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Submitted By Junming
Words 401
Pages 2
Encosta Memories

* A small family photography business * High-quality photos * Uses Make Your Business Profitable package (MYBP) * Administration staff complains about MYBP is slow processing transactions. * The computer is fast approaching its capacity * Computer has not been updated for several years * Still handling business digital imaging requirements. * Strained system * Considering a system upgrade * It would require a new programmer to develop its new system * Employ a full time IT specialist to keep the system running. * Not sure what needs to be done in managing the systems development process ????? * Does Mr De Lago needs to invest a large sum of capital now and reinvest another large sum of money in the future????? * Don’t mind spending if this new system is the long term answer. * ‘’Once the system is acquired then the business can get back to normal and do what it does best – take photos – without having to spend money on IT.’’

(a) The new system requires a new full time IT specialist to keep the system running. Mr De Lago thinks once the system is acquired he can fire all the IT specialist that manage the system is wrong, without those IT technicians the system will not work properly. (b) Encosta Memories may buy a state-of-the-art system from other photography company or similar structured company therefore there is no need to spend money on a programmer to write a new programme if a known programme works just fine. (c) How could they limit the costs of maintaining the new system once the new system is in place within the organisation? (d) Fast processing transactions
Large capacity
Up-to-date/ state-of-the-art system
Capable of working with the business digital imaging requirements. (e) We have to compare the benefits and costs of the two options: buy or create

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