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Genetic Manipulation Planner

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Human Genetic Manipulation Planner (3.7) AS91607 Name: Vincent Judson-Leitch
Outline relevant biological knowledge for selective breeding: Selective breeding is when certain animals with desirable characteristics are selected from a mixed population and then breed together, and then the offspring with the desired characteristics are selected and also breed together - so it continues through generations until all offspring have the desired characteristics.
Name of example: Belgian Blue Cattle
Biological ideas relating to the example: Belgian Blues are recognisable from their extremely muscled frame and huge size. In fact, they actually develop what is called ‘double-muscling’. The double-muscling phenotype is a heritable condition resulting …show more content…
For example, insect-resistant transgenic plants have been engineered, such as BT-Corn. BT-corn is a type of genetically modified organism (GMO). A GMO is a plant or animal that has been genetically modified through the addition of a small amount of genetic material from other organisms through molecular techniques. Currently, the GMOs on the market today have been given genetic traits to provide protection from pests, tolerance to pesticides, or to improve its quality. To transform a plant into a GMO plant, the gene that produces a genetic trait of interest is identified and separated from the rest of the genetic material from a donor organism. Most organisms have thousands of genes, a single gene represents only a tiny fraction of the total genetic makeup of an organism. A donor organism may be a bacterium, fungus or even another plant. In the case of BT-Corn, the donor organism is a naturally occurring soil bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, and the gene of interest produces a protein that kills Lepidoptera larvae, in particular, European corn borer. This protein is called the BT delta endotoxin. Growers use BT-Corn as an alternative to spraying insecticides for control of European and southwestern corn

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