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Enhanced Recovery Paper

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For years, there has been research supporting the implementation of enhanced recovery (ER) processes into the care plan for surgical patients.1-7 By definition ER care protocols are multidisciplinary evidenced based recommendations that have been bundled together to improve surgical outcomes.1-7 Positive ER outcomes reported in the literature are decreases in length of stay in hospital, complication rates, use of analgesia, cost for patients as well as increases in patient comfort, satisfaction and return to pre-op functionality. 1-7 There are different models of ER pathways studies such as the four-step Rapid Recovery process to the sixteen-element ERAS pathways published by the ERAS Society formed 2003.1-7 Regardless of how simple or complex the enhanced recovery programs (ERPs) incorporate best practice essentials aimed at attenuating the stress response to surgery with guidelines for before, during and after surgery care. 1-7
The …show more content…
The efforts of this study should aid in determining facility and specialty specific needs for the efficacious start and execution of Enhanced Recovery Programs in the Wake Med Health …show more content…
Wake Med offers a variety of dedicated surgical services: cardiovascular and thoracic, dental, ear, nose and throat, gastroenterology, general surgery, gynecology, interventional radiology, neurovascular, orthopedic, pediatric, vascular, urology and weight loss. Wake Med’s organization further offers specialized services in physical therapy, clinical nutrition, anesthesiology, pharmacology as well as nursing. Wake Med’s employees from a variety of service areas will make up the participant group for this

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