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Indwelling Catheterization: A Case Study

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Urinary catheterization is a common skill performed by nurses in hospitals, long-term care facilities as well as home settings. This procedure “involves introducing a latex or plastic tube through the urethra and into the bladder. The catheter provides a continuous flow of urine in patients unable to control micturition or those with obstructions.” (Potter, Perry, Stockert, & Hall, 2013, p. 1061) Reasons for long-term indwelling catheterization include “severe urinary retention with recurrent episodes of UTI; skin rashes, ulcers, or wounds irritated by contact with urine; terminal illness when bed linen changes are painful for patient.” (Potter, et al 2013, p. 1061) The indwelling catheter procedure has specific guidelines that should be followed. It is imperative that nurses as well as nursing students follow these guidelines to ensure excellent patient care.
This topic was chosen due to a family member who had resided in an assisted living facility for three months postoperative hip fracture surgery and had complications from the indwelling catheter. This particular family member, diagnosed with dementia and at the time of admission, unable to ambulate, led to the necessity for the long-term indwelling catheter. The catheterization did cause the patient to have a catheter-associated …show more content…
Many times these infections can be prevented if the healthcare workers involved were more informed on how these infections develop and how to avoid them. Guidelines published include topics such as criteria for insertion of catheters, proper hand hygiene, maintaining a sterile field, criteria for removing indwelling catheters (and daily assessing), and tactics to assist healthcare worker compliance including intermittent training and continuing

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