Kurzeme Latgale Riga Pieriga MALTA MALTA Malta Malta Gozo and Comino/Ghawdex u Kemmuna NETHERLANDS NOORD-NEDERLAND Groningen Oost-Groningen Delfzijl en omgeving Overig Groningen Friesland (NL) Noord-Friesland Zuidwest-Friesland
Ogliastra Medio Campidano Carbonia-Iglesias EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
Taurages apskritis Telsiu apskritis Utenos apskritis Vilniaus apskritis EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
Katowicki Sosnowiecki Tyski REGION WSCHODNI Lubelskie Bialski Chelmsko-zamojski Lubelski Pulawski Podkarpackie Krosnienski Przemyski Rzeszowski Tarnobrzeski Swietokrzyskie Kielecki Sandomiersko-jedrzejowski Podlaskie Bialostocki Lomzynski Suwalski PORTUGAL CONTINENTE Norte Minho-Lima Cávado Ave Grande Porto Tâmega Entre Douro e Vouga Douro Alto Trás-os-Montes Algarve Algarve Centro (P) Baixo Vouga Baixo Mondego Pinhal Litoral Pinhal Interior Norte Dâo-Lafôes Pinhal Interior Sul Serra da Estrela Beira Interior Norte Beira Interior Sul ROMANIA Macroregiunea unu Nord-Vest Bihor Bistrita-Nasaud
Cova da Beira Oeste Médio Tejo Lisboa Grande Lisboa Península de Setúbal Alentejo Alentejo Litoral Alto Alentejo Alentejo Central Baixo Alentejo Lezíria do Tejo Região Autónoma dos AÇORES Região Autónoma dos Açores Região Autónoma dos Açores Região Autónoma da MADEIRA Região Autónoma da Madeira Região Autónoma da Madeira EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
RO225 RO226 RO3 RO31
Tulcea Vrancea Macroregiunea trei Sud - Muntenia
Cluj Maramures Satu Mare Salaj Centru Alba Brasov Covasna Harghita Mures Sibiu Macroregiunea doi Nord-Est Bacau Botosani Iasi Neamt Suceava Vaslui Sud-Est Braila Buzau Constanta Galati SWEDEN Östra Sverige Stockholm Stockholms län Östra Mellansverige Uppsala län Södermanlands län Östergötlands län Södra Sverige Småland med öarna Jönköpings län Kronobergs län Kalmar län Gotlands län Sydsverige Blekinge län Skåne län Västsverige Hallands län Västra Götalands län Västsverige Hallands län Västra Götalands län SLOVENIA SLOVENIJA
Vzhodna Slovenija Pomurska Podravska Koroska Savinjska Zasavska Spodnjeposavska Jugovzhodna Slovenija SLOVAKIA SLOVENSKA REPUBLIKA Bratislavsky kraj Bratislavsky kraj Zapadne Slovensko Trnavsky kraj Trenciansky kraj Nitriansky kraj Stredne Slovensko UNITED KINGDOM NORTH EAST (ENGLAND) Tees Valley and Durham Hartlepool and Stockton-onTees South Teesside Darlington Durham CC Northumberland and Tyne and Wear Northumberland Tyneside Sunderland NORTH WEST (ENGLAND) Cumbria West Cumbria East Cumbria Cheshire Halton and Warrington Cheshire CC Greater Manchester Greater Manchester South Greater Manchester North Lancashire Blackburn with Darwen Blackpool Lancashire CC South and West Derbyshire Nottingham North Nottinghamshire South Nottinghamshire
Zahodna Slovenija Osrednjeslovenska Gorenjska Goriska Obalno-kraska EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
Zilinsky kraj Banskobystricky kraj Vychodne Slovensko Presovsky kraj Kosicky kraj EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
Merseyside East Merseyside Liverpool Sefton Wirral YORKSHIRE AND THE HUMBER East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire Kingston upon Hull, City of East Riding of Yorkshire North and North East Lincolnshire North Yorkshire York North Yorkshire CC South Yorkshire Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham Sheffield West Yorkshire Bradford Leeds Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield EAST MIDLANDS (ENGLAND) Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Derby East Derbyshire Medway Kent CC SOUTH WEST (ENGLAND) Gloucestershire, Wiltshire & Bristol/Bath area
Leicestershire, Rutland and Northamptonshire Leicester Leicestershire CC and Rutland Northamptonshire Lincolnshire Lincolnshire WEST MIDLANDS (ENGLAND) Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire Herefordshire, County of Worcestershire Warwickshire Shropshire and Staffordshire Telford and Wrekin Shropshire CC Stoke-on-Trent Staffordshire CC West Midlands Birmingham Solihull Coventry Dudley and Sandwell Walsall and Wolverhampton EAST OF ENGLAND East Anglia Peterborough Cambridgeshire CC Norfolk Suffolk Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Luton Bedfordshire CC Hertfordshire Essex Southend-on-Sea Thurrock Essex CC LONDON Inner London Inner London - West Inner London - East Outer London Outer London - East and North East Outer London - South Outer London - West and North West SOUTH EAST (ENGLAND) Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Berkshire
Bristol, City of Bath and North East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Gloucestershire Swindon Wiltshire CC Dorset and Somerset Bournemouth and Poole Dorset CC Somerset Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Devon Plymouth Torbay Devon CC WALES West Wales and The Valleys Isle of Anglesey Gwynedd Conwy and Denbighshire South West Wales Central Valleys Gwent Valleys Bridgend and Neath Port Talbot Swansea East Wales Monmouthshire and Newport Cardiff and Vale of Glamorgan Flintshire and Wrexham Powys SCOTLAND Eastern Scotland Angus and Dundee City Clackmannanshire and Fife East Lothian and Midlothian Scottish Borders Edinburgh, City of Falkirk Perth and Kinross and Stirling West Lothian South Western Scotland East Dunbartonshire, West Dunbartonshire and Helensburgh and Lomond Dumfries and Galloway East Ayrshire and North Ayrshire mainland Glasgow City
Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire CC Oxfordshire Surrey, East and West Sussex Brighton and Hove East Sussex CC Surrey West Sussex Hampshire and Isle of Wight Portsmouth Southampton Hampshire CC Isle of Wight Kent NORTHERN IRELAND Northern Ireland Belfast Outer Belfast East of Northern Ireland Candidate Countries CROATIA Hrvatska Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska Grad Zagreb Zagrebacka zupanija Krapinsko-zagorska zupanija Varazdinska zupanija Koprivnicko-krizevacka zupanija Medimurska zupanija Sredisnja i Istocna (Panonska) Hrvatska Bjelovarsko-bilogorska zupanija Viroviticko-podravska zupanija Pozesko-slavonska zupanija Brodsko-posavska zupanija
Inverclyde, East Renfrewshire & Renfrewshire North Lanarkshire South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire North Eastern Scotland Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire Highlands and Islands Caithness & Sutherland & Ross & Cromarty
Inverness & Nairn & Moray, Badenoch & Strathspey
Lochaber, Skye and Lochalsh, Arran and Cumbrae and Argyll and Bute Eilean Siar (Western Isles) Orkney Islands Shetland Islands North of Northern Ireland West and South of Northern Ireland EXTRA-REGIO Extra-Regio Extra-Regio
the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Poranesnata jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija Poranesnata jugoslovenska Republika Makedonija Vardarski Istocen Jugozapaden TURKEY ISTANBUL Istanbul Istanbul Istanbul Istanbul BATI MARMARA Tekirdag Tekirdag Edirne Kirklareli Balikesir Balikesir Canakkale EGE Izmir Aydin Aydin Denizli Mugla Manisa Manisa Afyon Kutahya Usak DOGU MARMARA Bursa Bursa Eskisehir Bilecik Kocaeli Kocaeli Sakarya Duzce Karabuk Bartin Kastamonu Kastamonu Cankiri Sinop TR424 TR425 TR5 TR51 TR52 TR521 TR522 TR6 TR61 TR611 TR612 TR613 TR62 TR621 TR622 TR63 TR631 TR632 TR633 TR7 TR71 TR711 TR712 TR713 TR714 TR715 TR72 TR721 TR722 TR723 TR8 TR81 TR811 TRB TRB1 TRB11 TRB12 TRB13 TRB14 Bolu Yalova BATI ANADOLU Ankara Konya Konya Karaman AKDENIZ Antalya Antalya Isparta Burdur Adana Adana Icel Hatay Hatay Kahramanmaras Osmaniye ORTA ANADOLU Kirikkale Kirikkale Aksaray Nigde Nevsehir Kirsehir Kayseri Kayseri Sivas Yozgat BATI KARADENIZ Zonguldak Zonguldak ORTADOGU ANADOLU Malatya Malatya Elazig Bingöl Tunceli
Samsun Samsun Tokat Corum Amasya DOGU KARADENIZ Trabzon Trabzon Ordu Giresun Rize Artvin Gumushane KUZEYDOGU ANADOLU Erzurum Erzurum Erzincan Bayburt Agri Agri Kars Igdir Ardahan ICELAND ÍSLAND Ísland LIECHTENSTEIN LIECHTENSTEIN Liechtenstein NORWAY NORGE Oslo og Akershus Oslo Akershus Hedmark og Oppland Hedmark Oppland Sør-Østlandet Østfold Buskerud Vestfold Telemark Agder og Rogaland Aust-Agder Vest-Agder Rogaland
Van Van Mus Bitlis Hakkari GUNEYDOGU ANADOLU Gaziantep Gaziantep Adiyaman Kilis Sanliurfa Sanliurfa Diyarbakir Mardin Mardin Batman Sirnak Siirt Mardin Mardin Batman Sirnak Siirt