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Indie Music Research Paper

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Indie music represents a platform of music where no musician is turned away and creative boundaries are nonexistent. Though the Indie music movement has become quite common in today’s music industry, in the wider scope of history, independent music is a relatively new concept. The term was first coined in England during the early 1980s as a way to differentiate between “mainstream” music recorded under public labels and “non-mainstream” music recorded under independent labels. (“Indie Rock Music” Para 1) Deborah Cohen explained the definition perfectly by saying, “The approach was anarchic and participatory: the idea (at least theoretically) was that anyone could get a band together, learn to play, and maybe even press a record and take the …show more content…
With the limitations virtually boundless artists are able to create different sounds on one album while still staying under the umbrella of this style. As an example, Grouplove is a semi-popular band in the indie-rock genre. The band formed in late 2009 after meeting on the island of Crete at an art residency in Greece. While there the newly-found friends made a plan to meet back up in the states and write music together. Hannah Hooper, Sean Gadd, Ryan Rabin, Andrew Wessen, and Christian Zucconi all came together to form the band we now know as Grouplove. The band has since gone on several tours and have even made it to number forty-two on the ‘Billboard’s Hot One-Hundred’ in 2012. Throughout the years, the band has released two full albums and has also appeared on the “Paper Towns” Soundtrack (Monger Para 1). Even though Indie-Rock is a favorite, it is not the only popular …show more content…
It is actually a sub-genre of indie-rock; both are similar in a lot of ways yet very different in others. Generally, rock is more emotional, while pop has a happy, upbeat tune. Like indie rock, pop entails various styles and forms without limitation. On extremely well-known band in this particular genre is Foster the People. The band was formed in 2009 by singer/songwriter Mark Foster. Originally Foster wanted to be a solo artist but recruited a bass player Cubbie Fink and drummer Mark Pontius early on. They released their first song “Pumped Up Kicks” in 2010 and gained a small amount or popularity. However, it was not until a record company picked them up in 2011 that “Pumped Up Kicks) became a hit (Kerr Para 2). “Thanks to the single, the band quickly gained attention online. The song also reached number one on Billboard's Alternative Songs chart and 13 on Billboard Hot 100.” (AceShowbiz Para 3) This success was an impressive achievement for the band and for the name of

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