...Shalonda Mitchell Professor: Dr. Paul Hackman ENG 215 Research and Writing January 15, 2013 My first experience with persuasive writing was in the fifth grade. I had to write a persuasive letter to the school principal, in an attempt to convince her that I should be chosen to represent Westside Elementary School’s fifth grade class at the annual Math Bee. Of the four fifth grade classes; myself and two other fifth grade students were chosen due to our high scores on the statewide math test. I saw this as an opportunity to finally represent my class because I have always loved to write; as well as, I really enjoyed math at that level. In my letter I chose to remind my principal how well prepared for class I am every day. Each day I showed up with all the items listed on my learning log. At the beginning of every school year each student was given a laminated learning log for their grade level. We were instructed to attach the learning logs to the front of our notebooks, as a reminder of what we should have when we arrive for school in the morning. Each day I came prepared with everything listed on the learning log. I also reminded my principal how polite and respectful I was to both she and my fellow classmates. I enjoyed school and I knew the importance of good behavior and respect. My parents would often remind me that what I did outside of the home reflects who they are and if I behaved poorly or in a disrespectful manner there would be consequences. Finally...
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...Title Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Answer Kenya is in danger of continuance the violence that marred its 2007 presidential election, throughout that one,133 died and nearly 60 million were displaced from their homes. Political order in African country nearly folded. Ending the crisis needed 2 months of negotiations mediate by former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan and supported by the us and its partners. The negotiations resulted during a power-sharing agreement between the 2 adversaries within the election, President Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga. called the National Accord, the deal elevated Odinga to the post of prime minister and provided for the writing of a replacement constitution to deal with the causes of the conflict. Kenya's next elections, to be persevered March four and Apr eleven, 2013, ar arguably the foremost necessary and sophisticated since the country's come to multiparty politics 20 years past. If the elections ar mostly peaceful and viewed as "free and truthful," they are going to bring Kenya's new formation, adopted in 2010, totally into force and advance the country's progress toward changing into a contemporary democratic state. Conversely, if the elections ar marred by widespread violence and perceived as illegitimate by the Kenyan public, they're possible to plunge the country into a revived amount of political instability and set back Kenya's democratic advance...
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...Welfare Regulation/Reform/Solutions Tonya McKenzie Strayer University Professor Wooden ENG215 NOV 22, 2013 Welfare Regulation/Reform “Beginning in the 1930s, the U.S. welfare system started out as a program to help families and individuals who had little or no income. Fearing that Americans were abusing the welfare system by not looking for jobs and having more children, to increase aid, in 1996, President Clinton signed a reform law giving control of welfare. Each state sets guidelines for determining eligibility for welfare benefits. For example, in Virginia, welfare recipients between the ages of five and 18 must attend school regularly. Georgia requires students ages six through 17 to attend school regularly. Common factors that determine benefits include gross income, family size, medical needs, unemployment, homelessness and pregnancy. Each individual or family that receives welfare has a caseworker. Each caseworker determines the benefits the family or individual receives (ehow.com (p1).” With a growing unemployment rate in America. American citizens are focused on survival by any means necessary. Even at the added cost to American tax payers fraud continues to rise across the country. Welfare regulations must constantly evolve to uncover different ways to discourage attempts of fraud on our welfare programs. These action of fraud are contributing to the financial rape and pelage of American assets that are there to help the needy. While the rush to address...
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...ENG 215- Research and Writing Assignment: Research topics with explanation Name and Surname Professors Name Date: 01.15.2013 My first topic is should citizens be permitted to carry a concealed weapon to their workplace (e.g., office, school, construction site)? The reason I chose this topic is to express my ideas and explain the advantages and disadvantages of carrying guns while studying, working, etc. The audience I especially want to focus on is young teenagers and young adults. There are several reasons why citizens should be permitted to carry weapons to their workplace: uses in fights, uses while nervous, and uses when filthy language said, mockeries. My second topic is should the government offer tax credits for the purchase of hybrid or alternative energy vehicles? The reason I chose this topic is to let people know that regarding our own benefits or favorite cars we also have to think about the society and the air pollution that each car pollutes till the maximum. Each Americans spend an average of 800 gallons of gas annually, and they expect the air to be totally clear. The audiences in this paper are the government officials that government has to offer credits to encourage people buy hybrid or electronic cars to keep ecology in process. There are several reason why government should offer tax credits for the purchase...
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...COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduces basic marketing principles and concepts. Emphasis is placed on the development of marketing strategy and the major components of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion, and distribution). Reviews the critical environmental factors of markets, domestic and international, and customer behavior characteristics that affect marketing operations. Highlights the integration of marketing with other functions in a business organization. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS Required Resources Pride, W. M., & Ferrel, O. C. (2013). Foundations of marketing (5th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Supplemental Resources A comprehensive list of supplemental resources is located at the end of the course guide. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Identify the key concepts of marketing and its function in society. 2. Explain the fundamentals of marketing, including product, price, distribution, and promotion in a global environment. 3. Determine the marketing planning process, market segmentation, and the development of the key elements of a marketing strategy. 4. Identify ethical issues involved in marketing. 5. Understand customer relationship management. 6. Determine the elements of marketing research. 7. Determine the factors affecting the behavior of consumers and commercial / organizational buyers. 8. Understand the key elements of business marketing, including product, price, distribution, and promotion. 9...
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...ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/eng-215-assignment-2-research-proposal-thesis-major-points-plan/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Select a topic on which your persuasive writing paper will be focused. Write a one to two (1-2) page research proposal in which you: • Identify the genre you selected and explain two (2) reasons for using it. • Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. • Describe three (3) major characteristics of your audience (official position, decision-making power, current view on topic, other important characteristic). • Describe the paper’s scope and outline the major sections. • Identify and explain the questions to be answered. • Explain your research plan, including the methods of researching and organizing research. • Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion. • Document at least three (3) primary sources and three (3) secondary sources. Use credible, academic sources available through Strayer University’s Resource Center. Your assignment must follow these formatting guidelines: ENG 215 Assignment 2 Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link...
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...Margaret Thatcher Was a British politician who was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1990 and the Leader of the Conservative Party from 1975 to 1990. She was the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century and is the only woman to have held the became associated with her uncompromising politics and leadership style. As Prime Minister, she implemented policies that have come to be known Margaret born on 13th October 1925 in Grantham, Lincolnshire, England. Thatcher became a Conservative member of parliament for Finchley in North London in 1959, serving until 1992. According to Jeff (2013), she was a first woman prime minister in Europe and the longest-serving British Prime Minister of the 20th century. Volkery (2013) stated that Soviet journalist called Thatcher as “Iron Lady”. Dominant Personalities Extroversion refers a person is outgoing, sociable, and comfortable talking to new people. I think Thatcher have a high degree of extroversion. She was willing to meet and talk with people that she had not met before. For example, Thatcher was a first foreign visitor meet Ronald Reagan in United States and she received the warmest possible welcome. After the meeting, they formed a very close personal friendship. Moreover, Thatcher also was a sociable leader. In 1982 she was a first British prime minister to visit China for a discussion with Deng Xiaoping about independence of Hong Kong (Cottrell, 1992). Emotional stability refers a person is...
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...Georgetown Festival 2014 Name:TAN HAI LUN Student ID: M20O9-0088 Lecturer: Mrs. AISHA MP 211 PR Management& Practice Georgetown Festival 2014 Theme We will create an event on 15 June, Saturday for Georgetown Festival 2014. Our theme will be going for the natural parts of Penang. The title is “Nature, Love Penang”. The event will be held at the Botanic Garden which is a large natural park. We try to present the natural beauty of Penang which let people a chance to look into Penang and let them experience the fresh air and natural view of Penang. We believe that the Botanic Garden is the best place to create this event with its awesome natural environment with fresh air, natural view and lots of beautiful flowers. We tend to introduce people the parts of Penang which different from the culture or heritage of Penang that has been promote many times, we will bring people to recognize a different and simple Penang. Concept People now a day’s always busy on work and study. They seldom got chance to relax themselves. When they free, they mostly will choose to stay at home or go for a drink. They almost forget the best place to rest and release their pressure is back to the natural. So we create the “Natural, Love Penang” event is to tell them that Penang still got place that you can go for spend your time and relax your life. We find that many tourists come to Malaysia travel for its natural beauty. So we got the ideas to create...
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...B2-2 - ჯგ.1-მ.უჩანეიშვილი-205, B1-2 - ჯგ.2- ლ.მიქელაძე-308 B2-2 - ჯგ.1-მ.უჩანეიშვილი-205, B1-2 - ჯგ.2- ლ.მიქელაძე-308 ლიტერატურა და ხელოვნება (ლექ) - ზ.ჩხეიძე -415 ეკონომიკური განვითარების ისტორია (ლექ)-ბ.ნამჩავაძე -200 ჯგ.15-7 ESM კალკულუსი-(ლექ)-ა.წაქაძე -415 2 სთ.-არაბული II –თ.ქაროსანიძე–423 ბუნებისმეტყველე ბა-208ვ.ბერეჟიანი 7.03.2016 - 26.06.2016 ინგლ.ენა-II B2-2 - ლ.გოკსაძე-213, მ.უსეინაშვილი–401, მ.მითაიშვილი-103, ნ.მიქაძე-306, ჯგ.2-მ.უჩანეიშვილი-302, B1-2 - ჯგ.1- ლ.მიქელაძე-205, B1-2 -ლ.ჭანტურია-404, IAA-ენა-II- ჯგ.1 გერმანული-მ.გორგაძე405, ფრანგული-ჯგ.1-ზ.თორია-312, ესპანური-ჯგ.1-მ.რიკელმე-403-2 12:10 12:20 ჯგ.15-6 MACS,Eng,PhS ანთროპოლოგია-ლექ.-ა.მგელაძე -200 მსოფ.ისტორია და საქართველოე.ასტახიშვილი, ლ.ეზუგბაია-412 11:00 11:10 ჯგ.15-5 MACS,Eng,PhS ლოგიკა-ლექ-დ.გაბელაია-200 საკონსტიტუციო სამართალი -სახელმწიფო მოწყობა I -ლექ დ.ზედელაშვილი -203 19:10 10:00 2015/16 სასწ.წელი ჯგ.15-4 VADS ინგლ.ენა II-B2-2...
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...FOUNDATIONS First-Year Seminar (GEC 101) (choose 1, 2 credit hours, 1st semester on campus) GEP 101 First Year Foundations UHC 110 Freshman Honors Seminar Written Communication & Info Literacy (GEC 102) ENG 110* Writing I (#) Oral Communication (GEC 103) COM 115 Fundamentals in Public Speaking (#) GEC 104 3 3 NATURAL WORLD at least 1 course from each box, 7-9 total credit hours 2 different course codes, at least 1 with a lab Life Sciences (3-4 credit hours) BIO 100* Biological Sciences for Educators (lab) BIO 101 Biology in Your World BIO 111* Understanding Bio Sys Through Inq. (lab only) BIO 121* General Biology I (lab) BMS 100 Concepts & Issues in the Life Sciences BMS 105 Concepts & Lab in the Life Sciences (lab) BMS 110* Intro to Biomedical Sciences (lab) BMS 111* Intro to Lab in Biomedical Sci (lab only) GLG 115 Life of the Past Physical Sciences (3-5 credit hours) AST 113 Modern Astronomy AST 114 Survey of Astronomy AST 115 Basic Astronomy (lab) CHM 107 Chemistry for the Citizen CHM 108* Chemistry for the Citizen Lab CHM 116* Fundamentals of Chemistry CHM 117* Fundamentals of Chemistry Lab GLG 110 Principles of Geology (lab) GLG 171 Environmental Geology GRY 135 Principles of Weather & Climate (lab) GRY 142 Introductory Physical Geography (lab) PHY 100 Survey of Physics (lab) PHY 101* Physics by Inquiry for Educators (lab) PHY 123* Introduction to Physics I (lab) PHY 203* Foundations of Physics I (lab) 4(3-3) 3(3-0) 1(0-2) 4(3-3) 4(4-0) 4(3-2) 4(3-2) 1(0-2)...
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...Case Study Analysis EDU/215 January 23, 2012 Kimberly Holloway Carl Robins, newly employed with ABC, Inc. is a recruiter for the company. He has recruited new employes and has high hopes of getting them started in work as soon as possible. Carl will soon learn that he has a long road to travel, and more on the job training to complete himself before accomplishing his goals. Carl Robins has recruited 15 new trainees. The trainees are to work for Monica Carrolls, the operations supervisor. Carl recruited these trainees in April. Monica has contacted Carl two months prior to a July start and Carl has assured Monica that the new recruits will be able to start work when anticipated. The key problems with Carl's plan are one, Carl failed to see that the new trainees files were completed updated and complete. Carl did not notice that this was not accomplished until 2 weeks after the original call from the Operations Supervisor, more than a month after Carl recruited the trainees. Another key problem are the incomplete orientation manuals, and the fact that there are only three of them. The last key problem is that although Carl scheduled orientation, he did not follow the proper procedures of setting up the class and then reserving the training room, by use of the training log. In all Carl could have kept his promise to the Operations Supervisor, and made his life easier by using some alternative methods in his recruitment...
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...Sports Management and Marketing Degree Requirements The four-year sport marketing and management program leads to the degree, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology, with course work taken in conjunction with the Kelly School of Business. Students admitted to this program are selected from a pool of applicants. Admission to the program is limited. Graduation requirements include: * completion of general education requirements. * completion of sport marketing and management major requirements. * a minimum of 124 successfully completed credit hours which count toward the degree program. * a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. * a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA in a combination of ANAT-A 215 and courses with the following department code-prefixes: HPER-A, HPER-D, HPER-K, and HPER-P. * No Pass/Fail except for free electives. General Education (20 – 39 credits) All undergraduate students must complete the IU Bloomington campus-wide general education common ground requirements. Such students must visit the 2012-2013 General Education Bulletin to view these requirements. Major (85-90 cr.) Sport Marketing and Management Foundation Requirement (15 cr.) Complete each of the following courses: ▪ HPER-P 211 Introduction to Sport Management (3 cr.) – FALL 2013 ▪ HPER-P 333 Sport in America: Historical Perspective (3 cr.) – SPRING 2014 ▪ HPER-P 392 Sport in American Society (3 cr.) ▪ HPER-P 405 Introduction to Sport Psychology (3 cr.) ▪ HPER-P 418 Sport Marketing...
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...Collaboration and Argument Paper Kelly Barnes, Jill Sanders and Estela Yanes ENG/215 January 28, 2013 Sophia Hsia Collaboration and Argument Paper Collaboration is defined as working cooperatively with others or simultaneously to achieve a goal. Especially, in a creatively endeavor to put together the right elements of success to accomplish their objective. Argument is defined as a debate or the implication of expression through opinions for an effort to persuade the ideas that provides support or is a contrast. Robert Ennis defines an argument as “an attempt to support a conclusion by giving reasons for it.” (Critical Thinking, 1996). Collaboration changes the research process because it is a group idea instead of an individual idea. Collaboration also gives each individual in a group or team the ability to share their original ideas along with interacting with others by sharing thoughts through a critical thinking process. Collaboration can be motivation for the better prepared students to help provide support and reassurance to the team who might not meet their goal or objective. The students who are not prepared are likely to work harder to try and not disappoint the team. Having a team leader shares the responsibility for student’s success through frequent use of collaboration as an approach to improving directions for an effective use of planning time. Collaboration also encourages diversity with a social...
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...Classical Principles or Argument Essay Analysis Karen Jones Eng 215 February 7, 2016 Classic Principles or Argument Essay Analysis Michael Crichton’s Environmentalism as a Religion Run Amcok will define ethos, logos and pathos, the classic principle of an argument. Michael Crichton’s work made him a believer that his thoughts were that environmentalism is a religion to lots of people. His logic was used to see the problem environmentalism being used as a religion, therefore a lot of outside sources Crichton believed that a person should find scientific proof that as to what environmentalism actually made the most sense. Crichton used logo to simply state the examining process of his claim. The first claim he made was “Today, one of the most powerful religions in the Western World is environmentalism (Crichton 2004/2007, para. 4). He then proceeds to tell the reader that the relationship he sees between the religion and the facts by writing “One of the defining features of religion is that beliefs are not troubled by facts, because they have nothing to do with them” (Crichton 2004/2007. para 18). A lot of readers agree with him that this is merely nothing but a logical statement. This statement will then make the reader question what the religion has to do with environmentalism? After the reader asks himself the question, Crichton made it a point to say that religion really doesn’t have a thing to do with environmentalism. This in turn makes the reader wonder if what he...
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...Shintoism and Zoroastrianism ENG 215-Strayer University July 26, 2013 Shintoism and Zoroastrianism Shintoism, the native religious practice of the Japanese people, teaches its followers to honor many deities. It is more of a spiritual practice than a religion and it focuses on connecting the follower with his ancestry through certain forms of worship dedicated to one’s ancestors. The word Shinto means “Way of the Gods”. Shintoism also teaches its followers that every aspect of nature is sacred. This includes an ardent love and appreciation for mountains, seas, plants, and animals [ (Video: Shintoism: Mystical Spirit of the East) ]. This notion can be applied to my life by allowing me to have a greater appreciation for nature and all living creatures. Shintoism connects the follower with his past and using this notion could help me to understand the importance of my own background and forefathers. Zoroastrianism is another religious practice which highlights the importance of gods and ancestry. It is an ancient Iranian religion which is also known as Mazdayansnian. The creed by which Zoroastrianism operates encourages one to put down their “weapons” and appreciate the beauty in nature. This religious practice is very similar to Shintoism in its spiritual aspect. Both practices celebrate nature and the spiritual aspects of life. Both religions also have many deities or gods that are followed [ (Article: The Zoroastrian Creed) ]. Zoroastrianism offers concepts...
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