...James Blount was born a slave on a Louisiana cotton plantation in the summer of 1860. His mother and elder brother were also enslaved on the same plantation, and his black family could trace their ancestry to the same sugar plantation for five generations. Following the start of the Civil War in 1861, his family fled to New York to escape the chaos of the conflict and his beloved brother would enlist and serve in the Union Army. His brother would die in the war, leaving James and his mother heartbroken. As a result, his mother would also die due to related trauma. James would be the first, enslaved member of his family to receive his legal freedom, citizenship, and right to vote with the passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments, in 1868 and 1870 respectively. In 1898, James who was now 38 years old, was enjoying his role as the preacher at the Royal African Methodist Church in Brooklyn, New York. James, on good days, identified as a Republican and was a civil rights activist fighting against systemic racism. As a result of his and his family’s enslavement, James opposed the United States acquisition of Spanish territory in the Pacific and did not support the annexation of the Philippines. America’s conquest of non-white territories was done by subjugating these...
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...safety regulations, these practices are deemed unsafe and clearly violate the golden rule. Switching roles with the workers, you would not want to put your life on the line every time you climb structures to do your job. Or you would not want your hearing to be impaired after years of operating loud machinery without hearing protection. Therefore, there is a clear violation of the Golden Rule. Another scenario will be in the case of exploitation or slave labour. Goodin’s 5 conditions: 1) Imbalance of power between the exploited and the dominant 2) Exploited party needs the resources provided by dominant party to protect his vital interest 3) Dominant party exercises discretionary control over this vital resource 4) Only access to this resource is through the exploitive relationship 5) Resources provided by the exploited are used without adequate compensation By the Golden Rule, it is safe to assume that no one would want to be exploited or be enslaved and be stripped of any human rights and dignity. Host countries’ regulations may not be very stringent and still allow such unsafe practices. Buying safety equipment and retraining workers on safety might cost Company X more but ensure fewer workplace accidents and higher...
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...the International Labor Organization there are around 21 million people forced into labor today, although since it is illegal there is no exact count. It is a global problem especially for developing countries and poverty-stricken people, whose vulnerability is being exploited by others for the gain of profit. According to the 1930 Forced Labor Convention slavery is “all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which they said person has not offered him voluntarily.” Traditional definitions of slavery have changed and a distinction between different forms of forced labor has developed: Bonded labor, forced labor, slavery by descent, forced marriage, and child slavery. In accordance with the International Labor Rights Forum, Hundreds of thousands of workers toil without pay in Latin America, producing timber, gold and the charcoal used to make steel. Their labor goes into materials bought by major companies: including General Motors, Kohler, Toyota and Whirlpool. An estimated 30 million people worldwide are living in modern-day slavery, of which 2.1 million are in Pakistan and a staggering 14 million are based in India. India has the highest total number of enslaved people in the world, between...
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...world are facing human trafficking every day. According to UNODC, human trafficking is the transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons by using force, or other forms of abduction, or fraud, or of giving and receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. This kind of exploitation includes the sexual exploitation, forced labor or services, and slavery or practices similar to slavery (2013). Countries all over the world are affected by human trafficking (UN). Trafficking often occurs from less developed countries to more developed countries (UN). According to the Association of Flight Attendants, 12.3 million adults and children are exploited around the world, 56% are women and girls (2013). The International Labor Organization estimated that in 2005, 980,000 to 1,225 million boys and girls were forced into labor situation. As mentioned in Baumgardner work, human trafficking is expected to be the number one crime in America in 2012. Human trafficking is a 40 billion dollars a year industry. More than 100,000 children in the United States are forced to engage in prostitution each year. The United States is the number one destination for sex tourism (2012). In the undeveloped countries, lack of money and employment are the main causes for human trafficking. Women are the first to be urged to leave their home country and move to a wealthier country where good chances of labor...
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...The topic of slavery has caused a striking conversation for decades. Often when people think about slavery they only think about slavery in America before the Civil War. Slave trade began in the fifteenth century, when the Portuguese began exploring the coast of West Africa. Slavery then continued out to the rest of South America, the Middle East, and Europe. Soon more people became a part of the Atlantic Slave trade. Some Africans would be sent to Europe, because they were conditioned to work in a tropical environment, and the Europeans wanted workers who could work in any environment. During the high mid century serfdom was introduced in Europe. Much like slavery, serfdom linked peasants to a plot of land owned by their lord. Though they...
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...African American women had suffered greatly during the history of America. They were oppressed and exploited during slavery. They were discriminated against on every level throughout history. African American women were tired of being treated as unequal as well as having to be segregated in public places. They readily joined the movement. Rosa Parks is perhaps the most recognized and well-known black woman of the Civil Rights Movement and gained recognition for being a famous activist for civil rights when she sat in the ‘whites only’ part of a bus she was taking home from work. When asked by a white man to give up her set to him, she refused. She was arrested for disobeying the Alabama law requiring black people to give up their seats to white people when the bus was full. This act eventually led to the 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregation...
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...social and emotional acceptance, as a natural continuation of other forms of commercial sex work, such as stripping and dancing and to support substance use. For many, a combination of these reasons served as the encouragement to begin trading sex.” In some types of human trafficking, young children are sold into the trade by relatives who want money and then the children may involve in sex trade. These victims are then enslaved until they can pay for their own release. In another common scenario, women are lured to a far-away place with false promises of easy work and high pay in a tourism job, a study abroad program, or some other industry, only to find that the work is prostitution and the pay is non-existent. These women are then forced to work until they can pay back a debt to their creditors. In a third scenario, women and young girls are kidnapped and sexually exploited for money. Alternately, women and girls may be lured into a relationship with a bribe of gifts, flattery, and alcohol or drugs, before she becomes dependent upon him and is sexually exploited. As the sex trade...
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...They were sold and trade like animals and exploited in the plantations to cultivate tobacco, rice, cotton and sugar for the rich. Indentured servants were another cheap labor brought to the colonies from Europe who aspired a better life. Like Black slaves, they are exploited, oppressed and enslaved. According to Zinn: “Servants could not marry without permission, could be separated from their families, could be whipped for various offenses”. There were woman who raped, beating to death. They were not allowed in juries. They were not be able to raise their voice toward harassment. Some servants opposed their masters with mass desertion or use money to buy freedom for themselves. There were a few people who finished their contract agreement with their masters and became freeman. They conducted several individual strikes but soon surpassed by white rulers. After those riots, the governors even passed new laws to...
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...insurgency seeking to oust the current government. The government remains in control of the capital city of Freetown. A third significant place is the a United Nations meeting hall where the United States and other powerful Western countries make life altering decisions regarding the state of Sierra Leone. Despite the stark differences in the characteristics of these places, there’s one element that is present in all three – corruption. Greed and personal interest is the uniting factor in the three significant places in the film. So rampant is this self-interest attitude that it takes a reality of its own as TIA, short for “This is Africa.” Here, no one can be trusted and everyone strives for himself. On the RUF controlled mine field, enslaved men sift through muddy valleys for diamonds at gunpoint. With child soldiers holding rifles ready to shoot, any sign of theft or inability is punishable by death. The place is represented in the movie as a resourceful place where the RUF get the diamonds and trade them for weapons. The success of their mining operations and the consequent smuggle to neighboring...
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...Human Trafficking Valarie Plummer, William Halstead, Kipp Ferrebee, Makayla Gilliam, Talisha Winston BSHS 302 September 19, 2001 Stephanie Chupein Human Trafficking Human trafficking is a complex problem that is affecting the world in the 21st century. It is a crime of exploitation of people who either willingly choose to be exploited because of poor economic conditions and of people who are the unwilling victims of criminal acts that force them to work as virtual slaves or prostitutes. It shouldn’t matter if the labor that is done by the exploited party is physical labor or prostitution; human trafficking is a serious violation of a person’s human rights. It is a modern form of slavery that should have no place in a modern, civilized society. The continued exploitation of human beings—men, women, and children—is a crime against humanity. It is also a symptom of a world that has yet to meet the goal of recognizing that we are all the same and that we are interconnected. It is a crime that demonstrates a clear lack of the value that we are all brothers and sisters. It is the continued victimization of people who are most in need of help. It is the willful and deliberate act of taking advantage of human beings by forcing them into forced slave labor or sexual exploitation. It is a form of modern slavery and it should have no place in modern society. Human trafficking is not just a problem in the so-called Third World. It is not just a problem in countries with a high...
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...committees. Also, the communication channels used to communicate externally between the animal farm and the outside world, such as the use of word of mouth from Mr. Whymper as the messenger and the receiver, also the pigeons was used as messengers to spread news to other farms in England. Furthermore, technology was witnessed to prevail at the end of the story, as a source of progress in Animal Farm such as installing a telephone and subscribing to magazines. Animal farm also portrayed a comparison between the leadership approaches of human with that of the pigs that controlled the farm. In Animal Farm, old Major the boar on the Manor Farm, called the animals for a meeting and made a speech, Major explained to the animals that they are enslaved and exploited, and that man is to blame. Old Major was a visionary leader, he communicated his vision and mission clearly to the animals and stated that ‘Whatever goes on two legs is an enemy’. Old Major instructed the animals ‘that in fighting against man we must not come to resemble him’, ‘Even when you have conquered him, do not adopt his vices’. Major also outlined the seven...
Words: 1863 - Pages: 8
...It is shocking that there are more slaves today than at any other time in history. That’s the reaction one gets after realizing that there are added slaves today, approximately 27 million, ( according to the U.S State Department) double the total number believed to have been taken from Africa at the helm of the trans-Atlantic trade. Many people still perceive slave trade as a thing of the past, but it exists within different forms on different continents, ranging from labor and sex trade to debt enslavement, where one is forced to work to offset small loans. From Niger within central Africa where females are bought and sold off as unauthorized wives thus exploited for sexual gratification, to quarry slave within northern India, and Ghana where...
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...Africa, a nation of immense natural resources, has been the victim of imperialism for many years. Europeans, declaring themselves "missionaries of God," have worked to pursue manifest destiny and bring God to the "savage" Africans. In order to do the Lord's work, in the 19th century, European countries divided African lands amongst themselves, exploited their then still undeveloped resources, and enslaved the African people, thus furthering their own commercial interests and expanding their kingdoms. Even after the de-colonization of Africa, the boundaries of the newly born states drawn with no regard to tribal lands and the European and American companies that own the majority of Africa's most resourceful land, are reminders that a form of imperialism still exists. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Rudyard Kipling's "The White Man's Burden" depict the 19th century belief that it is the white man's destiny through God to colonize Africa and other under-developed nations. It is up to the reader to decide how each of these works are to be taken, and whether or not they will see the horror of it all. These two publications along with a 20th century African charter demonstrate that the imperialism existing in 19th century Africa still exists to some extent today. Rudyard Kipling's " The White Man's Burden" was published in McClure's Magazine in February of 1899, just three years before Heart of Darkness was released in Great Britain. Upon reading Kipling's piece, it is difficult...
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...CNN reporter, John D. Sutter, spent eight days in the December of 2011 researching slavery in Mauritania. During his trip, he met Moulkheir Mint Yarba, a woman who had been enslaved her entire life. Moulkheir told of her story in detail, including the horrible abuses she had lived through. After describing herself as “like an animal living with animals,” due to all the time she spent “tending her master’s herd,” one cannot begin to imagine how traumatic her life has been. Moulkheir was raped numerous times by her master. The first time she was raped, her master took her to the middle of a goat field and committed the act in front of all the animals, making Moulkheir feel helpless and worthless. All six of her children are a result of her master raping her. After returning from work in the field one afternoon, she arrived to find “her baby girl… had been left outdoors to die… eyes open and covered in ants.” The...
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...5,000 tons of lithium during 2014. That represents a 300-ton increase from 2013. B Alkali Lake is located 7 miles from a chemical plant in Oregon, and it is the only producing lithium brine operation in North America. II- Who obtains this Lithium and How A -Foxconn has more than 100 production lines working 24 hours a day and each production line has to meet a very strong demand. B On top of that, with labor being as cheap as it is in China, Foxconn is keeps 90% of its production factories right there. III- So Now these companies are “Under the microscope” A "If companies don't know or don't care who is producing their products, it's much harder to know whether workers are being exploited or even enslaved, B Apple's audit in 2014 uncovered 74 underage workers at a single factory. Conclusion- It s easy for us to avoid this kind of injustice in the world and for that there’s something to be said. However if we were forced to live in areas affected by these corrupt laws and corporations I feel like getting access to the wifi would be the least of our...
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