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English 111 Reflection

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The information learned in English 111 will have a major impact in my life. This class was created to teach students how to write properly and understand different genres of writing and to emphasize the importance of writing. As numerous of us continue our educational paths, it will be critical to understand the fundamentals of writing, and I am positive this class will be a great stepping stone. Through the course’s heavy focus on annotation, writing, and analyzation, I hope to learn new information that can act as a stepping stone for my career path. My intentions for this class is to learn the valuable tools of writing and reading, not receiving an A.
English 111 is a class focused heavily on writing, so I expect to learn different formats of writing such as essays and articles and how to write them properly. In order to achieve a full, detailed understanding of different writing techniques, it is essential for students to be exposed to a variety of texts. I expect the class to be assigned different forms of writings to achieve a better understanding of different types of texts. As we read our assigned passages, many of us will portray words and ideas that differ from each other. Because of our different backgrounds …show more content…
Writing essays and answering questions about a topic did not come easy to me. In this class, I want to gain the foundation that will enable me to become better writer. I look forward to learning how to read critically and how to understand words at a deeper level, something every writer must accomplish. Learning how to annotate readings will also be a great tool to learn, encouraging me to engage with passages at a personal level to help me fully grasp the purpose of the text. Overall, I would love to gain a new perspective on writing. Although writing has not come easy to me in the past, I hope to attain certain skills that will enable me to become a better

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