Premium Essay

Enter Secretar Argumentative Essay

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Words 867
Pages 4
What great American river once flowed roaring white water now bursts its banks with corn. Corn the fat fuel of industry, corn the omnipresent grain, corn the true currency of the American economy. Corn the Daemon Lover which at first embraces and returns years later to sail straight to the dark black land which is the result of fifty years of nationwide monoculture. Corn monoculture for America's societal monoculture. The ever lauded melting pot is in fact a crucible which, in an unfortunate twist of alchemy, reduces a thousand golden cultures to a single leaden mass with no legacy. Likewise, America has no food culture, no legacy in what she eats. Tortillas have been chewed for millennia as have sourdough and roti, but when was the Big Mac first consumed? When did food go from being comprised of ingredients you could count on one hand and recognize on a shelf to a witch's brew of unpronounceable, untraceable extracts, gums, and flavorants? Enter …show more content…
The process of feeding corn to cows, which have evolved for millions of years to eat grass, is severely detrimental to their health. When Cows graze on grass, they have sufficient room to spread out and be healthy, but because corn is introduced to the feeding environment by humans, it must be delivered in troughs which pack thousands of animals shoulder to shoulder. Disease is easily spread in these concentrated conditions, and if a cow was not slaughtered at the usual 14-16 months, it could die from sickness. Additionally, the introduction of corn to the rumen (a digestive chamber in a cow) creates abnormally acidic conditions allowing E. coli, which naturally thrive in the normally neutral rumen and are instantaneously eliminated in the acidic human stomach to adapt to a low pH environment, which enables the bacteria to survive inside a human. The contemporary E. coli affliction is therefore a direct result of the use of corn as animal feed. The meat you eat is

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