...Date: July 01, 2013 To: Employees of Easy to Be Green (EBG) From: Human Resources Director Re: Announcing an Employee Education Program It’s been said that education is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom. EBG agrees strongly with this and that is why starting January 1, we will offer basic, intermediate, and advanced courses in reading, writing, and math throughout the company. In addition, the tuition reimbursement program will increase from $3000 a year to $5000. Educational Advantages EBG strives to give all our full time employees the ability to discuss the scientific concepts behind our company’s products and services with our customers. This is why we believe the training provided by these courses is beneficial to our staff. Advantages like: * Ability to take courses without manager’s recommendation * Convenience of taking courses during work hours without loss of pay * Freedom to take additional courses to enhance their knowledge in scientific development * Positive impact during quarterly performance and annual salary reviews Tuition Reimbursement Program In order to propel the program, the company has enhanced the current tuition reimbursement program by: * Providing the courses material (books) * Increasing maximum reimbursement to $5000 a year * Reimbursing the cost of books, tuition, and fees when a grade average of B or higher is attained * Allowing half days off to attend courses (with prior approval) ...
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...You have just been promoted from staff assistant in the Human Resources Office at Easy to Be Green to the new position of director of training, and your first project is to oversee the new reading, writing, and math courses. Recently, though, several department heads have complained that many employees do not know how to prepare and deliver presentations. You have begun to put together a short course on this, but the course will not be offered for a couple of months and only a small percentage of employees will be able to take it the first time anyway. You decide that, in the meantime, you will create an instructions document that can be sent to all employees immediately. For some employees, who just need a refresher, this document will probably be enough. For others, it will be an interim solution until they are able to take the course. Assignment 1. Drawing on ideas from the discussions and practice assignments as well as your own experiences in preparing and delivering presentations, compose a set of instructions on how to prepare and deliver an oral presentation to a live audience, that is, not for a presentation to be recorded for download. Follow these guidelines in writing your instructions. • Write the instructions in your own words, though of course you should draw on ideas and information that you have read and discussed for this course. If you do consult any sources apart from those used in the course, include citations throughout the document, placing...
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...DeVry University Keller Graduate School of Management Going GrEEN IN THE WORKPLACE Fndations of Professional Communication {ENGL510} Global warming has been affected the climate in a huge since the last century. In order to slow down the raised temperature, many climate associations strive to devote their work to balance the environment cycle. The priority task is implementing the green movement into our daily life. Today I would like to introduce one of the essential environmentally friendly—going green in our workplace. The basic concepts for performing the movements of environmentally friendly in workplace are reuse, reduce, and recycle. The biggest waste in office is the paper waste. There is a statistic showed, 71.6 million tons of paper which up to 40% of total waste produced in the U.S having been wasted each year (statspotting.com, 2012). If we can flip the paper for reusing the blank parts to write or to be printed, it will reduce more than 20 million tons of paper waste. Finally, collect those papers could save more than 15% trees been cut. Next part for green in the workplace is controlling the electricity. Inside the office, we can change light switch into sensor switch. This kind of sensor will automatically turn off the light when there is no employee inside. There is another thing inside the office we have to pay much attention as well—the temperature adjustment. The most comfortable temperature is five more or...
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...ENGL510-- Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 4 Procedural Message Background: Writing and Distributing a Set of Instructions ------------------------------------------------- You have just been promoted from staff assistant in the Human Resources Office at Easy to Be Green to the new position of director of training, and your first project is to oversee the new reading, writing, and math courses. Recently, though, several department heads have complained that many employees do not know how to prepare and deliver presentations. You have begun to put together a short course on this, but the course will not be offered for a couple of months and only a small percentage of employees will be able to take it the first time anyway. ------------------------------------------------- You decide that, in the meantime, you will create an instructions document that can be sent to all employees immediately. For some employees, who just need a refresher, this document will probably be enough. For others, it will be an interim solution until they are able to take the course. Assignment 1. Drawing on ideas from the discussions and practice assignmentsas well as your own experiences in preparing and delivering presentations, compose a set of instructions on how to prepare and deliver an oral presentationto a live audience, that is, not for a presentation to be recorded for download. Follow these guidelines in writing your instructions. * Write...
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...ENGL510 – Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 3 – Bad News Message/Group Project Below you will find five documents: 1. The assignment itself – pages 3-4 2. A template to follow in writing the message called for in the assignment – page 5 3. A letter you can use as a model for the message called for in the assignment – page 6 4. The criteria that will be used in grading the message – page 7 5. The form you will use in Week 5 to evaluate fellow group members - page 8 Please read all of these carefully and let me know if you have questions about any of them. In addition, please note that in the second Week 4 discussion—Working in Groups/Writing Bad News—you will be preparing to get started in this group project but that you will not actually begin the project until Week 5. In Week 5, please save, as a Word document, using the file name “3yourlastname1,” the draft that the group as a whole has agreed on, and post it in the Week 5 Bad News Message Draft Dropbox by midnight Sunday. In Week 6, please save the revision that the group as a whole has agreed on, using the file name “3yourlastname2,” and post it in the Week 6 Bad News Message Final Dropbox by midnight Sunday. You will also post, in the Week 6 Group Project Peer Evaluation Dropbox, a form in which you will evaluate the input of your fellow group members. I will grade the messages, using the 55-point criteria sheet below and giving all contributing group members the same...
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...ENGL510 – Foundations of Professional Communication Oral Presentation Assignment—Persuasive Presentation Note: To complete this assignment, you will need a microphone for your computer. If you don’t have one, you may need to purchase one. You should be able to get a fairly inexpensive one at an electronics store. Background Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca said, "You can have exceptional ideas, but if you can't communicate them, it's as if you have no ideas at all." So far we have been focusing on written communication, but oral communication is just as important in many work situations. Both informative and persuasive presentations are very important in the workplace, but the presentation that you will do in this course is a persuasive presentation. That is, you will imagine a particular audience and a particular workplace situation in which you would need to convince that audience to take a particular action. Assignment You will imagine a particular audience and a particular workplace situation in which you would need to convince that audience to take a particular action. Choose one of the topics listed below, and then develop and deliver a persuasive presentation that is about 8–10 minutes long using a PowerPoint presentation. Imagine a situation in which you would need to persuade a particular workplace audience to take a particular position or action in relation to this topic. For example, if you choose affirmative action, your presentation would...
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...ENGL510 – Foundations of Professional Communication Oral Presentation Assignment—Persuasive Presentation Note: To complete this assignment, you will need a microphone for your computer. If you don’t have one, you may need to purchase one. You should be able to get a fairly inexpensive one at an electronics store. Background Former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca said, "You can have exceptional ideas, but if you can't communicate them, it's as if you have no ideas at all." So far we have been focusing on written communication, but oral communication is just as important in many work situations. Both informative and persuasive presentations are very important in the workplace, but the presentation that you will do in this course is a persuasive presentation. That is, you will imagine a particular audience and a particular workplace situation in which you would need to convince that audience to take a particular action. Assignment You will imagine a particular audience and a particular workplace situation in which you would need to convince that audience to take a particular action. Choose one of the topics listed below, and then develop and deliver a persuasive presentation that is about 8–10 minutes long using a PowerPoint presentation. Imagine a situation in which you would need to persuade a particular workplace audience to take a particular position or action in relation to this topic. For example, if you choose affirmative action, your presentation would...
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...ENGL510 Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 3 -- Bad News Message Instructions In this assignment you will complete a collaborative project designed to solve the problem of delivering bad news. Communicating bad news is one example of a complex workplace problem. Incorporate strategies for analyzing group dynamics, resolving conflict, and communicating in a multicultural environment to complete the project. Each group has a dedicated discussion area to work on the assignment which begins with an individual effort. Situation: Giving Bad News to a Customer ------------------------------------------------- You are the sales manager at Easy to Be Green. One of the company’s services is to design and install energy-efficient heating, cooling, and insulation systems in both new and existing buildings. Because these systems are custom-designed and involve a variety of sub-contractors, no changes can be made to the design after a date specified in the contract. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- This morning one of your sales people, Chris, comes to you with a problem. The construction manager at Greenfield Community College, a new client with a huge campus and many ongoing construction and renovation projects, has written to Chris requesting a change in the location of a venting apparatus to accommodate a change in the campus’s overall design plan. The request was made...
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...ENGL510 Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 3 -- Bad News Message Instructions In this assignment you will complete a collaborative project designed to solve the problem of delivering bad news. Communicating bad news is one example of a complex workplace problem. Incorporate strategies for analyzing group dynamics, resolving conflict, and communicating in a multicultural environment to complete the project. Each group has a dedicated discussion area to work on the assignment which begins with an individual effort. Situation: Giving Bad News to a Customer ------------------------------------------------- You are the sales manager at Easy to Be Green. One of the company’s services is to design and install energy-efficient heating, cooling, and insulation systems in both new and existing buildings. Because these systems are custom-designed and involve a variety of sub-contractors, no changes can be made to the design after a date specified in the contract. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- This morning one of your sales people, Chris, comes to you with a problem. The construction manager at Greenfield Community College, a new client with a huge campus and many ongoing construction and renovation projects, has written to Chris requesting a change in the location of a venting apparatus to accommodate a change in the campus’s overall design plan. The request was made...
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...ENGL510 – Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 4 – Procedural Message Below you will find three documents: 1. The assignment itself – pages 2-3 2. A set of formatting guidelines for writing instructions – page 4 4. The criteria that will be used in grading the message – page 5 Please read all of these carefully and let me know if you have questions about any of them. Please save your assignment as a Word document using the file name “4yourlastname,” and post it in the Week 7 Writing Assignment 4 Dropbox by midnight Sunday. Please use the following basic formatting: • One-inch margins all around • Left-only justification • 12-point regular Times New Roman font. (Although 11-point Calibri is Word’s default font, serif fonts like Times New Roman are more reader friendly for longer texts because the serifs draw the eye forward, while sans-serif fonts like Calibri are more effective for very brief texts in which you want to hold the eye.) • Simple, visually crisp headings and bulleted or numbered lists. See the final bulleted point in the Formatting Guidelines on page 5 below. Please let me know if you have any questions at all the about the assignment or the procedures for submitting it! Writing Assignment 4 Procedural Message - Writing and Distributing a Set of Instructions Background You have just been promoted from staff assistant in the Human Resources Office at Easy...
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...ENGL510 – Foundations of Professional Communication Writing Assignment 2 – Persuasive Message Below you will find four documents: 1. The assignment itself – pages 2-3 2. A template to follow in writing the message called for in the assignment – page 4 3. A sample message that you can use as a model – page 5 4. The criteria that will be used in grading the message – page 6 Please read all of these carefully and let me know if you have questions about any of them. Please also see the model persuasive message on page 139 (Chapter 8) of the textbook, as well as the Week 2 discussion of two possible versions of a persuasive message. In Week 3, please save your assignment draft, as a Word document, using the file name “2yourlastname1,” and post it in the Week 3 Writing Assignment 2 Draft Dropbox by midnight Sunday. In Week 4, please re-save your assignment revision using the file name “2yourlastname2,” and post it in the Week 4 Writing Assignment 2 Revision Dropbox by midnight Sunday. Please use the following basic formatting: • Memo heading (see page 87 of the textbook) • One-inch margins all around • Left-only justification • 12-point regular Times New Roman font. (Although 11-point Calibri is Word’s default font, serif fonts like Times New Roman are more reader friendly for longer texts because the serifs draw the eye forward, while sans-serif fonts like Calibri are more effective for very brief texts in which you want to hold...
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