...¿Cómo puede innovar una Pyme? Manuel Ruiz Aldereguia Constantemente se está bombardeando a las PYMES para que innoven, puesto que sin innovación no hay futuro, y sin futuro no hay empresa, pero ¿Cómo puede innovar una Pyme?. Las pequeñas empresas se definen como aquellas que tienen entre 10 y 49 trabajadores, y las medianas entre 50 y 249. En los últimos años, debido a la tremenda reducción de personal que han sufrido las empresas, muchas han pasado de grandes a medias y de medias a pequeñas, quedándose con el personal justo para poder llevar a cabo su producción o sus servicios, lo cual les ha dejado en una situación que cualquier actividad que no sea productiva de forma directa e inmediata es difícil de abordar. Las Pymes, normalmente, no disponen de departamentos de marketing, de ventas, financieros, etc., si no que disponen de la persona, o de un equipo, de marketing, que además hacen otras cosas, del jefe de ventas y comerciales, del contable, …., y desde luego no disponen, normalmente, de un departamento de innovación, ni tan siquiera, excepto en casos excepcionales, de un departamento de I+D. Con lo cual nos seguimos preguntando, ¿Cómo puede innovar una Pyme?. El propietario, los socios, o algún directivo involucrado suelen llevar iniciativas de mejora, en productos, servicios, procesos, etc., que pueden ser consideradas como innovaciones, pero se encuentran después con la dificultad de implantar y poner en marcha dichas iniciativas en la empresa, pues normalmente el...
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...The undersigned musical artist/group is under binding contract with A PRODIGAL SON ENT with the following restrictions, expectations and regulations formerly agreed upon by the named company, it's affiliates and the artist/group. _______A PRODIGAL SON ENT is herby agreeing to uphold the following services on the predetermined dates times and schedule. A.P.S.E. will appoint an account manager to each artist/group that will be responsible along with the C.E.O and C.O.O for handling all of the account processes. _______A.P.S.E will create a personal website dedicated to that artist/group within 1 month of a signed contract. The personalized website will include a bio, photos, songs if applicable, booking information through A.P.S.E, and any other music information the artist and A.P.S.E. agree demable for exposure. The website information will be provided to the artist however it is property of A.P.S.E. while under contract and any edits must be authorized by account manager prior to changes. This website will be updated and maintained weekly by the account manager appointed to that artist/group. It will be expected of the artists to be involved in the promotion of this website by inviting all prior contacts, personal and business via email, twitter, facebook etc. _______A.P.S.E. will provide a photo shoot to the artist/group within a 3 month period; unless a different time frame is explained due to location and availability and will be disclosed prior. The photo shoot will...
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...“Metrology Helps Automation Deliver More, Faster” Combinaciones de sistemas y tecnologías más eficientes El mundo de la automatización en la producción ha avanzado de forma estable y constante. Sin embargo la definición de automatización ha ido cambiando con el tiempo en compás con las soluciones que la metrología ofrece directamente en los procesos de manufactura. Cuando la automatización del proceso inspección en la industria manufacturera se traslada cerca del punto de producción en la fábrica, se generan grandes beneficios dado que el incremento de los procesos de inspección mejora la calidad del producto y las habilidades en producción esbelta. Existen gran diversidad de tecnologías que usan sensores combinados con marcos de control de movimiento que crean celdas de medición avanzadas en medio de los procesos, y que permiten una retroalimentación con la máquina para el control de estos. Este tipo de tecnologías permiten a las empresas reemplazar herramientas inflexibles y de alto costo. Mediciones robóticas en medio de los procesos, la producción y los sistemas de ensamblaje asistidos por la metrología guiada, son usados de forma confiable en diversas industrias como la aeroespacial, la médica y la automotriz. Los fabricantes encuentran beneficios cuando alcanzan la automatización usando una combinación de estas tecnologías como lo son mejor calidad de los productos, costos operativos más bajos, throughput consistente, entre otros. Sin embargo no se puede usar sistemas...
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...Theoritical Framework Communication Channels * The medium selected by the sender through which the message travels to the receiver Types of Channels * Formal Channels * Are established by the organization and transmit messages that are related to the professional activities of members * Informal Channels * Used to transmit personal or social messages in the organization. These informal channels are spontaneous and emerge as a response to individual choices Direct of Communication Downward Communication is the communication that flows from one level of a group or organization to a lower level. Group leaders and managers use it to assign goals, provide job instructions, explain policies and procedures, point out problems that need attention, and feedback about performance. When engaging in downward communication, managers must explain the reason why a decision was made. Upward Communication flows to a higher level in the group or organization. It’s used to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress toward goals, and relay current problems. Upward communication keeps managers aware of employees feel about their jobs, co-worker, and the organization in general. Managers also rely on upward communication for ideas on how conditions can be improved. Lateral Communication Communication take place among members of the same work group, members of work groups at the same level, managers at the same level, or any other horizontally equivalent...
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...Matthew Marshment Writing 90 Cheri Woods 11/5/2015 Making sure your safety is your First project Welding technology offer's society many beneficial ability's in enginering, construction, architecture, and also creates varied safety Concern's for the individual tradesmen' "tradeswomen"and their environment's. Welding Cover's a temperature range from 1500 F - 3000 ººF (800 ºC - 1635 ºC) and poses certain inevitable inherent risk's. As a skilled worker in this industry, one must proactively plan, prepare for any and all possible problem's, determine solution's and prepare preventative measures to use in case they arrive. Many welders reflecting on thier welding shop experience can admit they have acquired scars, acknowledge the dangers, and admit the necessity of demonstrating a professional respect for proper personal safety equipment and techniques. it has been said “If you play with fire you get burned” There are three main different risk's associated with welding including , heat, inhaling toxic fumes and electrical shock that are the most hazardous to your health, other various danger's include Gas leak, fire's and explosion's. In addition the extreme heat welding creates can burn you in many ways if not properly protected. There is ultraviolet light generated by the welding arc “electrical connection between welder and workpiece” that can cause severe radient heat, sunburns and increase your risk of skin cancer. Sparks can burn right through your gloves...
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...Electric Circuits and Fields: Network graph, KCL, KVL, node and mesh analysis, transient response of dc and ac networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis, resonance, basic filter concepts; ideal current and voltage sources. The venin's, Norton's and Superposition and Maximum Power Transfer theorems, two-port networks, three phase circuits; Gauss Theorem, electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions; Ampere's and Biot-Savart's laws; inductance; dielectrics; capacitance. Signals and Systems: Representation of continuous and discrete-time signals; shifting and scaling operations; linear, time-invariant and causal systems. Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals; sampling theorem; Fourier, Laplace and Z transforms. Electrical Machines: Single phase transformer - equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency; three phase transformers - connections, parallel operation; auto-transformer; energy conversion principles. DC machines - types, windings, generator characteristics, armature reaction and commutation, starting and speed control of motors; three phase induction motors - principles, types, performance characteristics, starting and speed control; single phase induction motors; synchronous machines - performance, regulation and parallel operation of generators, motor starting, characteristics and applications; servo and stepper motors. Power Systems: Basic power generation concepts;...
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...healing and performing surgeries to secure and direct a healthier future for the next generations. “One egg, one embryo, one adult-normality. But a bokanovskified egg will bud, will proliferate, will divide. From eight to ninety-six buds, and every bud will grow into a perfectly formed embryo, and every embryo into a full-sized adult.” (Huxley). Just as Huxley wrote about mass production of embryos that are carefully monitored, the embryos care developed and cared for. As technology features assisted the world's population and constantly intertwined in every day to day life, can it not help modify the worlds population genetically? In today's world of upcoming technology advancements there are plentiful opportunity to take hold a genetic enginering and assist in developing a secure future. With healthy operating future generations, they will be able to expand their exploration without flaw. Well- meaning but misguided voters believe that genetic engineering has many defaults that can permanently alter the future generations capabilities and idleness among the rising generations. However, a more accurate view of this issue that genetic engineering being able of creating multiple lives while simultaneously assuring no defects in the embryos, also including a more beneficial medical assistants as in Brave New World. Designer Babies." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. Harper Perennial, 2006. ...
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...Road characteristics: road categories, road surfacing. Other road enginering structures. Lecturer I. Piščikienė Vilnius 2013 Introduction Content World bridges…………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 World longest tunnels………………………………………………………………………………………6 Types of roads………………………………………………………………………………………………….7 Roads surfacing……………………………………………………………………………………………….10 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………………………………………..13 List of sources………………………………………………………………………………………………….14 World bridges The world’s longest bridge is the Danyang-Kunsgan Grand Bridge(1) in China, part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. The bridge, which opened in June 2011, spans 165 kilometres. This bridge constructed in just 4 years, employing 10.000 workers, at a cost of about 8.5 million dollars. It crosses low rice paddies, part of the Yangtze River Delta, with just a few miles of the bridge actually crossing the open water of Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou. The bridge averages about 31 meters off the ground. 1.Danyang-Kunsgan Grand Bridge The sidu river bridge(2) is the tallest bridge in the world, standing around 1.500 ft tall. The are exactly 1.550 feet from the bottom of the bridge to the valley floor. It is located at the border of Yichang and En’shi in the Hubei province. It is 1365 meters across. This bridge connects Shanghai on the...
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...Ethics Behavior and Social Responsibility International Accounting Member of Group : 1. Rahmawati Yulistya C1I015026 2. Muhamad Ilham Akbar C1I015012 3. Astria Wulan P C1I015013 4. Siffa Sandi Sasmita C1I015025 5. Cita Husna Raisya C1I015026 6. Wulan Nilam Sari C1I015031 7. Karina Aprilia W C1I015037 8. Riyan Ardiyana C1I015043 Jenderal Soedirman University Faculty of Economics and Business I. Introduction I. Background Ethics Behavior and Social Responsibility Ethical behavior is that which is morally accepted as “good” and “right”. And opposed to “bad” and “wrong”. Social responsibility is a moral principle of an entity, be it an organization or individual, to act towards betterment of society at large. It is a duty that every firm and individual should perform so as to maintain the balance between the environment and economy. Their actions should lead towards sustainable development so as to safeguard the interests of the coming generations and at the same time fulfilling the needs of present population. The responsibility can be active, by performing activities that directly advance social goals, or passive, by avoiding any engagement in socially harmful act. Organizations can manage ethics in their workplaces by establishing an ethics management program. Brian Schrag, Executive Secretary of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, clarifies. “Typically, ethics programs convey corporate values...
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...Engineering , april 2008. [15] L. Tramontan, E. Grisan, and A. Ruggeri, ”An improved system for the automatic estimation of the arteriolar-to-Venular diameter ratio (AVR) in retinal images” ,inProc. 30th Annu. Int. Conf. IEEE Eng. Med. Biol.Soc., 2008 [16] C. Kondermann, D. Kondermann, and M. Yan, ”Blood vessel classifica-tion into arteries and veins in retinal images”;Proc. SPIE, Progr. Biomed. Opt. Imag., vol. 6512, no. 651247, Feb. 2007 [17] Harihar Narasimha-Iyer, Ali Can, Badrinath Roysam, Charles V. Stewart, Howard L. Tanenbaum, Anna Majerovics, and Hanumant Singh ;”Robust Detection and Classification of Longitudinal Changes in Color Retinal Fundus Images for Monitoring Diabetic Retinopathy” ;IEEE Transaction on biomedical enginering ,Vol. 53, No. 6, June 2006. [18] A. Mendonca and A. Campilho;”Segmentation of retinal blood vessels by combining the detection of centerlines and morphological reconstruc-tion”;IEEE Trans. Med. Imag., vol. 25, no. 9, pp. 1200-1213, Sep. 2006. [19] M. Foracchia, E. Grisan, and A. Ruggeri, ”Luminosity and contrast normalization in retinal images”; Med. Image Anal., vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 179-190, 2005. [20] M. Niemeijer, J. Staal, B. Ginneken, M. Loog, and M. Abramoff. (2004). DRIVE: Digital Retinal Images for Vessel Extraction[Online]. Available: http://www.isi.uu.nl/Research/Databases/DRIVE [21] K. A. Vermeer, F. M. Vos, H. G. Lemij, and A. M. Vossepoel,”A model based method for retinal blood vessel detection”;Comput. Biol. Med., vol...
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...Masters Programmes ------------------------------------------------- Assignment Cover Sheet Question: [Analyze a strategic issue facing Samsung Electronics Company] “This is to certify that the work I am submitting is my own. All external references and sources are clearly acknowledged and identified within the contents. I am aware of the University of Warwick regulation concerning plagiarism and collusion. No substantial part(s) of the work submitted here has also been submitted by me in other assessments for accredited courses of study, and I acknowledge that if this has been done an appropriate reduction in the mark I might otherwise have received will be made.” Introduction Samsung Electronics Company (SEC), Ltd founded in 1969 is a South Korean multinational electronics company and is the flagship subsidiary of the Samsung Group, accounting for 70% of the group's revenue. Since the introduction of monochrome television sets in 1971, it has grown on average 38 percent a year, broadening its product range from simple consumer electronics and home appliances to advanced information and communication equipment, computers and peripherals and semiconductors (Renee, 2007) . It is currently the world's largest manufacturer of mobile and smart phones, LCD Panels and televisions and displaced Apple Inc. as the largest technology company in 2011 (Renee, 2007). Industry boundary Samsung electronics has the following divisions * Consumer electronics (CE)...
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...BAB 7 A. PENGGABUNGAN USAHA Penggabungan Usaha adalah penyatuan entitas-entitas usaha. Penggabungan entitas usaha yang terpisah adalah suatu alternatif perluasan secara internal melalui akuisisi atau pengembangan kekayaan perusahaan secara bertahap, dan seringkali memberikan manfaat bagi semua entitas yang bersatu dan pemiliknya. Dunia usaha semakin lama semakin berkembang dan persaingan dalam jenis produk, mutu produk, maupun pemasarannya semakin ramai dan ketat sehingga seringkali timbul persaingan yang tidak sehat dan saling mengalahkan. Untuk mengatasi adanya saling merugikan antara perusahaan yang satu dengan perusahaan yang lain, perlu kiranya diadakan suatu bentuk kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan. Salah satu bentuk kerjasama yang dapat ditempuh adalah dengan melalui penggabungan usaha antara dua atau lebih perusahaan dengan perusahaan yang lain baik yang sejenis maupun yang tidak sejenis. Berdasarkan pernyataan standar akuntansi keuangan (PSAK) No. 22 paragraf 08 tahun 1999 :”Penggabungan usaha (business combination) adalah pernyataan dua atau lebih perusahaan yang terpisah menjadi satu entitas ekonomi karena satu perusahaan menyatu dengan (uniting wiith) perusahaan lain atau memperoleh kendali (control) atas aktiva dan operasi perusahaan lain” Sifat Penggabungan Usaha * Horizontal integration Adalah penggabungan perusahaan-perusahaan dalam lini usaha atau pasar yang sama, misalnya perusahaan consumer product bergabung dengan perusahaan consumer product...
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...A. PENGGABUNGAN USAHA Penggabungan Usaha adalah penyatuan entitas-entitas usaha. Penggabungan entitas usaha yang terpisah adalah suatu alternatif perluasan secara internal melalui akuisisi atau pengembangan kekayaan perusahaan secara bertahap, dan seringkali memberikan manfaat bagi semua entitas yang bersatu dan pemiliknya. Dunia usaha semakin lama semakin berkembang dan persaingan dalam jenis produk, mutu produk, maupun pemasarannya semakin ramai dan ketat sehingga seringkali timbul persaingan yang tidak sehat dan saling mengalahkan. Untuk mengatasi adanya saling merugikan antara perusahaan yang satu dengan perusahaan yang lain, perlu kiranya diadakan suatu bentuk kerja sama yang saling menguntungkan. Salah satu bentuk kerjasama yang dapat ditempuh adalah dengan melalui penggabungan usaha antara dua atau lebih perusahaan dengan perusahaan yang lain baik yang sejenis maupun yang tidak sejenis. Berdasarkan pernyataan standar akuntansi keuangan (PSAK) No. 22 paragraf 08 tahun 1999 :”Penggabungan usaha (business combination) adalah pernyataan dua atau lebih perusahaan yang terpisah menjadi satu entitas ekonomi karena satu perusahaan menyatu dengan (uniting wiith) perusahaan lain atau memperoleh kendali (control) atas aktiva dan operasi perusahaan lain” Sifat Penggabungan Usaha • Horizontal integration Adalah penggabungan perusahaan-perusahaan dalam lini usaha atau pasar yang sama, misalnya perusahaan consumer product bergabung dengan perusahaan consumer product...
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...Sadržaj 1. Uvod...............................................................................................................................3 2. „Monte Line“ D.O.O....................................................................................................4 3. Obrada uvoznog robnog toka sa carinjenjem tereta na vozilu................................5 3.1.Zaključivanje ugovora o špediciji................................................................................5 3.2.Zaključivanje ugovora o transportu, prateća dokumentacija i CMR...........................7 3.3.Carinjenje robe i potrebna dokumentacija...................................................................8 3.4. Doprema robe, preuzimanje i podnošenje računa......................................................10 4. Obrada uvoznog robnog toka sa carinjenjem tereta u skladištu...........................11 4.1. Zaključivanje ugovora o špediciji.............................................................................11 4.2. Zaključivanje ugovora o transportu, transport robe do skladišta u kom se vrši carinjenje...........................................................................................................................12 4.3.Priprema i prosleđivanje dokumentacije potrebne za carinjenje................................13 5. Razlike između obrađenih robnih tokova................................................................14 6. Problemi do kojih može...
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...HR PRACTICES OF WIPRO STUDENT UNDERTAKING This is to certify that we have completed the Project titled “H R P r a c t i c e s o f W I P R O ” under the guidance of Prof Sana Danani in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Management Studies at Rizvi College of Arts, Seience & commerce. This is an original piece of work & we have not submitted it earlier elsewhere. ROLL NO. 105 86 100 89 71 NAME: Jyoti Singh Atul kumar Pandey Muzaffar Shaikh Asim Qureshi Jangle Sanchit SIGN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank my Project Guide Prof. Sana Danani for her immense guidance, valuable help and the opportunity provided to us to complete the project under his guidance. I would like to thank all faculty members of Rizvi College of Arts, Science & Commerce for guiding and supporting me in the completion of project from time to time. Last but not the least, my gratitude to great almighty and my parents without whose concerned and devoted support the project would not have been the way it is today. ROLL NO. 105 86 100 89 71 NAME: Jyoti Singh Atul kumar Pandey Muzaffar Shaikh Asim Qureshi Jangle Sanchit SIGN SUBJECT PROFESSOR (Prof. Sana Danani) CO-ORDINATOR (Furkan Shaikh) CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project titled “ HR p r a c t i c e s o f W I P R O ” is an academic work done by the following student submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of bachelor of management...
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